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By Daniel S. and Alexandru Grade 6, Mrs. Paskauskas

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1 By Daniel S. and Alexandru Grade 6, Mrs. Paskauskas
CHILD SOLDIERS By Daniel S. and Alexandru Grade 6, Mrs. Paskauskas

2 Child soldiers A Chinese Nationalist soldier, age 10, member of a Chinese division from the X Force, boarding planes in Burma bound for China, May 1944. Child soldier in the Soviet Union, "Sons of the regiment" were orphans adopted by Soviet regiments. They lived with the soldiers and some performed observation.

3 Definition of a child soldier
A child associated with an armed force or armed group refers to any person below 18 years of age who is, or who has been, recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys and girls, used as fighters, cooks, porters, spies or for sexual purposes.

4 What is the issue ? Hundreds of thousands of children are used as soldiers in armed conflicts around the world.

5 Who is doing it? Many children are recruited by force – stolen from their families and forced to fight. In some cases children are made to kill their relatives so they can never return home. Others join voluntarily, driven by poverty and the hope of a regular meal.

6 Who does it affect?  Children affected by armed conflict can be injured or killed; uprooted from their homes and communities, internally displaced or refugees; orphaned or separated from their parents and families; subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation; victims of trauma as a result of being exposed to violence; deprived of education and recreation;

7 What organizations are helping?
Global level The United Nations (UN) is strongly pushing governments to make their armed forces childfree. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has called for the arrest of several commanders known to recruit child soldiers. Country level Some countries know child soldiers are being used within their borders and are committed to stopping it. The main thing a country can do to prevent the use of child soldiers is make sure that its own armed forces don't use children.

8 What organizations are helping?
Ground level Many charities called non governmental organizations (NGOs) work to prevent (stop),disarm (take guns away from),demobilize (rescue)rehabilitate (heal) and reintegrate (bring home) child soldiers. Here are a few of them. ASO (Association de Soutine de l’opprime)in Democratic Republic of Congo. SIEMBRA in Colombia.

9 Where is it happening?

10 When did it start? Throughout history and in many cultures, children have been extensively involved in military campaigns even when such practices were against cultural morals. The earliest mentions of minors being involved in wars come from antiquity. It was customary for youths in the Mediterranean basin to serve as aides, charioteers and armor bearers to adult warriors. Examples of this practice can be found in the Bible (such as David's service to King Saul), in Greek mythology (such as the story of Hercules and Hylas), philosophy and literature. Also in a practice dating back to antiquity, children were routinely taken on campaign, together with the rest of a military man's family, as part of the baggage.  

11 When was it known to be a world issue?
In World War II, child soldiers fought throughout Europe, in the Warsaw Uprising,[3] in the Jewish resistance,[4] and in the Soviet Army.[5]  Since the 1970s, a number of international conventions have come into effect that try to limit the participation of children in armed conflicts, nevertheless the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers reports that the use of children in military forces, and the active participation of children in armed conflicts is widespread.

12 Why did it start? Child soldiers started because in some countries like Colombia there was not a lot of people to go to war so the army started to take children and to train them as soldiers.

13 How is Canada and the catholic churches helping?
Back in 2002, Canada signed on to an international treaty aimed at rehabilitating child soldiers. Pope Benedict XVI offered his public support to the United Nations' efforts to prevent the recruitment and deployment of child soldiers and said he prays each day for suffering children around the world.

14 Some military groups are recruiting children as combat.

15 Bibliography (Source: Paris Principles on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict 2007)

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