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E Tursan d’Espaignet and S Pujari

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1 E Tursan d’Espaignet and S Pujari
Tobacco Control: Monitoring interventions associated with demand measures of the WHO FCTC E Tursan d’Espaignet and S Pujari Comprehensive Information Systems for Tobacco Control Tobacco Free Initiative WHO Geneva

2 Types of tobacco Smoking tobacco: Examples include Cigarette Shisha
Bidis (3x more CO and 5x more tar than cigarettes) Smokeless tobacco: Snus Betel Gutkha

3 A property of tobacco "… tobacco is the only legal product that maims and kills a large proportion of its users when used exactly as intended by the manufacturer"


5 The Tobacco Epidemic If current trends continue, tobacco will:
Currently estimated at just over five million deaths each year or one death every six seconds Will cause the death of more than 8 million people in the year 2030 or one death every four seconds Likely result in more than one billion deaths (1,000,000,000 deaths) during the 21st century More than three out of every four of these deaths will be in low and middle income countries

6 How does an epidemic spread?
For Influenza: vector is a virus Antidote: vaccination, wash hands, etc For malaria: vector is a mosquito Antidote: wide variety of anti-mosquito products Anti-spread strategy: Limit or destroy vector Common element of the vectors: - We know it exists but unseen - Requires strong population-based national, regional and global surveillance and interventions to reduce effect and impact

7 Spread of tobacco epidemic
The transmission vector is the industry Secretive and history of hiding the truth Enormous capacity for marketing and lobbying Has a history of substantial political support Claims it is blameless, responsibility rests with the users who have freedom of choice Requires concerted strong national, regional and global surveillance and interventions antidote

8 The Antidote: The WHO FCTC
Carefully constructed comprehensive antidote across demand and supply and other components Requires strong coordinated national, regional and global cooperation and action Convention of Parties Secretariat responsible for providing the political and legislative tools for implementation of all articles WHO Tobacco Free Initiative provides technical assistance to all Member States 8

9 TFI current focus: Selected Demand Articles of the WHO FCTC
Description 20 Monitoring 8 Protect people from tobacco smoke through smokefree environments 14 Offering help to quit 11 & 12 Warning about dangers of tobacco 13 Enforcing bans on promotion, sponsorship and advertising 6 & 15 Raising taxes on tobacco

10 WHO FCTC Article 20 The Parties shall … initiate and cooperate in the conduct of research and scientific assessments … that addresses the determinants and consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke

11 Surveillance Public health surveillance is the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of data regarding a health-related event for use in public health action to reduce morbidity and mortality and to improve health

12 Surveillance and Monitoring
Monitoring effectiveness of policy action - Comprehensive Excel based tool sent to all Member States to elicit details of implementation across each of the items (MPOWER) Monitoring impact on prevalence and changes at population level through - Global Youth Tobacco Survey - Global Adult Tobacco Survey - WHO STEPwise surveys - National Health Surveys 12

13 Monitoring Tobacco Control Policies
Reports on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2008 Report 2009 Report


15 Examples of Protection against SHS interventions
Smokefree public places - restaurants, bars, public transport, health care facilities, indoor work places, etc Examples: Australia: Illegal to smoke in a (private) vehicle with a minor present Mauritius; Illegal to smoke in a (private) vehicle if another person present

16 Evidence on support for protection against SHS
Legislation implemented Legislation passed

17 Support for smokefree environments

18 Monitoring Protection Against Secondhand smoke
In 2008, only 5% of the world's population is covered by effective implementation of legislation where it exists

19 Offer assistance to those who want to quit tobacco use
Intervention: Reinforce health systems to ensure provision of quit services to assist quitting efforts. Brief advice within a primary health care setting Brief advice through telephone (and other electronic services) Brief advice through other community based services Pharmacological nicotine replacement therapy treatment

20 Evidence on Offering Assistance to Quit
Increased likelihood(%) of abstinence after 6 months, as compared to no NRT

21 Monitoring Quit Assistance
Only 8% of the world population live in countries with adequate Quit services

22 Warning against dangers of tobacco exposure
Legislate for adequate warnings on packets of cigarettes - both sides covering average of 50% - selected effective fonts and colours and all local languages - rotating images Latest approaches: Consideration of plain packaging Australia and moves in France for same

23 Attidude towards warnings


25 Database of Images WHO Tobacco Free Initiative 25

26 Monitoring warnings against the dangers of tobacco
Only 8% of the worlds population live in countries with strong warning labels

27 Enforce legislation prohibiting advertising, promotion and sponsorship
Adopt and apply effective and efficient legislation that prohibits all forms of advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, both Direct, and Indirect forms

28 Examples of bans on advertising
No billboards No television, radio, internet (difficult) No print media In Turkey, not allowed to show cigarette smoking on television - smoking blotted out 28

29 Evidence on Impact of banning advertising

30 Monitoring enforcement of banning ad bans
Only 9% of the worlds population live in countries with strong advertising bans and other forms of promotion and sponsorship

31 Raise taxes: Increase price of tobacco through tax increases
No Convention of Parties guidelines as yet TFI led initiative: Assist Member States increase the rate of taxation (suggested at 70%+) and adjust periodically relative to inflation such that it increases more than consumer purchasing power Examples Egypt, Thailand, Australia

32 Evidence of raising taxes on consumption and tax revenues
Consumption of cigarettes Excise tax rate Excise tax revenues

33 Tracking Tobacco Taxes
Only 6% of the world population live in countries with taxes account for more than 75% of the retail price

34 10% or less benefit from effective interventions to reduce use
Proportion of the worlds population covered by selected tobacco control policies 10% or less benefit from effective interventions to reduce use

35 Global Tobacco Surveillance System
Started in 1998 as a collaboration between WHO, CDC, Canadian Public Health Association Responsible for: - Global Youth Tobacco Survey - Global School Professional Survey - Global Health Professional Student Survey - Global Adult Tobacco Survey

36 survey administration
GTSS Plan Program Workshop Media SHS Cessation School Access/Availability Analysis Workshop Epi Info Training Analysis of Data Report Writing Survey Workshop sampling procedures survey administration Conduct Survey Report Data Evaluate and Modify Programs Best Practices identifies nine components of a comprehensive program Tobacco Control Program Repeat Every 4 Years Implement Programs

37 Surveillance of exposure prevalence
Direct use exposure (both smoking and smokeless): Current user Daily user Occasional user Former user Never user Secondhand exposure (smoking): In Public places At work Other public places (eg restaurants, At home

38 Characteristics of GTSS surveys
Use standard methods: Questionnaire, Sampling process, Methods of analysis, reporting across all WHO FCTC (MPOWER) articles GYTS: School based surveys GATS: Population based surveys of adults (15 years and over) + WHO STEPwise Surveys and other national health surveys (encouraged to adopt 20 core GATS questions)

39 Status of surveys Global Youth Tobacco Survey - completed in over 160 countries, some two or three times Global Adult Tobacco Survey - completed in 14 countries and planning underway in six more countries covering over 80% of current smokers WHO STEPwise Surveys - completed in over 80 countries

40 GTSS Topics Tobacco Use Knowledge and Attitudes
Secondhand Smoke Exposure Pro- and Anti-tobacco Media and Advertising Exposure Cessation Access and Availability of Tobacco School Curricula (GYTS and GHPSS)

41 Online Questionnaires and survey tools
GTSS: WHO STEPwise Survey 41

42 % Smoking any form of tobacco - Adults
Source: Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2009

43 Countries Completed GYTS 1999-2008
Countries Completed 3rd Round Countries Completed 2nd Round Countries Completed



46 Thank you

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