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what does it mean to me in psych class

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1 what does it mean to me in psych class
9/11 what does it mean to me in psych class

2 In Memoriam In Memoriam: New York City, 9/11/01 In Memoriam: New York City, 9/11/01 follows Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and his staff from their first realization of what had occurred, through the despair and tears, to a renewed strength that would emerge. The documentary presents a panoramic and unique historical record of that fateful day in New York City. Winner of Emmy® Award for Outstanding Picture Editing for Non-Fiction Programming.

3 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Psychology – a real world application The Events of 9/11 and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder History WW1 = > called shell shock WWII = > called combat fatigue Vietnam => Post Vietnam Syndrome Today => Post Traumatic Stress Disorder By the numbers 15% of 500,000 men who were Vietnam vets diagnosed with PTD 18% of 10 million women who were physically assaulted/ abused diagnosed with PTD 8%-10% of population will suffer from PTSD at some point in their life New England Journal of Medicine (2002) 130,000 New Yorkers suffered from PTSD, yet numbers relatively unknown worksheet

4 “change in priorities”
Dr. David Spiegal – Stanford University of Medicine 9/11 PTSD => widespread but not prolonged 7.5% in NY and up to 20% living close to World Trade Center *proximity *closeness in relationships High levels but returned to a baseline within 6 months Very intense/ acute Affected a very diverse group of people b/c of size and scope of NYC etc. Responses “I want to return to the way things were before 9/11; to go back to normal” “change in priorities” *community support; larger social networks = less distress

5 9/11 vs. Hurricane Katrina 9/11 PTSD: intrusive thoughts , nightmares, flashbacks, numbing, irritability Ratio of 2-1 Katrina suffered from depression; chronic despair => 90% of city is still in ruins, received little support from govt etc Impact of 5 year, 10 yr….etc etc etc. anniversary – too much media exposure => more distressed

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