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History of the books..

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1 History of the books.

2 January 11, 2007 The Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh Joan Rolling finished writing the book. The novel was published July 21, On the day of sales in the U.S. were sold over 8 million copies in the UK - 3 million copies.

3 The most exciting question on everyone who watched the Harry Potter movies - is Who played the role of Voldemort in the movies?

4 The answer pretty daunting
The answer pretty daunting! Since the role of the "Dark Lord" played in different parts of the different actors. But the most difficult job he had to do it ...

5 Tom Marvolo Riddle or more famous name - Volan de Mort in the Harry Potter film played the famous British actor and director Ralph Fiennes, full name, no less mysterious: Ralph Nathaniel Tuislton-Wykeham-Fiennes.

6 Total novel in the Harry Potter books and has won seven of their 17 years of writing!

7 Main Hero Films The main characters are now famous actors.
Daniel Radcliffe - played the role of the main character - Harry Potter Emma Watson - played the role of Hermione Granger And Rupert Grint - played the role of Harry's best friend Ron Weasley. All movies they were with us!

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