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Globalization and Chapter Chair Meetings, China Convention Center, Sunday, July 10 2016 The goal of the meeting is to discuss current initiatives and.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization and Chapter Chair Meetings, China Convention Center, Sunday, July 10 2016 The goal of the meeting is to discuss current initiatives and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization and Chapter Chair Meetings, China Convention Center, Sunday, July 10 2016
The goal of the meeting is to discuss current initiatives and solicit input from regional experts to develop a strategy for the upcoming 2-3 years. Integrating Chapters, Education, Technical Activities and Globalisation Initatives to grow GRSS.

2 GRSS Why Globalisation ?
Society identity Society visibility in marketplace Become a Stakeholder in the geoscience-geospatial world Membership enhancement Education and training Support broader remote sensing fraternity Identify and support potential leaders and prominent people in developing countries Contribute to Environmental, Human and Societal benefits

3 GRSS Membership – November 2013
TOTAL 3488 Members Over 100 members – 8 countries USA 38% (1353) 7 other 32% (1100) members - 3 countries 6% (225) 20-50 members countries 12% (415) 20 – 0 members – countries 11% (395) 25 countries 1-2 members Membership in 92 countries


5 Globalisation Overview
Regional Programs - to increase GRSS membership and support the growth and development of remote sensing in three developing IEEE Regions Region 8 - Africa Region 9 - Latin America Region 10 – Asia Pacific International Collaborations and MOU’s - have GRSS take positive action to increase GRSS image and contribution to selected organisations in supporting the advocacy, use and adoption of remote sensing methodologies in programs conducted by recognised international agencies. Collaborative Institution Projects ( previously Capacity-Infrastructure Support Activities) - capability support with selected regional – national institutions and organisations involving technical training for Young Professionals , selected scientists/engineers at post-graduate level .To adopt continuous professional development approach and seek IEEE qualification /certification. It is apparent that the approach adopted to engage Asia, Africa and Latin America will be different.

6 Region 8 African Activities Report Mike Inggs

7 Latin America Activities Report Paolo Gamba
Region 9 Latin America Activities Report Paolo Gamba

8 Region 10 Asia – Pacific Tony Milne

9 IEEE Region 10 Offices IEEE Beijing Office Region 10 HQ
Approved by IEEE BoD in 2006 Strategy Increase visibility of IEEE and its members in China Further local engagement of and collaboration with IEEE Members, industry, government, academia and related organizations Maximize IEEE influence and impact locally through valued programs, products and services Support Society activities and growth in Region 10. Tokyo Beijing Bangalore Singapore IEEE Asia Pacific Operations Center Singapore -MGA and Communications Society Office. IEEE Tokyo Japan Office -Coordinating organisation for eight Regional Sections. IEEE Bangalore Section -Serving 14 societies and two affinity groups.

Phase 1 Objective: The objective of the project is to initiate a series of activities that will improve the geoscience and remote sensing capacity in Region 10 and by doing so grow the IEEE membership and GRSS presence in Region 10. Impacts and Targets: Increase attendance at IGARSS Conferences from China by 25% over a two year period Boost the membership of IEEE GRSS in China by 50 % over a two year period. Increase the membership of young scientists and engineers (ie those less than 35 years old) from China by 30% over a two year period. Consolidate growth and establish 8 new Chapters in Region 10 over a two year period. IEEE GRSS CAPACITY AND INNOVATION BUILDING IN REGION 10 PROGRAM Funded and Implemented, February 2016

11 IEEE GRSS Asia Pacific Manager
Feb 25, 2016, at 5:29 AM, wrote: I am pleased to announce that Qiang Yin has joined IEEE Beijing Office as IEEE GRSS Asia Pacific Manager, it is a part-time contractor position with a term of 2 years, she will work up to 3 days a week in the IEEE Beijing Office. Qiang joins us with more than 10 years of professional research experience and expertise in geoscience and remote sensing area. Prior to joining IEEE, Qiang had working experience in the Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IECAS) as research assistant for more than 5 years, and in the European Space Agency (ESA-ESRIN) as research fellow for one year. She has contributed to several national grand projects and international cooperation projects as main investigator, and also has supported several international workshop/training course as main local organizer. Qiang received her MS degree in signal and information processing from the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Currently she is also a Ph.D. candidate in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Qiang will report to me and will work closely with colleagues in Piscataway as well as GRSS volunteer leaders on GRSS membership development, conferences as well as marketing activities to increase GRSS's visibility in China and Region 10.  Qiang  started on Monday, 22 February 2016, her address office telephone number is extn 208

