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FCC Civil Engineering John Osborne, Jo Stanyard, Matt Stuart(SMB - Site Engineering - FAS Section) Cost & schedule Phase 3 - specification 10th May 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "FCC Civil Engineering John Osborne, Jo Stanyard, Matt Stuart(SMB - Site Engineering - FAS Section) Cost & schedule Phase 3 - specification 10th May 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCC Civil Engineering John Osborne, Jo Stanyard, Matt Stuart(SMB - Site Engineering - FAS Section) Cost & schedule Phase 3 - specification 10th May 2017

2 Contents Alignment position update Cross-section and design updates
Additional schedule constraints FCC-ee machine requirements FCC-eh machine requirements Surface updates Interaction point layout Geological investigation planning Spoil schedule Elliptical v circular shaft Shaft F options comparison Inclined access tunnels Mobile platform for installation of services Junction cavern evaluation 39th I&O meeting –

3 Alignment update 39th I&O meeting – 19-07-17
An order has already been placed with GADZ to provide more geotechnical information on areas where the tunnel passes through the moraines. 39th I&O meeting –

4 Cross-section and design updates
Non-exhaustive list: Tunnel cross-section updates Beam dump design update Alcove number refined Partitions IR update 39th I&O meeting –

5 Phase 3 - considerations
Additional schedule constraints Take FCC and SPS operational schedules into consideration Will an additional shaft near LHC connection be required for spoil removal? FCC-ee machine requirements Lattice file comparison under consideration, to be developed with integration FCC-eh machine requirements Under consideration at point L Drawings and specification under development Surface updates Some surface site updates pending, to be developed by integration Access to the sites to be evaluated and cost and schedule of any additional structures (roads, bridges, tunnels) to be included. Interaction point layout Consider variation where spacing between caverns is 10 m. FCC experimental point. 39th I&O meeting –

6 Phase 3 - considerations
Geological investigation planning Next step for the project will be geological investigations Particularly interested in non-destructive testing Initial step is a plan with a cost and schedule estimate for investigations Spoil schedule A schedule is required for the quantity, type and shaft location of spoil produced during excavation. 39th I&O meeting –

7 Phase 3 - considerations
Elliptical v circular shaft Which is more efficient in terms of cost and schedule for the 18 m magnet lowering shafts. Shaft F options comparison Shaft F is unacceptably deep, a reasonable alternative to a 12 m diameter vertical shaft is required Inclined access tunnels Positions still under assessment Work closely with the project schedule Two variations included in the specification Issue: Exceptionally deep shaft at point F Possible Solutions: Remove shaft and have a bypass tunnel Replace with a shaft of a smaller diameter Replace with an inclined access tunnel 39th I&O meeting –

8 Phase 3 - considerations
Mobile platform for installation of services in shafts Examples from previous projects along with cost estimates. Junction cavern evaluation Dimensions of junction caverns to be revaluated to produce more streamlines baseline design. 39th I&O meeting –

9 Required for each draft
Timeline for Phase 3 Study to be continued with ILF Consulting: First draft November 2017 Second draft January 2018 Final report March 2018 Required for each draft Report chapter Cost Estimate Schedule Estimate Alignment position update Yes Baseline Cross-section and design updates Additional schedule constraints FCC-ee machine requirements x FCC-eh machine requirements Surface updates Interaction point layout Geological investigation planning Spoil schedule N/A Elliptical v circular shaft Inclined access tunnels Shaft F options comparison Mobile Platform for installation of services Junction cavern evaluation 39th I&O meeting –

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