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MS4 Stormwater Programs: How to make it all work!

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Presentation on theme: "MS4 Stormwater Programs: How to make it all work!"— Presentation transcript:

1 MS4 Stormwater Programs: How to make it all work!
2017 EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference September 20, 2017 URBAN WATERS, GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE, AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES

2 Overview The Four Stages of Learning Regulations in Context of an MS4
Establishing Goals: The Big Picture of Water Quality Know Yourself Setting Clear Expectations For… Capitol, Development, Public Officials Residents Industries Developers Lessons Learned

3 The Four Stages of Learning
Stage 1: Unconscious Incompetence “Not knowing that you don’t know something”

4 The Four Stages of Learning
Stage 2: Conscious Incompetence “Knowing that you don’t know…”

5 The Four Stages of Learning
Stage 3: Conscious Competence “Steadily learning and working with your new knowledge…”

6 The Four Stages of Learning
Stage 4: Unconscious Competence “You know longer have to think about what you’re doing…”

7 Overview The Four Stages of Learning Regulations in Context of an MS4
Establishing Goals: The Big Picture of Water Quality Know Yourself Setting Clear Expectations For… Capitol, Development, Public Officials Residents Industries Developers Lessons Learned

8 The Clean Water Act Section 401 of the CWA addresses water quality (Section 303 – impaired waters) Section 402 of the CWA addresses permit for discharge of pollutants a.k.a. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits (NPDES) Section 404 of the CWA addresses discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) This is the big rock at the top of the hill. The requirements are the same for all regulated entities in the United States. The rules have been in effect for over 20 years. Contractors are aware of the basic requirements and should be ready to comply. City of Round Rock Capitol Improvement Program Project Managers Stormwater Training

9 Regulations for an MS4 Phase I MS4 Program Phase 2 MS4 Program
1990: Medium and Large MS4s (>100,000 people) must implement a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Individual Permit with terms and conditions Phase 2 MS4 Program 1999: small MS4s, designated MS4s, non-traditional MS4s General Permit program in most States

10 National Map of Regulated MS4s
Map created in 2009 (EPA)

11 MS4 Stormwater Permits Program Areas: Construction site runoff control
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE) Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping Post-construction runoff control Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement / Participation Program Effectiveness Total Maximum Daily Loads

12 Stormwater Permits… it’s all in there!
TPDES General permit TXR (Construction) Part II Section C – Limitations on Permit Coverage The following rules are included by reference into the Construction General Permit: Post construction discharges must be permitted separately Non-stormwater discharges are prohibited (with some exceptions) Discharges that could violate a water quality standard are prohibited SWP3 must comply with standards for impaired waters and TMDLs Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan must be in place prior to CGP Discharges prohibited by Chapter Watershed Protection Areas are not eligible for coverage More stringent requirements from other Governmental Entities may apply Not approved on Indian Country Lands Not approved for oil and gas production sites regulated by EPA Not approved for discharges from agricultural activities Must not adversely affect listed endangered or threatened species

13 Overview The Four Stages of Learning Regulations in Context of an MS4
Establishing Goals: The Big Picture of Water Quality Know Yourself Setting Clear Expectations For… Capitol, Development, Public Officials Residents Industries Developers Lessons Learned

14 Establishing Goals: The BIG Picture
Let’s talk about water quality! Drinking Water Agricultural Supply Fishing Contact Recreation Industrial Supply

15 Establishing Goals: The BIG Picture
To be of “Beneficial Use” water is tested and compared to a list of chemicals Impaired waters exceed one or more concentration threshold(s) of its designated beneficial use. TMDLs are written to improve water quality in impaired waters. MS4s contribute to the Implementation Plan (I-Plan) for streams within their jurisdiction

16 Establishing Goals: The BIG Picture
MS4 operators represent the needs of a diverse community Seek out common goals Evaluate opposition Educate your stakeholders Select options that make economic sense Communicate goals and milestones

17 Overview The Four Stages of Learning Regulations in Context of an MS4
Establishing Goals: The Big Picture of Water Quality Know Yourself Setting Clear Expectations For… Capitol, Development, Public Officials Residents Industries Developers Lessons Learned

18 Know Yourself Inscribed on the Temple walls at Delphi, ancient Greeks
offered the wisdom, “Know Yourself!”

19 Make it all work An MS4 is compartmentalized into sections acting more or less separately: Public Works Parks and Rec Development Services Community Planning Office of Sustainability Utilities Transportation Elected officials Environmental

20 Know Yourself City Section Construction Site Runoff Controls
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Post Construction Runoff Controls Public Education & Outreach Public Involvement TMDLs Public Works X Parks & Rec Development Comm. Planning Sustainability Utilities Transportation Environmental

21 Know Yourself Understand the potential problem areas MS4 construction
Developer construction MS4 fleet, solid waste, landscaping (services) Impaired waterways Litter Pet waste Commercial grease traps Car washes

22 Know Yourself Evaluate the work already being done Plan reviews
Inspections/Enforcement Water quality monitoring Spill response Water quality initiatives Litter pick up, street sweeping Public outreach

23 Overview The Four Stages of Learning Regulations in context of an MS4
Establishing Goals: The Big Picture of Water Quality Know yourself Setting Clear Expectations For… Capitol, Development, Public Officials Residents Industries Developers Lessons Learned

24 What do you know about yourself?
Construction & Post Construction Site Runoff Controls Public Works, Parks & Rec., Utilities, and Transportation build capitol projects MS4 is the permittee and the regulator Development services reviews construction plans and inspects site for discharges to the MS4 Community Planning and Environmental identify and communicate special needs to inform construction projects TMDLs, Economic Growth Zones, etc.

