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Political Culture Public Opinion Voting and Elections

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1 Political Culture Public Opinion Voting and Elections
Political Influences Political Culture Public Opinion Voting and Elections

2 Political Culture Relationships within a culture
Consensual – some conflict between ideas Conflictual – opposing belief systems clash with each other

3 Core Values Liberty (Thomas Jefferson and Locke)
Equality (social, political and opportunity) Individualism (rugged, common sense, choice and limits) Democracy (majority rules with minority rights) Rule of Law (vs. rule of the individual) Civic Duty

4 Changing values Capitalism – FDR and the 2nd bill of rights
Free Enterprise Political Tolerance Mistrust (increased since the 1960s, internal efficacy - take part; external efficacy – govt will respond to needs) The “isms” – liberal, conservative, communist, socialism, libertarian, etc.

5 What is Public Opinion? The distribution of individual attitudes about a particular issue, candidate, political institution, etc. Many Publics – not just one George Gallup Gallup Polls started in 1932 1st “pollster” Agency has only picked one general election result incorrectly since the year 1936

6 Public Opinion Measurement of:
Straw Vote Polls (quantity is more important than the quality) Call in votes (American Idol, America’s Got Talent), Scientific (quality is more important than quantity) This is what we generally see done today Gallup Poll, Harris Poll, CBS News/USA Today polls

7 Steps to a Good Public Opinion Poll
Define the universe (everyone that is to be asked the questions) Create a sample (random, quota,census tract, etc – only 1500 needed for US) Questions created (yes/no the best) How to ask the questions? (face to face, phone, etc) Tabulate the results (sampling error +/- 3 points the maximum for a good result)

8 Characteristics of a poll
Intensity – how strong are the feelings for the issue? Latency – is it a visible or hidden question? Salience – what relevance does it have to me? Consensus v. Polarization Fluidity- how likely is the opinion to change within the time frame

9 Polling Bias Types Testimonials: Implied endorsements from celebrities
Mudslinging: Name calling or groundless assertions about another candidate (negative advertising tends to have more watchers)

10 Polling Bias Continued
Transfer: Use of popular symbols or causes to create a positive connotation for a candidate or the use of negative or controversial symbol and cause to create a negative connotation of the competition’s candidate American Supporter Unamerican hearings

11 Bias in Polling Cardstacking: Use of statistics in a one sided manner; the omission of information that is crucial to drawing an informed conclusion Glittering Generalities: use of very vague words or phrases that may have a positive effect on the viewer and appeal to a variety of interests.

12 Your Public Opinion – how formed?
Political socialization – the process by which attitudes are shaped and passed from generation to generation Cradle to Grave Never Ending Factors that influence a person’s opinion People in different social “groups” tend to share certain opinions: group identification

13 Family as an agent Number One influence of political attitude
Very strong correlation for Political Party support More often associated with economic issues (the pocketbook issues)

14 Gender as an agent Examples: More men support the military
More women consider sexual harassment a serious issue/problem Women tend to vote Democratic more often whereas men tend to vote Republican more often Abortion issues, death penalty issues “Gender Gap” issue

15 Religion as an agent Example:
Protestants are more conservative on economic matters than Catholics or Jews Jews tend to be more liberal on economic and social issues than Catholics or Protestants Catholics tend to be more liberal on economic issues than they are on social issues (Catholics are becoming more conservative)m

16 Education as an agent Example:
Higher education – more conservative, but while attending college you tend to be more liberal Conflicting results – not the best correlation “Regular School” – we try to teach the values of education and the nation (think about history classes and civics)

17 Social Class as an agent
“Blue Collar” (laborer) typically votes Democratic “White Collar” (management) typically votes Republican Relationship is becoming less clear Hourly wage earners v. salaried Low income v. Higher income play a part in the voting

18 Race and Ethnic Background
Examples: 90% of African Americans vote Democratic Hispanic Americans – tend to affiliate with the Democrats, but less than African Americans Asian Americans – less liberal than Hispanic Americans or African Americans – but still vote consistently Democratic White, more divided, tends to flucuate by the election (economy)

19 Geographic region Examples:
East and West Coast – tend to be more liberal Mid West – more conservative Urban – more liberal South – 1870 through 1950s – Democrat “Solid South” but today primarily social conservatives White Southerner less liberal

20 Public Opinion Political Ideology
Coherent and consistent set of political beliefs about who ought to rule, the principles that the rulers need to obey and what policies rulers ought to pursue. Changes over time Liberal and Conservative have different meanings depending on historical time

21 Factors That Determine Placement
Two major factors shape political views. The first is how much change a person is willing to have within their society and government. The second deals with how much government involvement in the economy a person calls for. Others also bring in the question of how much freedom from government authority a leader is willing to give the people.

