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Repetition Control Structure in C++ Program

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1 Repetition Control Structure in C++ Program
CSC1110C Introduction to Computer Programming Tutorial 3 Repetition Control Structure in C++ Program By Josh Chen

2 Outline Repetition Control Structure Example 1: Fibonacci Numbers
Example 2: Prime Number

3 Repetition Control Structure (1)
Repeat actions while certain condition remain true while (condition){ //actions executed repeatedly //while condition is true } //exit the loop when condition becomes false Actions might not be executed if condition is false from the beginning

4 Repetition Control Structure (2)
do { //actions executed repeatedly //while condition is true } while (condition) //exit when condition becomes false Actions will be executed at least once

5 Repetition Control Structure (3)
for (initialization; loop testing; increment) { //actions executed repeatedly //if loop testing passed } //exit when loop testing fail Declare loop variable in the loop initialization (not accessible outside the for loop) Avoid changing loop variable inside loop actions

6 Fibonacci Numbers (1) Sequence of non-negative integers
The first element is 0; the second is 1 Each element equals to the sum of the preceding two elements F(0) = 0; F(1) = 1; F(2) = F(0) + F(1) = 1; F(3) = F(1) + F(2) = 2; F(4) = F(2) + F(3) = 3; F(5) = F(3) + F(4) = 5; … … … … … … F(100) = // grow pretty fast

7 Fibonacci Numbers (2) fibonacci.cpp: print out the first n elements of Fibonacci sequence; n is input by user Pseudocode of fibonacci.cpp Read n if ( n is bigger than 1) initialize and print the first two Fibonacci numbers for ( i increase from 2 to n-1) calculate the ith Fibonacci number if ( the ith Fibonacci number is negative) print error message to inform overflow break the loop end if print the ith Fibonacci number end loop

8 Fibonacci Numbers (3) fibonacci.cpp: /*
The program print out the first n elements of Fibonacci numbers. n is input by the user. */ #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; int n; int grandfather, father, son; cout << "Please input the number of the Fibonacci numbers (n>1): " ; cin >> n; … … …

9 Fibonacci Numbers (4) … … … if ( n > 1 ) {
grandfather = 0; // the first element father = 1; // the second element cout << "F(0)" << " = " << 0 << endl; cout << "F(1)" << " = " << 1 << endl; for (int i = 3; i <= n ; i++) son = grandfather + father; if ( son < 0 ){ cout << "Data overflow ! " << endl; break; } cout << "F(" << i-1 << ")" << " = " << son << endl; grandfather = father; father = son; return 0; } // end of main()

10 Fibonacci Numbers (5) Alternative 1: int counter = 3;
… … … int counter = 3; while (counter <= n){ son = grandfather + father; if ( son < 0 ){ cout << "Data overflow ! " << endl; break; } cout<<"F("<<(counter++)-1<<")"<<" = "<<son<<endl; grandfather = father; father = son;

11 Fibonacci Numbers (6) Alternative 2: … … … int counter = 3; do{ son = grandfather + father; if ( son < 0 ){ cout << "Data overflow ! " << endl; break; } cout <<"F("<<(counter++)-1<<")"<<" = "<<son<< endl; grandfather = father; father = son; } while( counter <= n); Error: unexpected result when n = 2 ! ( see next slide )

12 Fibonacci Numbers (7)

13 Fibonacci Numbers (8)

14 Fibonacci Numbers (9) F(47) = > (biggest int type data)

15 Prime Number (1) A positive integer not divisible without a remainder by any whole number other than itself and one Smallest prime number 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, … … …, , , … … … Algorithm to test whether a number is a prime number: 1) 2 is a prime number 2) For a positive integer n, n > 2 if n is not divisible by any whole number between 2 and sqrt(n), it is a prime number; otherwise, it is a composite number;

16 Prime Number (2) Pseudocode of judeprime.cpp
judgeprime.cpp: repeatedly read in a positive integer number >= 2 and tell whether it is a prime number. If it is a composite number, give a possible decomposition. Program will exit when user input a number smaller than 2. Pseudocode of judeprime.cpp Read in a integer - number while (number is bigger than 1) root equals the square root of number if ( number is 2) print out : 2 is a prime number otherwise test whether number is a prime number if (number is prime) print out: number is prime print out a possible decomposition read in the next integer end while

17 Prime Number (3) judgeprime.cpp: jump out of the loop
… … … cout << "Please input a positive integer number bigger than 1: "; cin >> number; while (number > 1){ root = static_cast<int>(std::sqrt(static_cast<double>(number))); if( number == 2) cout << number << " is a prime number." << endl; else{ isPrime = true; for(int i = 2;i <= root; i++){ if( number % i == 0 ){ isPrime = false; factor1 = i; factor2 = number/i; break; } if ( isPrime ) else cout << number << " = " << factor1 << 'x' << factor2 <<" , is a composite number." << endl; jump out of the loop

18 biggest int type data (4 bytes)
Prime Number (4) biggest int type data (4 bytes)

19 Prime Number (5) nextprime.cpp: read in a positive integer nubmer, calculate the smallest prime number bigger than the input number rewrite judge.cpp into a function: boolean testPrime(int value) //return true if value is a prime, false otherwise nextprime.cpp: … … … cout<< "Please input a positive integer number bigger than 1:"; cin >> number; nextPrime = number + 1; while( nextPrime > 0 && !testPrime( nextPrime ) ){ nextPrime ++; } ... … …

20 Prime Number (6)

21 Prime Number (7) More interesting topics on Prime Numbers:
1) Find “Twin Prime Numbers” Twin Prime – a pair of prime numbers with their difference equal to 2 such as (3, 5) and (11, 13) 2) The Largest Known Prime ( Mersenne 41; Announced May 28, 2004)

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