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Philip Planting Gospel Seeds

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1 Philip Planting Gospel Seeds
Acts 8: 1-25

2 Philip Planting Gospel Seed - Acts 8: 1-25
Church began to spread because of persecution. Some spreading by Jerusalem visitors going home. Apostles staying – mistake or plan? Persecution began because they were believers! Scattering believers spread ‘good news’ of Jesus, Philip is just one example of many stories of it. Philip also filled with Spirit, later known as ‘the Evangelist’ Acts 21:8-9: “…We reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” Philip doing what’s natural? No, Spirit led!

3 Philip Planting Gospel Seed - Acts 8: 1-25
Long term hatred between Samaritans and Jews. Preaching the word brought signs and wonders. “There was great joy in that city.” God wanted seeds planted, Philip obeyed. Contrast Philip and ‘Simon the Sorcerer’. Simon held the city ‘under a spell’, they thought he was a god! (Evil magic.) Philip not preaching himself, but Christ = greater power! “Simon himself believed…” But… something missing, incomplete. V. 12 tells what Philip preached, they were baptized

4 Philip Planting Gospel Seed - Acts 8: 1-25
Did Philip miss something? Preach about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit? Now as then, many find themselves between hearing Gospel but not inviting Spirit in our lives. Lack vitality of the Spirit, change of attitude, transformation of character, power to live, courage... News spread to Jerusalem, they sent Peter and John. They knew the problem, ‘prayed they receive Spirit’. Good seed, needs nourishment of Holy Spirit to grow BUT, Spirit not for our comfort or pleasure! Simon the model of wanting power of Spirit for self. If he’d give $ to get power, expect $ to give it out!

5 Philip Planting Gospel Seed - Acts 8: 1-25
Simony ‘buying and selling of position and office in the church’, but it’s deeper still. Many want spiritual radiance w/o repentance. Many want LIFE w/o changing lifestyle. Many want to keep parts of our life to ourselves. Spirit comes in at points we hide when we open up. “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” Matthew 12: 43-45

6 Philip Planting Gospel Seed - Acts 8: 1-25
Simon basically says, “I cannot, I will not change, but pray that the LORD won’t judge me and will bless me anyway.” Gospel preached for 2000 years, Peter and John told us of repentance and Holy Spirit leading. Maybe many have made no room, like Simon… Hear the seeds of the Gospel, ‘clean house’ and invite Holy Spirit daily to help them grow!

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