22 Political Labels To see where you stand, you would have to figure out where you stand on a number of social (people-related), economic (money-related), and political (governmental) issues. First you need definitions of the terms radical, liberal, conservative, and reactionary. Some authors include the terms authoritarian and libertarian.

23 What is a Radical? Seen as being on the far left of the political spectrum, radicals call for wide-sweeping rapid change in the basic structure of the political, social, or economic system. They may be willing to resort to extreme methods to bring about change, including the use of violence and revolution. V.I. Lenin: Mastermind of the Russian Revolution and Father of the Soviet Union

24 Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King
What is a Liberal? Liberals believe that the government should be actively involved in the promotion of social welfare of a nation’s citizens. They usually call for peaceful, gradual change within the existing political system. They reject violent revolution as a way of changing the way things are, often called the status quo. Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King

25 Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) is generally seen as a moderate.
What is a Moderate? Moderates may share viewpoints with both liberals and conservatives. They are seen as tolerant of other people’s views, and they do not hold extreme views of their own. They advocate a “go-slow” or “wait-and-see” approach to social or political change. Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) is generally seen as a moderate.

26 What is a Conservative? People who hold conservative ideals favor keeping things the way they are or maintaining the status quo if it is what they desire. Conservatives are usually hesitant or cautious about adopting new policies, especially if they involve government activism in some way. They feel that the less government there is, the better. They agree with Jefferson’s view that “the best government governs least.” Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) is widely regarded as the father of the modern conservative movement

27 Hitler’s Mein Kampf is a typical reactionary manifesto
What is a Reactionary? Sitting on the far right of the ideological spectrum, reactionaries want to go back to the way things were—the “good ol’ days.” Often reactionaries are willing to use extreme methods, such as repressive use of government power, to achieve their goals. The term “reactionary is generally negative. A positive way to say the same thing is “arch-conservative.” Hitler’s Mein Kampf is a typical reactionary manifesto

28 Liberal v. Conservative
Health care to ordinary people – national system Cure the economic and social causes of crime. Regulate business for public interest Spend less on military Tax rich more, reduce the inequality in income Help the poor through employment Conservative Private insurance for health care Punish not coddle the criminals Businesses allowed to operate under free market Spend more on military Taxes should be kept low People responsible for their own well being – welfare takes away incentives to take care of themselves

29 How ideological are Americans?
1950 study – “The American Voter” 4 basic types of voters Ideologues – 12% of people connect their opinions to party lines Group benefits voters – 42% of people connect their opinion to their “group” (labor union, interest groups, class, race) Nature of the Times Voter – 24% - economic good times and bad times No issue content – 22% - no reason for the way they voted in an election (think now about looks, how they sound, personal characteristics of the candidate)

30 Political Spectrum

31 The Political Spectrum

32 American Politicians on the Spectrum
Here is how one website places important American political figures on the spectrum. You can take the quiz at

33 Where leaders stand on the political spectrum?

34 Political Participation
Amendments: 15th – all males 19th – females 23rd – residents of DC 24th – no poll tax 26th – lowered age to 18 Laws: Voting Rights Act of 1965 (extended in 1970, 1975 and 1982) Motor Voter Law – 1993 – made registration easier for all those wanting to vote

35 Supreme Court involvement in Voting
Oregon v.Mitchell – no literacy tests SC v. Katzenbach – Voting Rights Act constitutional Gomillion v. Lightfoot – no gerrymandering Smith v. Allwright – no all white primaries Harper v Virginia Board of Elections – no poll tax for state elections Guinn v. United States – no racial gerrymandering Dunn v.Blumstein – no more than 30 days for residency for registering to vote

36 Who votes? Voters tend to be: Those that tend not to vote:
Higher educated Higher income Employed, government employees Older Midwestern section Caucasians Presidential Elections General Elections Those that tend not to vote: Satisfied with the government Apathy Predictions already made Too many offices Timing – day of the week Role of the Political Parties

