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Published byAdrian West Modified over 6 years ago
Improving Accessing to HIV Care through Health Care Reform
Ryan White All Grantee Meeting November 28, 2012 Robert Greenwald, Treatment Access Expansion Project Andrea Weddle, HIV Medicine Association Anne Donnelly, Project Inform
Learning Objectives Participants will be able to describe the latest status of health care reform, particularly the Medicaid expansion, and evaluate how reforms may affect access to HIV care. Participants will be able to identify recommendations from California providers and advocates for effectively transitioning uninsured people with HIV into health care coverage. Participants will be able to describe key reform issues relevant to HIV medical providers.
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Part 1: Where We Are, Where We Are Headed
Part 2: Federal Implementation Update Part 3: Keys to Success: Lessons Learned from California
Where We Are: Status Quo = Access to Care Crisis
The Current Crisis 42-59% of low-income people living with HIV not in regular care Impossible to obtain individual insurance and few insured through employer system Medicaid/ Medicare are lifelines to care, but disability standard means they are very limited Demand for Ryan White care and services > funding 29% of people living with HIV uninsured
Ryan White Program Not Keeping Pace with Increased Need
Number of People Living with AIDS in the US vs. Ryan White Funding (adjusted for inflation) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Sources: “Estimated Number of Persons Living with AIDS,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ryan White Appropriations History, Heath Resources and Services Administration, Inflation calculated using “Funding, FY2007-FY2010 Appropriations by Program,
ACA Implementation Must Address Engagement and Retention in Quality Health Care
National HIV/AIDS Strategy calls for: Increasing HIV screening and improve linkages to care Increasing retention in care rates Closing the gap between those who need antiretrovirals (ARVs) and those who are on ARVs Providing needed care and support services to increase treatment adherence and number of persons with undetectable viral load rates
Where We Are Going: Great Potential But Successful Implementation Will Decide
Improves Medicaid: Expands eligibility (state option); provides essential health benefits (EHB) (federal and state regulations); improves reimbursement for PCPs (only ); includes health home (state option); allows for free preventive services (state option for Medicaid). Creates Private Insurance Exchanges: Provides subsidies up to 400% FPL (federal and state regulation); eliminates premiums based on health/gender; provides EHB (federal and state regulation); supports outreach, patient navigation and enrollment (federal and state regulation); and allows for Basic Health Plan (state option). Only with Successful Medicaid Expansion and Exchange Development Will We Dramatically Improve Health Outcomes and Meet Prevention Goals
Massachusetts as a Case Study of
Successful Health Reform Implementation
Massachusetts: A Post Health Care Reform State in a Pre-Reform Country
Expanded Medicaid coverage to pre-disabled people living with HIV with an income up to 200% FPL (2001) Enacted private health insurance reform with a heavily subsidized insurance plan for those with income up to 300% FPL (2006) Protected a strong Medicaid program for “already” & “newly” eligibles Re-tooled Ryan White Program ADAP funding largely spent on insurance not Rx (2006) Ryan White Program 75/25 rule waived to allow for increased support of essential support services (2007) Maintaining unrestricted formulary and 500% FPL eligibility ( present) The MA case study provides insight into how health reforms and Ryan White Program work together to meet NHAS Goals
Massachusetts’ Successful Reform Implementation Improves Health Outcomes and Meets NHAS Goals
Source: Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire HIV/AIDS Consumer Study Final Report, December 2011, JSI Research and Training, Inc. Note: MA Outcomes N = 1,004 Source: Cohen, Stacy M., et. al., Vital Signs: HIV Prevention Through Care and Treatment — United States, CDC MMWR, 60(47); (December 2, 2011); Note: National Outcomes HIV-infected, N = 1,178,350; HIV-diagnosed, n=941,950
MA Reform Demonstrates Successful Implementation Reduces New Infections & AIDS Mortality
Between 2006 & 2009, Massachusetts new HIV diagnoses rates fell by 25% compared to a 2% national increase Current MA new HIV diagnoses rates have fallen by 46% Between 2002 & 2008, Massachusetts AIDS mortality rates decreased by 44% compared to 33% nationally Sources: MA Dept of Public Health, Regional HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile of Mass: 2011, Table 3; CDC, Diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2010, HIV Surveillance Report, Vol. 22, Table 1A; CDC, Diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2008, HIV Surveillance Report, Vol. 20, Table 1A.
