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This Day in History Nov. 21st, 1877 Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph.

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1 This Day in History Nov. 21st, 1877 Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph

2 War to End all Wars Chap 11

3 Causes for War a. Imperialism b. Militarism c. Nationalism Alsace-Lorraine(Germany had from Franco-Prussian War)

4 d. Alliances European countries.
(A-H, Germany, Ottomans) Central Powers (Russia, G.B., France) Allies.

5 II. Crisis in the Empire June 28th, 1914 Archduke(Austria) Francis Ferdinand, killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. July 28th, 1914 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

6 III. Battle Plans Von Schliffen’s Plan -take out France first then swing back for Russia. (No two front war)

7 b. New Technology causes Stalemate
1. Tanks, machinegun, poison gas, flamethrowers, submarines make killing more effective.







14 Nov. 22, 1963 President Kennedy shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.
This Day in History Nov. 22, 1963 President Kennedy shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.

15 IV. U.S. Involvement 1914 Wilson claims the U.S. is neutral. b. Sub warfare May 7, 1915 British Ship Lusitanian Sunk.


17 C. U.S. Election 1916 Wilson wins with slogan “ He Kept us out of War”. 1916 Passed National Defense Act and Naval Construction Act

18 3. Committee on Public Information- “Sell the War”, just cause.



21 d. 1917, Zimmerman Note urges Mexico to enter with Germany and attack U.S.

22 V. U.S. Leaders and Heroes John Pershing in command of American Expeditionary Force to Europe. (AEF) 1. April 6, U. S. declares War. Soldiers Called “Doughboys”

23 This Day in History Nov. 28th, 1943 Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met in Tehran for their first meeting during World War II.

24 This Day in History Nov. 29th, Navy defeated Army by a score of 24-0 in the first Army-Navy football game.

25 1. 1917, Selective Service Act (draft)

26 “The Red Baron” B. German Hero- Manfred von Richthofen Top Ace of WWI, 80 victories shot down in April, 1918

27 VI. Turning Tide of War June 1918, U.S. victory at Chateau-Thierry, Allies counter-attack.

28 B. Russia Revolution (Red Scare begins)
Vladimir Lenin forces Czar Nicholas II to step down. 1918, Russia signs truce with Germany

29 C. Nov. 11th, 1918 Germany signs an armistice.(cease-fire)

30 VII. Results of War A. over 12 million killed, 21 million wounded B. involved 100 countries.

31 VI. Peace in Paris A. Jan 1919, Paris Peace conference, Wilson’s goal was “Peace without victory”, not to punish defeated nations. 1. Big 4- David Lloyd George(GB), Georges Clemenceau(Fr), Woodrow Wilson(US), Vitorrio Orlando(Italy)

32 B. President Wilson League of Nations- talk out issues-no war. “self determination”- right to choose own government. C. June 1919 Treaty of Versailles presented to Germany. 1. With League of Nations included. 2. Germany forced to pay 33 billion in “reparations” 3. U.S. never signs treaty. (No league of Nations) D. U.S. signs separate peace treaty in 1921

33 Oh Happy Days!! The Roaring 20’s
Chap 12-13

34 Harding “Return to Normalcy” Laissez-faire “hands off” of business.
I. Harding to Coolidge Harding “Return to Normalcy” Laissez-faire “hands off” of business. Washington Naval Conference- limit size of Navies. B. Coolidge Dawes Plan sets up a payment plan for war debts. (reparations) Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge

35 II. Social Changes Economy Mass production Easy Credit

36 3. Advertising

37 4. Assembly line (Henry Ford “Model T”)

38 B. Cultural Challenges 1. 1919, 18th Amendment- bans sale of Alcohol
B. Cultural Challenges , 18th Amendment- bans sale of Alcohol. (Helped by Volstead Act) 2. Organized Crime/Bootlegging/ “Speak Easy”- Al Capone

39 John Scopes – guilty fined $100.
, Scopes “Monkey Trial” Fundamentalist, literal bible interpretation (Clarence Darrow) vs. Modernist (William Jennings Bryan).

40 C. Women’s Roles change 1. “Flappers” –short hair, short skirts, and a change in moral values , 19th Amendment- Woman’s Suffrage

41 D. Entertainment Jack Dempsey Rudolph Valentino Actor
1927 Charles Lindbergh crosses Atlantic Jim Thorpe Charlie Chaplin Actor/Comedian 1927 Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs. 1925 Lon Chaney stars in Phantom of the Opera Jack Dempsey Rudolph Valentino Actor

42 1927 The Jazz Singer is the First Talking Film.

43 1927 Winnie the Pooh 1928 Steamboat Willie.

44 IV. Jazz Age A. Harlem Renaissance Poetry, Literature, Jazz 2. “Duke Ellington- “it don’t mean a thing” became Ambassador of Jazz 3. Louie Armstrong

45 Crop prices fall/loans going unpaid. uneven distribution of wealth
V. Danger signs A. Causes of Crash Crop prices fall/loans going unpaid. uneven distribution of wealth Easy credit- too many goods, not enough money. 4. Unregulated business Herbert Hoover

46 B. Stock Market Crash 1. October 29, 1929, Black Tuesday, “The Crash”

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