25 Construction Site Stormwater
Capitol projects are in double jeopardy MS4 construction projects 1 acre or more are regulated by NPDES MS4 permittees must ensure compliance of NPDES-permitted discharges into its own system Requires project tracking, SWP3 Plan development, review and implementation, inspections, corrective actions, enforcement Fines can be levied against the MS4 for failure to comply with CGP and/or MS4 NPDES

26 Construction Site Stormwater
Development projects (not MS4 owned) must be regulated for compliance with the CGP by the MS4 Plan review Site inspections Corrective action procedures Enforcement

27 Construction Site Stormwater
TPDES General permit TXR (Construction) Part III Section F – Contents of SWP3 Remember: The Developer’s SWP3 must comply with the Construction General Permit MS4 Permits require that the discharges from construction sites that enter the MS4 comply with the Construction General Permit Violations by the Developer can lead to expensive maintenance in the MS4 as well as, time-consuming follow up inspections and potential enforcement actions by the MS4 against the Developer The TCEQ can fine both the Developer and the City when the Developer fails to comply with its own permit Your defense is documentation!

28 Construction Site Stormwater
Extend outreach to Developers Provide a carrot and a stick approach Focus on BMP selection that meets the MS4 water quality goals Give information in writing with Permit submittals; verbally at kickoff meetings, and again during inspections and corrective actions Documentation should be specific, accurate, and concise – you are building your legal case for compliance

29 Construction Site Stormwater
MS4s are caught between economic growth and regulatory compliance Reach out to public officials with information on economic value of clean water Inform public officials about financial penalties for non-compliance Educate public officials about the status of the various MS4 sections and how they contribute (or don’t contribute) to the overall compliance of the MS4

30 MS4s can be fined too… The MS4 can also be fined due to the Developer’s project if we fail to: Have an adequate process for reviewing and approving the Developers Plans Conduct and document inspections Follow up on required corrective actions Enforce for significant or repeated non-compliance Have adequate records demonstrating our efforts to gain compliance

31 What do you know about yourself?
Illicit Discharge, Detection & Elimination Any non-stormwater flow in a storm sewer system may be an illicit discharge Public Works, Utilities, Environmental, commercial, residential, developers… MS4: Maintains a map of the infrastructure Maintains a list of permitted discharges Inspects outfalls for dry weather discharges Responds to spills Maintains proper disposal records

32 IDDE Education must be directed at anyone who could contribute a dry-weather discharge Residents Businesses Developers MS4 personnel Investigations can be complex and will rely on knowing where underground infrastructure goes

33 IDDE Investigators need to know where permitted discharges are located
What does a compliant, non-stormwater discharge look like? When I find the source, what do I do? Elimination means it must be stopped.

34 What do you know about yourself?
Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Every MS4 owned & operated service center, shop, landscaping yard, sign shop, etc. is compelled by the NPDES program to: Develop a written Plan Select, install, and implement BMPs Conduct annual training Prevent pollution in runoff Public Works, Parks & Rec, Transportation, Utilities

35 Pollution Prevention (P2) Measures
Practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants through: Modifying production processes Promoting the use of non-toxic or less toxic substances Implementing conservation techniques Reusing materials rather than putting them into the waste stream

36 Good Housekeeping Measures
Practical, cost-effective methods to: Maintain a clean and orderly site Minimize the quantity of contaminants entering storm water runoff Includes spill clean-up process, litter control, waste management & materials management All areas of the site should be maintained in a clean and orderly condition

37 P2 and Good Housekeeping
Common MS4 practices requiring management are: Cutting and welding street signs – metal fines Graffiti management - paint waste Landscaping – pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers Solid waste – trash, litter, putrescible Fleet – fueling, car washes, maintenance, tires Fire – fleets, training centers, dry weather discharges

38 What do you know about yourself?
Public Education & Outreach / Public Involvement Every section can contribute to this Goal: Attach information sheets to development permits Post signs on waterways about goals Place baggies at dog parks, Stencil “drains to creek” on inlets Sponsor litter clean up events, etc.

39 Reach for the big picture

40 Reach for the big picture
Water quality goals include swimming, boating, and fishing in the rivers, lakes and streams Connect the dots on how our actions can help or hurt these goals Understand that we are all at different levels of competence Work from where you are to get where you want to go!

41 Questions? Juliana Morelli PG, REM, CPESC, CESSWI 210-386-6580

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