MA Reform Demonstrates Successful Health Reform Implementation Reduces Costs
Massachusetts cost per Medicaid beneficiary living with HIV has decreased, particularly the amount spent on inpatient hospital care Massachusetts DPH estimates reforms reduced HIV health care expenditures by ~$1.5 billion in past 10 years Source: MA Office of Medicaid, data request
A Post-Reform State Needs the Ryan White Program (RWP) to Meet NHAS Goals
YEAR Full Pay Co-Pay Premiums Total Cost Enrolled FY05 $ 9,756,201 $ 1,839,807 $ 6,112,132 $ 17,708,142 4738 FY11 $ 4,467,727 $ 3,175,917 $ 10,990,818 $ 18,634,462 7009 The RWP is essential to reducing gaps in care and affordability to meet NHAS retention in care and viral suppression goals ADAP reduces barriers to HIV medications Individuals with income of $16,000 (150% FPL) cannot afford $3,333 Families with income of $33,000 (150% FPL) cannot afford $6,666 RWP provides essential care - dental, vision and behavioral health… RWP provides essential services - case management, transportation, food and nutrition…
Lack of Proper Planning and Oversight Results in Disruptions in Care
California’s Ineffective Implementation Undermines NHAS Goals Lack of Proper Planning and Oversight Results in Disruptions in Care (Moving Us in the Wrong Direction) Both federal and state officials largely failed to account for people living with HIV who became newly eligible through reform Failed to ensure that the health benefits package met HIV standard of care Failed to integrate HIV providers and models of care delivery Failed to consider Ryan White Program coordination and “payer of last resort” provisions
Part 2: ACA Federal Implementation Update
30 Million Newly Insured by 2022
Medicaid Expansion <133% FPL Exchange Coverage >133% FPL 25 million
Undocumented Immigrants Left Out
Barred from state-based exchanges Not eligible for non-emergency Medicaid Eligible for restricted “emergency” Medicaid Eligible for services through community health centers and/or safety-net providers
Key Implementation Issues
Medicaid Expansion Essential Health Benefits Exchanges Affordability
Medicaid Expansion Update
Supreme Court ruled states can’t be penalized for not participating No deadline for states to opt in 100% federal match applies 2014 to 2016 States required to maintain eligibility for enhanced rates (“MOE requirement”) CMS considering additional flexibility Only est. 1/3 eligible for subsidies in the exchange
Medicaid Expansion: Where Do the States Stand?
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. November 2012.
Medicaid Expansion: Estimated Increase in Enrollment by State
Medicaid Expansion: Estimated Increase in State Spending
Income Status of Individuals Who Receive Ryan White-funded Services
Medicaid Primary Care Rate Increase - 2013 & 2014
Internists, family medicine and pediatricians and NPs/PAs they supervise eligible for enhanced rates for primary care services Specialists trained in IM, FM, and Pediatrics, including infectious diseases, eligible Payment will be equal to provider charge or Medicare rate, whichever is lower
HIV Medical Homes Resource Center
Medicaid Health Homes For Medicaid beneficiaries with 2 or more chronic conditions HIV health homes - Oregon and New York Supports comprehensive care management, care coordination, patient and family support…. States develop reimbursement models HIV Medical Homes Resource Center
The Role of the Exchanges: Federal Rules
Regulated market places to purchase insurance No denials based on health status or higher fees based on health or gender Certify “qualified health plans” “Active” or “passive” purchaser Educate consumers Must establish call center, website, navigators (at least one nonprofit group), premium calculator Conduct or contract eligibility and enrollment Streamlined “no wrong door” application process Set standards for provider networks Required to contract with “sufficient number and geographic distribution of essential community providers” Ryan White providers identified as essential
State Exchange Activity
Deadline extended: Dec 14th All States Will Have Exchanges!
