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Ensuring outstanding teaching in art & design

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1 Ensuring outstanding teaching in art & design
Art academy Ensuring outstanding teaching in art & design

2 Art from Lesson: African Masks

3 African masks are used for special social and religious events
African masks are used for special social and religious events. The masks represent the spirits of ancestors that passed away long ago. They are thought to control the good and evil in the community.

4 Masks are worn during dances
Masks are worn during dances. The mask is believed to channel a spirit through the dancer.

5 The artist creates the mask from carving wood
The artist creates the mask from carving wood. The tribal artist is a respected position in society and the skills are often handed down the generations.

6 The important feature when designing your mask is to ensure that it has a vertical line of symmetry.

7 Examples of African Mask Designs

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