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Red locust upsurge, western Tanzania

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1 Red locust upsurge, western Tanzania
Ikuu plain, 28/04/2012

2 Ikuu/Katavi plains 30,000 ha surveyed 73 swarms, covering 9,000 ha
Anticipate existence more swarms, pending detailed survey Initial stage 300,000 ha cereal crops at risk (Rukwa, Katavi, Kigoma Regions)

3 Current actors Crops Division, MAFC IRLCO-CSA , Ndola, Zambia
International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa, Ndola, Zambia

4 Locust plague in the region
WORST CASE SCENARIO Escape swarms into: DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda Further breeding Locust plague in the region

5 Action required MAY ! Renting survey helicopter & spraying airplane
Pesticides Storage drums Personnel Protective gear for operators Operations cost

6 Appeal for donor support
Current estimate: US$ 550,000

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