Get Involved in Your State
State Contacts: Federal-run Exchange - Contact CMS Regional Office:
Ryan White Core Services vs. EHB
ACA “Essential Health Benefits”* Ambulatory patient services Emergency services Hospitalization Maternity and newborn care Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment Prescription drugs Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices Laboratory services Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management Pediatric services, including oral and vision care Ryan White Core Services Ambulatory and outpatient care AIDS pharmaceutical assistance Mental health services Substance abuse outpatient care Home health care Medical nutrition therapy Hospice services Home and community-based health services Medical case management, including treatment adherence services Oral health care (not an EHB)
Essential Health Benefits
States selected “benchmark” plan to set coverage standard for 10 EHB categories + EHB applies to Medicaid expansion but with additional protections (due 2013) Comment on your state’s selection by Dec. 26th:
More EHB Rules Drug coverage equals one drug per class or the same number of drugs in a class covered by the benchmark plan (whichever is higher) Lifetime and annual coverage limits barred Adult dental and long-term/custodial nursing home care benefits excluded from EHB Mental health parity applies
What to Comment On Would the service limits impede access to necessary HIV care? Will all or nearly all of the ARVs be covered? Will people with HIV have access to chronic disease management?
New Preventive Services Benefits – Effective in New Plans August 2012
HIV screening and counseling Well-woman visits Screening for gestational diabetes HPV testing for women 30 years and older STI counseling FDA-approved contraception methods and contraceptive counseling Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling Domestic violence screening and counseling
What’s Covered? What’s Not Covered?
Affordability Exchanges 100% FPL up to 400% FPL Sliding scale premium credits Adjusted out of pocket max 100 to 250% FPL Cost sharing subsidies Medicaid <100% FPL – none % FPL No premiums Up to 10% cost or nominal depending on service What’s Covered? What’s Not Covered?
Subsidy Calculator from *In addition to premium payments
Part 3: Keys to Success: Lessons learned from California
State HCR Advocacy and Planning
Federal government develops the framework States operationalize Will vary state by state Both advocacy and planning are essential In every state, including those resisting HCR Identifying and collaborating with allies The timeline is very short Lots of decisions being made now More questions than answers but need to move ahead
Top Three State Advocacy Priorities
Full Medicaid Expansion with an adequate benefits package that meets the needs of people with HIV Provider networks include HIV providers Ensure continuity of care provisions Ensure adequate formulary – states can have more than one benefits package Plans offered through the Exchange meet HIV prevention, care, and treatment needs Formulary protections Adequate provider networks Continuity of care provisions Exchanges are well designed and implemented Active vs. “Organizer” No wrong door for application - HIV information is integrated (very difficult) Navigators have some HIV experience Medicaid/Exchange plan networks and benefits are aligned
Implementation & Planning Priorities
What changes will/are likely to occur in 2014 in your state? What type of transitions will these changes bring? Movement to Medicaid? Movement to Exchanges? People currently on PCIP? How will communication, education, and assistance be provided? How will your state/local infrastructure serve the insured and uninsured populations (RW and non – RW services)? Community Health Centers Private physicians Public hospitals (DSH, county, state) HIV System of Care Non-physician providers Community-based organizations University hospitals
Lessons Learned – State Advocacy & Planning
General Overview We have to start now We can’t do this alone essential to partner with other advocates & state administrators There will not be a road map Can’t wait for state specific guidance from HRSA, CMS, CCIIO, HHS etc. More questions than answers There are multiple and interrelated decision “tables” The HIV community is not likely to be invited It may not be clear where decisions are being made People planning likely to have little knowledge of HIV Will require innovation in roles and programs Can’t necessarily rely on old fixes, i.e. RW may not be able to fill all gaps
1) Ensure a voice for HIV at the state level
Advocacy: Identify: key decisions and decision makers Is anyone with HIV expertise participating? Identify allies and make connections Implementation: No one agency in charge Need for leadership from state HIV entities Probably not charged, staffed or funded to do the work Key: Connections between Medicaid services, state HIV specific offices, Exchanges and insurance regulators Can be informal; stakeholder and/or work groups Requires new roles and ways of working together In some states there is limited interaction; need collaboration *
2) Identify and plan for gaps in coverage
What services will not be offered under new coverage, i.e. vision & dental? Peer outreach, linkage and care engagement services What populations are left out of health care reform and how will they obtain coverage? Undocumented people: are there sufficient Ryan White services? can people access quality HIV care in community health clinics? what do state programs cover? Recent immigrants: who will need additional assistance to purchase in the Exchange? is your state considering a Basic Health Plan? Identify and plan for service limitations Is the case management in new programs sufficient for PWHA? What exactly will be covered under a managed care capitated rate or a medical home?
