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How is science like sausage?

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Presentation on theme: "How is science like sausage?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is science like sausage?
The product is often good but the process for creating it is messy and complicated Peer Review

2 Interpretation of model data
Model is giving us results that are consistent with expected behavior and theory Model is giving results that are surprising or suspect? Model code has error in it Model not correctly designed, assumptions are wrong Model is too simplistic, process too complex to model Model is giving us new insights, discovery of new knowledge What is the process that could produce this outcome? What other information (external to model) can support this?

3 Findings may challenge our beliefs for better or worse

4 Current State of this Research
Some of the data we show may contain errors Some of the interpretations we make may be wrong and are subject to change


6 Constraints and preferences (thinning)
Federal Moist mixed conifer Dry mixed conifer Ponderosa pine Lodgepole pinefer Slope<30% Excludes wilderness Excludes unsuitable/roadless areas Excludes owl nesting and roosting habitat Tree size >10’’ dbh Excludes open conditions, single canopy Time since disturbance >14 yrsExcludes owl nesting habitat Federal Mix mixed conifer Dry mixed conifer Ponderosa pine Time since treatment > 14yrs Tree size >10’’ dbh Excludes open conditions, single canopy Slope >30% Excludes wilderness, Excludes unsuitable and roadless areas Excludes owl nesting habitat Federal Moist mixed conifer Dry mixed conifer Ponderosa pine Lodgepole pinefer Slope<30% Excludes wilderness Excludes unsuitable/roadless areas Excludes owl nesting and roosting habitat Tree size >10’’ dbh Excludes open conditions, single canopy Slope >30% Excludes owl nesting habitat Federal Moist mixed conifer Dry mixed conifer Ponderosa pine Lodgepole pinefer Time since treatment > 14yrs Tree size >10’’ dbh Excludes open conditions, single canopy Slope >30% Excludes wilderness, Excludes unsuitable and roadless areas Excludes owl nesting habitat Federal Moist mixed conifer Dry mixed conifer Ponderosa pine Lodgepole pinefer Slope<30% Excludes wilderness Excludes unsuitable/roadless areas Excludes owl nesting and roosting habitat Tree size >10’’ dbh Excludes open conditions, single canopy Slope >30% Excludes owl nesting habitat Federal Moist mixed conifer Dry mixed conifer Ponderosa pine Lodgepole pinefer Slope<30% Excludes wilderness Excludes unsuitable/roadless areas Excludes owl nesting and roosting habitat Tree size >10’’ dbh Excludes open conditions, single canopy Slope >30% Excludes owl nesting habitat Management group: PP, DMC, LP, MMC Basal area > m2/ha Multilayer canopy Federal WUI Fire hazard Preferences

7 Current Management Allocations

8 Timber Management Allocations

9 Managed Natural Ignitions
Must meet these criteria: Ignitions that were historically suppressed Natural ignitions Energy Release Component (ERC)<=60 Within good fire zone (red) and > 2km from the WUI Imposed burning conditions: Windspeed: 5-10 mph Burn period: 8 hrs for every day of ERC<=60 up to 5000 mins. One managed fire per simulation year Areas approved for good fires - green area. What’s excluded: Orange area: Everything Lauren Miller said + Everything inside the DNF that is not federal + every IDU with more than 1 dwelling + Silvis WUI White area: a full 2 km buffer of the orange area Windspeed was randomly sampled between 5-10 mph

10 Fire Management Allocations

11 Persistent Shade Tolerant Environment
Environmental Variables Precipitation Temperature Elevation Slope Aspect Landscape Position Index Solar Radiation Datasets Warm Springs Reservation Timber Inventory (Hagmann et al. 2014) Tree Establishment Data (Merschel and Heyerdahl) General Land Office Data (Christy, J.A. L. Riibe, E. Blue7 G. Davidson 2016)

