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The Beginning When we talk about the beginning we almost always think about Genesis. The first three words of the Bible are “In the beginning…” so this.

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Presentation on theme: "The Beginning When we talk about the beginning we almost always think about Genesis. The first three words of the Bible are “In the beginning…” so this."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Beginning When we talk about the beginning we almost always think about Genesis. The first three words of the Bible are “In the beginning…” so this is natural. But there is also the beginning of the Gospel age and that is what we want to consider.

3 The Beginning In Acts 2 we read of the beginning of the Gospel age. When you read Acts 2 you will read of the kingdom, the church, being established and of the first invitation given to man to have his sins forgiven, and you will read of the first members of the church.

4 The Beginning What happened that day?
1. The Holy Spirit was given to the apostles. Consider the words of Jesus for importance of this. John 14:16-17, 26 – Jesus would pray and the Father would give the Helper John 15:26 – the Helper is the Spirit of truth John 16:7-14 – He will convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment

5 The Beginning While we know that spiritual gifts were given to others previously, Luke 9 &10, but those times were of a limited nature. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He commissioned the apostles to go and preach the Gospel, Matt. 28:19, and Mark 16:15. He also told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received power from on high, Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8.

6 The Beginning 2. Who did not receive the Holy Spirit?
Acts 2:1-13 – the people were gathered and the room was filled with the sound of a mighty wind The Holy Spirit fell on the apostles and He did not fall on the people present. The Holy Spirit does not influence people by falling on them to produce faith. The Holy Spirit influences man by the preaching of the Gospel.

7 The Beginning Luke 12:12 – the Holy Spirit would teach the apostles what to say John 16:7-11 – the Holy Spirit would convict the world Acts 2:29-36 – Peter taught and convicted many present of the sin that they had participated in John 6:44-45 – God draws man by the teaching of the Gospel

8 The Beginning 3. The sermon is the last thing to consider.
The sermon is the opening of the Gospel and establishes the facts of Jesus. Vss – Peter proclaims the fulfillment of prophecy Vss – the resurrection of Jesus is declared Vss – the scriptures that spoke of the Messiah and the fulfillment of those prophesies by Jesus

9 The Beginning Vs. 32 – they were witnesses
Vss – the announcement of Jesus present position Vs. 36 – the accusation of participation Vs. 37 – the effect the sermon had on the hearts of many Vss – the remedy for sin and the exhortation for salvation

10 The Beginning Man is not called by anything except the preaching of the Gospel. Those who have a heart of obedience will hear the Gospel call and obey just as many did on the Day of Pentecost.

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