37 Reasons for voting: Sociological: Psychological: Income - higher
Occupational – skilled Education – higher Gender – males Age – older Religion – church goers Ethnic Psychological: Party identification (number one reason) – long term Decreasing due to the number of increasing independents and split ticket voting Candidates and Issues Short term Image Pocket book

38 Most common forms of participation:
Watch Television Voted Influence somehow Political Meeting Work for candidate Give money

39 Election participation
82% watched the campaign on tv 73% voted in the election 34% tried to influence others how to vote 10% put a sticker on their car 9% gave money to help a campaign 5% attended a political meeting 3% worked for a party or candidate Is this true? 73% of people voted - NO

40 Types of voting Straight ticket voting – vote for one party and only one party Split Ticket voting – switch between parties for different offices Prospective voting – what promises have been made Retrospective voting – record of candidates *Ballot fatigue – vote for a few offices, but get too tired to finish the entire ballot

41 Elections in the United States
Function Determine the leaders and the policies to be followed Legitimacy of the issues, plans Role of the party is a label

42 The winner take all system
In order to win an election, you need to win only a plurality (the most) of the votes Versus: Proportional Representation Single Member Districts

43 Types of elections Nomination Phase – Step One
Self announcement Primary and Caucus Open v. closed v. Blanket Presidential v. Congressional National v. Regional Role of incumbency and lame duck Coattail effect Every two or four years

44 Campaigns and Elections
How the president, and members of Congress are actually elected to office?

45 Function of the Election
Choose over 500,000 public roles Contest between political parties (general election – interparty fight) Winner take all – the person with the most votes (plurality) not 50% (majority) wins the seat Plurality v. majority Single member districts – one representative per district

46 Presidential Election Process
Each state holds a primary or caucus between January and June to determine the candidates from each party (intraparty contest) Candidates then enter the general election against other parties (interparty contest) More people will vote in a general election – in % voted in general election with only about 25% voting in the primaries

47 Congressional v. Presidential elections
Congress elections are REGIONAL Senate by State; House by district House elections are less competitive than Senate or president Incumbents – rep. up for reelection – usually win elections by at least 605 Congressional elections every two years – fewer people vote in “off year” elections or “mid term” elections which means voters in these elections are more activist

48 Congressional v. Presidential
Coattail Effect – presidential popularity effecting congressional elections during midterm elections Congress communicates with their constituents more directly, often personally, while President relies on the media Congress reps can deny responsibility and blame problems on other representatives or President

49 Running for President MONEY Organization Strategy and Themes
Fund raisers, lawyers, accountants, media consultants, advisors, pollsters, --- staff of hundreds Strategy and Themes Tone, Theme, timing and Target

50 Running for Congress Incumbents have huge advantage
Money, Time and Name Recognition Franking Privileges Cater to distrust by public of federal government Run against Congress, not for it Sophomore Surge

51 Steps to the White House
Announcements Primaries and Caucuses Front loading (New Hampshire and Iowa) Win delegates Convention Party Unity Rubberstamp Platform Written General Election Labor Day through November The people

52 Winner-take-all System
Delegate Selection Proportional System Primary system used by the Democratic Party Candidates are allocated the same percentage of a state’s delegates as they received in popular votes Winner-take-all System System used in most Republican primaries The winner of the popular vote in that state receives all that state’s delegates

53 The Electoral College 48 states utilize the Winner take all Each State
Maine and Nebraska do not Each State Number of electors equals number of members in Congress One vote for President and One vote for Vice President Ballots in December Changed from original by the 12th amendment No winner – House chooses the President (one vote per state) and Senate chooses the Vice President


55 Plans to reform the electoral college
District Plan – one winner per congressional district and state as a whole Proportional – percentage of popular vote equals percentage of electoral vote Direct election – need 40% of the popular vote to win the election National Bonus Plan – changes the numbers of electoral votes *Problems – rise in the influence of third parties

56 Election Reforms FECA of 1971 and 1974:
Limit if matching funds FEC created Creation of PACs and soft money Buckley v. Valeo- no limit on expenditures but limit donations Bipartisan Reform Act No soft money 527s created No issue ads Increase amounts to be donated by individuals

57 Types of elections Maintaining Critical Realigning Dealignment –
1860, 1896 and 1932 – switch party alliances for the election – made more permanent changes Dealignment – No party influence – some changes but no long term effects Reinstating Return the original party to power

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