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Task Force for Cholera Control – Borno State

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1 Task Force for Cholera Control – Borno State


3 Cholera in Nigeria December 1970: cases (2945 deaths) in a village near Lagos 1991: 59,478 cases (7654 deaths) 1999: outbreak in Kano 2010: cases (1716 deaths)

4 Weekly number of cholera cases and median of estimated ten-day precipitation in Nigeria 2010-2014

5 Summary of cholera by hotspots by LGAs 2010 -1014



8 Cholera cases in Borno state, 2010

9 Mortality from cholera cases in Borno state, 2010


11 Acute watery diarrhea in Borno state, 2016
71 cases 66 cases from Damboa

12 Technical support: Surveillance
Surveillance (health facilities focal points): Compile data received from hospitals (through PH officers & microbiologists) Maintain the line listing of cases according to the defined format, Produce maps of suspected and confirmed AGE & cholera cases, Produce daily summary tables, and epi-curves of AGE and cholera cases. Link with the medical recorder and the focal point in the hospital Laboratory diagnosis: Trainings for the use of dipstick rapid diagnosis tests: Training of trainers Training of laboratory technicians from selected hospitals Tasks : - Provide assistance for diagnosis methods and supply, - Set up and monitor case-recording system - Link with the assigned focal point in the hospitals

13 Technical support :Investigation
Rapid Response Team – Cholera: Director of public health DDC SPHCDA State Epidemiologist State Laboratory Scientist Public Health Nurse Environmental Health officer Health Education Officer DSN Officer Tasks of the investigation team in the selected hospitals: Produce daily line listing of AGE and suspected cholera cases, Perform initial investigation of cholera patients, Produce the list of patients to be investigated for the household investigation Produce weekly and/or daily situation reports, Conduct household investigations of diagnosed cholera cases, Produce reports of investigation in a timely manner,

14 Selection of CTC Criteria to select areas for preposition:
- Population and number of facilities - Hot spots (historical epidemiological data) - IDPs (e.g. Ngala): density of population WASH criteria Lesson learned from 2015 outbreak: mobile population (not only in camp). Health facilities for CTC: Depend on space and availability of an isolation ward Discourage the use of existing health facilities, except: Fatima Ali Sharif Mala Kachala? Other hospital with necessary space and resources? Temporary structure: Which areas? Location? Prepare the land

15 Stockpiles Alert based on threshold of AWD, identification of v. cholera Cholera kits (medical and Wash): Make an inventory of what is available To be allocated based on referral places and epi data/alert Tent ORPs (Number per LGAs) Chlorine: Request for vaccine?

16 Capacity building Health workers for case management:
List of personnel already trained on cholera case management List of personnel that can be mobilized MSF training: for a CTC of 100 patients, 121 health workers are trained ToT: MoH/WHO to organize the training. UNICEF will support in WASH and social mobilization. MSF c support for technical sessions. Identify two/three medical staffs per LGAs. Orientation for community health workers: Mobilize LGAs by UNICEF Training already conducted , but gaps need to be identified (lessons learned/UNICEF). Mapping of 200 volunteers. Social mobilization: - VCM: link with traditional institutions.

17 Technical support: Water Sanitation and Hygiene
Technical working group to take place on Tuesday 7 February: - Integrate WASH activities

18 Cross-Border issues Medical and military coordination : meeting with medical forces Hit and run strategy from Polio to be used as an example List of contact numbers?


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