12 GRSS Financial Sponsorship $2500

13 International Collaborations

14 International Collaborations

15 Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IEEE-GRSS) International Association of Geodesy (IAG) International Cartographic Association (ICA) International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) International Geographic Union (IGU) International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) International Map Trade Association (IMTA) International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)

16 Includes 16 case studies designed to highlight
the application of geo-spatial technologies. “Increase awareness of disaster managers and political decision makers to the benefits of using geospatial information in every phase of disaster and risk management”

17 VALID Book Launch UN-Vienna 3rd September, 2013


19 GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025: Implementing GEOSS
GRSS Membership of Programme Board 2016 GEO Executive Committee Secretariat GEO Programme Board A major change in the structure of GEO is the introduction of a Programme Board which will report to the Executive Committee and liaise with the GEO Secretariat. Its primary function is in assessing the overall GEOSS program and reporting on the implementation and status of all project activities.

20 102 GEO Members


22 AfriGEOSS Soil Moisture-Agricultural Project
At the AARSE Conference in SA last October continued interest was shown in undertaking soil moisture research and applications.  European scientists working with ESA  (SMOS) and colleagues at  NASA JPL (SMAP) have indicated a willingness to be involved with Prof Adriano Camps from Spain heading up the team. In addition Agroclimate and Agri-Food Canada are interested in being involved. Three African Teams are participating; Adrian Van Niekerk – Stellanbosch University, South Africa. Aamos Kabo-Bah, Univertsity of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana Frank Ohere Amor University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana.

23 International MOU’s International Society for Digital Earth, and Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, MOU signed and dated 24th July, 2015 by ISDE President John Richards and GRSS President Kamal Sarabandi

24 International MOU’s - Canadian Remote Sensing Society
- African Association of Remote Sensing of Environment - International Society Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Sociedad Latinoamericana en Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Espacial International Society for Digital Earth

25 Three Future Globalisation Initiatives
Exploring COSPAR Membership – Prof Wuji Middle East North African (MENA) Region – Farid Melgani. Advancing GRSS on the Indian Sub-continent - Hurish Mysore, Director, IEEE Indian Operations; Dr Melba Crawford; Dr Paul Rosen; Eric Wood (USGS and CEOS) and Dr Y.V.N.Murthy, Scientific Secretary of ISRO in Bangalore.

26 Sunday, July 10, 2016 Globalization and Chapter Chair Meetings
13: Globalisation Reports Region 8 Latin America Report - Carlos Lopez Region 9 Africa Report – Mike Inggs Region 10 China Report – Qiang Yin Region 10 India Initiative – Paul Rosen AfricGEOSS Soil Moisture – Adriano Camps

27 Sunday, July 10, 2016 Globalization and Chapter Chair Meetings
14.30 – Open Discussion Forum - Topics include; Opportunities for growing and serving members: Attracting new Society members Engaging students and young professionals Professional development (students, faculty, professionals) Developing regional leadership Educational initiatives with impact: caravans, field schools, workshops/conferences Staying connected: the role of the web and other media Engaging government Region specific opportunities and collaborative programs

28 Latin America Activities Report Paolo Gamba
Region 9 Latin America Activities Report Paolo Gamba

29 Region 8 African Activities Report Mike Inggs

30 GRSS in China Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society
Qiang YIN GRSS Asia Pacific Manager July 2016

31 IEEE GRSS India Initiative Adcom Report
Paul Rosen 10 July 2016 *Very Good Morning to all. It is an honor for me to present to you an update of our activities in India. India office work very closely with NJ under the leadership of Matt Loeb and Pete Sobel who leads all Global offices.

32 Soil Moisture and Agricultural Outreach Support Project
AfriGEOSS Soil Moisture and Agricultural Outreach Support Project A. Camps, A. Milne, M. Crawford, M. Piles, A. Turiel, M. Vall-llosera, I. Jarvis, T.J. Jackson, A. Mlisa, A. Van Nieherk, F. Ohene-Annor, A.T. Kabo-Bah, J. Engelbrecht, J. Malherbe, C. Kaempffer, S. Sinclair Contact person:

33 Globalisation – Challenges and Opportunities
Potential clientale young,vigorous,computer literate and social media savy, career oriented. Moving from a technology and science base to applications, working in a geospatial world, less specialised. GRSS is not well known or branded, IEEE even less known. GRSS is not yet well linked to the geospatial and visualisation world. Are booths, conference participation, chapter formation, free associate membership effective and the way forward? Need to develop an effective marketing approach to attract ongoing interest, membership and involvement. How to articulate our comparative advantage

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