How Will Ryan White Integrate Into New Systems? (Payer of Last Resort)
Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment Will there be limits on the number of visits offered in Medicaid and private plans? Is substance use treatment appropriate and sufficient for your population? Where and how can RW funds wrap around services? Are current providers able to bill both new systems and RW? Case management What will Medicaid cover? Is it sufficient for your population? Should case management services be co-located with clinical services? Will case management include referral services to food pantry or Food Stamps enrollment assistance, housing and other essential services? Do those services need to be co-located with clinic services and/or medical homes?
3) Identify and plan to fill gaps in affordability
Insurance premium and co-pay assistance
4) Prepare Ryan White Systems
ADAP must be able to wrap around premiums and other out of pocket costs Waiver from the 75/25 rule What new and/or expanded services will be needed, i.e more benefits counselors, navigation & legal assistance? What services need to be co-located with clinics, which don’t? Massachusetts ADAP Expenditures by Category Fiscal Year Full Pay Co-pay Premiums FY 05 $9,756,201.76 $1,839,807.23 $6,112,132.85 FY 10 $4,635,751.00 $2,930,016.65 $9,320,425.00
5) Ensure Safe Transitions
No one agency or group in charge of transitions Develop effective communications/education network Most HIV positive people and providers look to HIV specific entities for information Develop materials and training for those assisting clients in transitions – ensure there is sufficient capacity for assistance Ensure medical and non-medical providers are engaged in new systems of care Ensure strong continuity of care provisions in Medicaid and plans under Exchange, including access to drugs and ancillary services Plan for delays in enrollment / eligibility determination & churning between systems – fill gaps Notes: Based on Patients with HIV Attending Medical Offices Participating in HIVRN; N=19,235. Medicaid includes those with Medicare coverage. Source: Data from K. Gebo and J. Fleishman, in Institute of Medicine, HIV Screening and Access to Care: Exploring the Impact of Policies on Access to and Provision of HIV Care, Excludes 8% “unknown” coverage.
6) Role of Local Communities
Planning for health reform at the local level Infrastructure of ASOs to handle insured client base? Connections to broader care systems to ensure uninterrupted access to care? Community health centers Safety net providers Medicaid Individual transition planning and assistance for most vulnerable? Engagement in education and training in new systems to provide assistance to clients? Funding decisions aimed at outreach for testing, linkage, engagement and retention in care?
Resources Health Access
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities Treatment Access Expansion Project – Families USA – National Health Law Program –
Health Care Reform Planning
“If we wait for governments, it’ll be too little, too late. If we act as individuals, it’ll be too little. But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time.” Transition network *
Contact Us Anne Donnelly, Project Inform Ph x208 Robert Greenwald, Treatment Access Expansion Project Ph (617) Andrea Weddle, HIV Medicine Association Ph (703)
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