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The Invention of Television

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1 The Invention of Television
With this power point we will find out the creators of the Television and its growth over time By :Whitney CANNON

2 Area of Interaction Television is part of Human Ingenuity….
Meaning Inventive skill or imagination; cleverness. Imaginative and clever design or construction: a narrative plot of great ingenuity. An ingenious or imaginative contrivance. Obsolete. Ingenuousness.

3 The inventors of the television
American Philo Farnsworth and Russian immigrant Vladimir Zworykin had designed an image through a lens onto an array of photo electric cells coating the end of the tube. Rather than an electron beam Farnsworth image dissector device used an “anode finger” to scan the picture. Both images then transmitted the current to a cathode Fascinating facts about the inversion of the television by. Philo T. Farnsworth Earlier TV devices had been based on an 1884 invention called the scanning disk, Patented by Paul Nipkin.

4 Who Did What Both Zworykin's and Philo's devices then transmitted the current to a cathode-ray tube, which recreated the image by scanning it onto a fluorescent surface In 1934, the British communications company British Gaumont bought a license from Farnsworth to make systems based on his designs. In 1939, the American company RCA did the same. Farnsworth applied for a patent for his image dissector in 1927.

5 Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin
Who should get credit ?

6 Rights over the First inventor of the Television
In the late thirties, when RCA and Zworykin, who was now working for RCA, tried to claim rights to the essence of television, it became evident that Farnsworth held the priority patent in the technology. In the height of the legal battle for patent priority, Farnsworth’s high school science teacher was subpoenaed and traveled to Washington to testify that as a 14 year old, Farnsworth had shared his ideas of his television scanning tube with his teacher. In the height of the legal battle for patent priority, Farnsworth’s high school science teacher was subpoenaed and traveled to Washington to testify that as a 14 year old, Farnsworth had shared his ideas of his television scanning tube with his teacher.

7 Improvements of the television
Since Marconi’s invention of the wireless telegraphy in 1897, the imagination of many inventors have been sparked with the notion of sending images. Another player of the times was John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer and entrepreneur who 'achieved his first transmissions of simple face shapes in 1924 using mechanical television.

8 Where are We Now ???????

9 Today in Television Today in television we have so many new things for example……… In 1973Giant screen projection TV is first marketed. In 1982Dolby surround sound for home sets is introduced. In 1986Super VHS introduced In 1996The FCC approves ATSC's HDTV standard. A billion TV sets world-wide.

10 My thoughts Technology has come along way from the 20th century to the 21st century. Television used to be a luxury now it is an every day thing. What would we do without the source of television. How would we know where to go or not to if an accident happens. We should thank the creators of the television Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin.

11 The Invention of Television
The End The Invention of Television

12 Sources

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