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The Horrific Yellow Fever

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1 The Horrific Yellow Fever
By: nick Lawry and john Paul.

2 Laurie Halse Anderson, Thesis
Laurie Halse Anderson accurately reflected the time period, events, and characters in her novel, Fever 1793.

3 Laurie Halse Anderson, Treatment
In the book American pelage, on pg. 35, it says “Governer Mifflin and the state legislature had sent him a urgent note insisting that gunpowder, and other salutary preperations, be flashed through the streets.” Also in the book American pelage, on pg. 59, it says “he might us a drop of poisonous substance to set them in balance In the book fever, on pg. 54, it says “a cannon blasted in the public square to purify the air.” Also in the book fever, on pg. 58, it says “all persons should avoid those who are infected.”

4 Laurie Halse Anderson, Symptoms
In the book American pleage, on pg. 11, it says “she will vomit a black bile.” Also In the book American pleage, on pg. 11, it says “her stomach was burning.” In the book fever, on pg. 69, it says “there was a foul-smelling black liquid onto the floor.” Also in the book fever, on pg. 69, it says “she was breathing as fast as a runaway horse.”

5 Laurie hales Anderson, citizens react to the fever
In the book American pleage, on pg. 21, it says “people began leaving the city.” Also in the book American pleage, on pg. 21, it says “cloths were packed in haste, windows slammed and shuttered, doors locked tight.” Another in American pleage, on pg. 33, it says “the tolling bells that has so thouroghly terrified everyone were ordered to remain still.” In the book fever, on pg. 55, it says “And the bells continued to toll.” Also in the book fever, on pg. 15, it says “they prey they don’t get sick.”

6 Laurie halse Anderson So according to the information we got, Laurie Halse Anderson, We think that Laurie Halse Anderson accurately reflected the time period, events, and characters in her novel, Fever because most of the examples in the Fever were in the book American pleage.

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