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5/11/15 Bellringer Draw a Venn Diagram that has two overlapping circles. Label one circle “Tobacco Smoke” and the other circle “ Smokeless Tobacco.” Write.

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Presentation on theme: "5/11/15 Bellringer Draw a Venn Diagram that has two overlapping circles. Label one circle “Tobacco Smoke” and the other circle “ Smokeless Tobacco.” Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/11/15 Bellringer Draw a Venn Diagram that has two overlapping circles. Label one circle “Tobacco Smoke” and the other circle “ Smokeless Tobacco.” Write the risks of each in the circle. Put the risks shared by both in the area where the circles overlap. Tobacco Smoke Smokeless Tobacco

2 Health Risks of Tobacco Use
All forms of tobacco contain chemicals that are dangerous to your health. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disability in the United States.

3 Nicotine Tobacco users have difficulty quitting because all tobacco products contains an addictive drug called nicotine. Nicotine is an odorless and colorless naturally occurring liquid alkaloid compound found in many plants. The compound is made out of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sometimes oxygen.

4 Nicotine The average cigarette contains from 1 to 16 grams of nicotine.  When inhaled, nicotine enters the bloodstream, reaching the brain in less than 10 seconds.  In less than a minute, nicotine spreads throughout the entire body. Since nicotine is a stimulate, it raised blood pressure and increases the heart rate,

5 Poisonous Substances in Tobacco Smoke
Tobacco is an addictive and toxic drug. It’s a carcinogen. Tobacco Smoke contains Tar and Carbon Monoxide.

6 TAR The tar damages a smoker’s respiratory system by paralyzing and destroying cilia. Tar destroys the alveoli which absorbs oxygen and rids the body of carbon dioxide. Smokers are susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, heart disease, and cancer.

7 Carbon Monoxide Its is absorbed more easily than oxygen.
It increases the risk of high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and other circulatory problems.

8 The same poisonous compounds found in products such as paint, rat poison, gasoline and toilet cleaner. Butane: Used in lighter fluid. Polonium 210:Radioactive and very toxic.

9 Note Check List three harmful substances in tobacco smoke?
What substance in tobacco smoke causes a person to become addicted? What are some harmful effects of smoking tobacco products?

10 Pipes, Cigars, Dip, and Chew.
Smokeless Tobacco Pipes, Cigars, Dip, and Chew. Cigars contain significantly more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes (20 cigarettes). Cancer of the lips, mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus are at a huge risk with smokeless tobacco.

11 Smokeless Tobacco The harmful effects of smokeless tobacco are absorbed into the body at levels up to three times the amount of a single cigarette ( 2 packs of cigarettes) Irritates the sensitive tissue of the mouth causing leukoplakia.

12 Short –Term Effects Brain Chemistry Changes Heart Rate Increases
Taste buds are dulled Appetite is reduced Bad breath Yellowed teeth/nails Smelly Hair

13 Long-Term Effects Chronic Bronchitis Coronary Heart Disease Stroke
Weakened Immune System Emphysema Lung Cancer Stoma

14 Note Check How can smoking tobacco hurt you in the short term?
Names two ways in which the health of long-tem tobacco users will suffer.

15 Closure What is one question you have for me about the harmful effects of tobacco use?

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