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Little millet, Panicum sumatrense, an Under-utilized Multipurpose Crop

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1 Little millet, Panicum sumatrense, an Under-utilized Multipurpose Crop
Vetriventhan Mani and Hari D Upadhyaya Genebank, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India 1st International Agrobiodiversity Congress, Nov. 6-9, 2016, New Delhi, India

2 Introduction Panicum sumatrense Nana Robusta
Little millet, Panicum sumatrense Roth. Ex. Roem. & Schult. a tetraploid (2n = 4x =36) C4 crop Domesticated in India, and it is being grown in India, China, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Subrace Race Panicum sumatrense Nana Laxa Erecta Robusta Compacta de Wet et al. 1983

3 Little millet: Why it is important?
Nutritional and Health benefits Good source of energy, protein, fiber and minerals rich in iron (9.3 mg per 100g) crude fiber (7.6%) as compared to rice, wheat, maize, and sorghum (Saleh et al 2013) Used as food and fodder purposes Low GI index, ingredient in multigrain and gluten-free cereal products Agronomic Advantages Short duration Diverse adaptation High water use efficiency Drought tolerant Waterlogging tolerant High biomass Stay-green at harvest - useful as green fodder One of the Under-utilized small millets

4 Objectives Materials and methods
To assess the diversity of little millet germplasm for important agronomic traits Identify high grain and biomass yielding little millet accessions Materials and methods 200 accessions of little millet (including little millet core collection, Upadhyaya et al. 2014) Alpha-design with two replications Plot size : 4 m x 60 cm, 10 cm plant-to-plant Soil type : Red soil Observation : 8 qualitative and 15 quantitative traits Race Subrace No. of accessions Nana (135) Erecta 29 Laxa 106 Robusta (65) Compacta 35 30

5 Range of variation Trait Range Mean Entire Robusta Nana
Days to 50% flowering 59.8 79.5 a 50.1 b Plant height, cm 145.7 167.1 a 134.9 b Basal tillers 9.8 9.2 b 10.1 a Culm thickness, mm 5.2 7.2 a 4.2 b Flag leaf blade length, mm 276.2 261.5 b 283.0 a Flag leaf blade width, mm 10.5 10.8 a 10.4 b Flag leaf sheath length, mm 111.5 107.3 b 113.4 a Panicle exsertion, mm 23.7 26.2 a 22.6 b Inflorescence length, mm 299.8 293.0 b 302.7 a Number of nodes on main culm 7.4 9.0 a 6.6 b Infl. longest primary branch length 182.6 163.9 b 191.4 a Inflorescence no. primary branches 13.7 14.1 a 13.4 b Inf. no. secondary branches 59.6 65.5 a 56.0 b Dry matter yield, g plant-1 61.4 88.4 a 48.5 b Grain yield, g plant -1 7.8 a 7.1 b Robust is late flowering, tall plants, thick culm and high grain and biomass yielding as compared to accessions of nana Means were tested by Newman–Keuls test and means followed by different letters are significantly different at P= 0.05

6 Diversity and clustering
Robusta (Blue and purple) Blue - Compacta; purple - laxa Nana (red and green) Red – erecta; Green - laxa Robusta Nana PC 1 (40% of variation) PC 2 (18%) Fig. 1. PCA Scatter plot of little millet accessions Fig. 2. Clustering based on 1st 5PCs PC1: Days to 50% flowering; plant height, cm; culm thickness; number of node; Inf. Secondary branch number; dry matter yield PC2: FLSL; Inf. Lower primary branch length; Flag leaf blade length

7 Flowering vs plant height, grain yield and biomass
1. 2. 3.

8 High biomass and grain yield (3 acc)
Germplasm sources for high grain yield and biomass IPmr Origin Race Subrace DF PLHT Dry-matter yield, g plant-1 Grain yield, g plant-1 High biomass (9 acc) 858 India Robusta Laxa 86.36 169.87 159.47 8.74 1043 Compacta 80.78 175.95 148.11 9.13 1070 Nana Erecta 82.95 190.06 147.86 7.12 877 84.94 172.39 132.56 7.67 862 86.64 177.87 131.48 9.66 855 80.23 160.51 131.23 7.65 997 85.91 179.98 128.87 9.65 1049 80.18 176.47 127.99 9.42 713 86.27 172.9 125.35 9.6 High grain yield (5 acc.) 1021 80.22 155.84 120.75 12.09 841 74.03 154.73 74.24 11.49 1017 62.66 145.94 64.17 11.45 983 55.83 163.21 61.95 10.35 712 60.83 171.12 93.95 10.08 High biomass and grain yield (3 acc) 1063 63.27 173.25 138.24 10.69 1040 85.11 175.82 132.47 10.02 1000 174.53 124.76 9.94

9 Germplasm sources for high grain yield and biomass

10 Germplasm sources for high grain yield and biomass
High biomass

11 Conclusion Little millet is a multi-purpose potential climate resilient crop, used as food and fodder It has potential to use as a bioenergy crop Agronomic Advantage: Annual, C4, short duration, tolerant to drought and waterlogging, require less inputs, wide spread adaptability Accessions of robust race produce high biomass Identified sources for high grain and biomass yielding accessions serves as potential starting materials for testing and further release as varieties Biomass quality (ie. Amenability of little millet for industrial conversion into bioethanol) & Fodder quality (crude protein, fiber and fat contents, digestibility etc.) Genome sequencing and Genetic dissection of important traits

12 IPmr 1063 Thank You

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