12 HRV Management Allocations

13 Wildlife Management Allocations

14 Comparison to Current Policy
Timber Management + Increased harvest area and volume removed Maintained Current Policy allocations Fire Management ++ Increased prescribed fire Allowed managed fire in last 25 years Historical Range of Variability +++ Largest increases in harvest and prescribed fire for 50 years Allowed managed fire for 50 years Prohibits management in historical shade tolerant environments Wildlife Habitat ~ Maintains current management rates Emphasis treatments in adjacent forests


16 Key Overall Messages (Subject to Change)
Wildfire is an uncommon event given fire suppression Can’t really predict when and where the big high severity fires will happen Most treatments will not encounter a wildfire Effectiveness of treatments on reducing area of high severity wildfire is most likely in years with lots of fire The hazard condition of the entire landscape may be a better measure of effectiveness of different treatments than estimates of effects on fire occurrence Other benefits of resilient forests besides lower HS fire risk

17 Key Messages (subject to change)
Managed fire increases the amount of high-severity fire on the landscape in most years But the proportion of high-severity fire in fires is lower with managed fire Large fires probably will still occur but their size and amount of high severity can be reduced by management and fire It takes time and lots of management to change a large landscape and differences between scenarios may not be that large

18 Mean (n= 15) simulated area of high-severity fire in fire-frequent PVTs
5,000 ac 1200 ac

19 Cumulative Area of High Severity Fire (Fire Frequent PVTs)
Mean of 15 replications 74,000 ac 50,000 ac Area (1000 ha) Percent of Fire Frequent Landscape 12,000 ac

20 Reductions in the area of high-severity fire in extreme fire years
Year 43 Rep 1 Year 2 Rep 9 Depends on… Fire weather Spatial intersection of fire and treatment Temporal intersection of fire and treatment Treatment type Even under the HRV scenario there were large patches of HS fire in extreme fire years, but management, prescribed fire, and natural fire reduced HS area by ~52% Year 27 Rep 8 Year 36 Rep 14

21 Reductions in the area of high-severity fire in extreme fire years
Depends on… Fire weather Spatial intersection of fire and treatment Temporal intersection of fire and treatment Treatment type Even under the HRV scenario there were large patches of HS fire in extreme fire years, but management, prescribed fire, and natural fire reduced HS area by ~52%

22 Area of High Severity Fire Potential (Hazard)
500,000 ac Area (1000 ha) Percent of Fire Frequent Landscape 300,000 ac

23 Mean Percent of Wildfire in High Severity Condition
in Fire Frequent Landscape for Two Scenarios Percent of Fire Frequent Landscape

24 Maps of cumulative (over 50 years)
1 2 3 Maps of cumulative (over 50 years) simulated wildfires and managed fires for 6 different fire lists (replications) under current management. Fires in forests in red Fires in arid lands in pink 4 5 6 Wildfires Managed fires

25 Trends in Forest Structure

26 Timber Production By Scenario
Cubic Meters

27 Trends in Habitat for Northern Spotted Owl and White-headed Woodpecker
Area (1000s acres) Area (1000 Acres ) Percent of Area Percent of Area

28 Cumulative Smoke Production for Wildfire (1000 Mg) and Prescribed Fire (Mg)
in Entire Landscape






34 Did an environment historically support shade tolerant and relatively drought intolerant species?
1a. Annual precipitation < 31” = Absent 1b. Annual precipitation > 31”  2 2a. Elevation < 4430 feet and mean annual maximum temperature > 47°F = Absent 2b. Elevation < 4430 feet and mean annual maximum temperature < 47°F = Present 2c. Elevation > 4430 feet  3 3a. Precipitation < 34” = Absent 3b. Precipitation > 34”  4 4a. Percent slope > 34 = Absent 4b. Percent slope < 34  5 5a. Mean annual maximum temperature between 52-55°F = Present 5b. Mean annual maximum temperature < 52°F or > 55°F = Absent

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