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Overview Of MSC.Marc
Company Overview The MSC.Software Corporation (formerly MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation) has been supplying sophisticated computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools since 1963 MSC.Software is the developer, distributor, and supporter of the most complete and widely-used structural analysis program in the world, MSC.Nastran as well as the first commercial nonlinear analysis program in the world, MSC.Marc. MSC.Nastran MSC.Marc MSC.Dytran MSC.Patran MSC.Marc Mentat MSC.Adams MSC.MVision MSC.Fatigue MSC.Laminate Modeler MSC.SuperForm MSC.SuperForge …and more
Company Overview MSC.Adams MSC.Nastran (implicit) MSC.Marc (implicit)
Linear Analysis Vibration Classic Dynamics Basic Nonlinear MSC.Marc (implicit) Advanced Nonlinear Spring back Welding Superplastic Forming MSC.Dytran (explicit) Sheet Metal Forming Plastic Container Forming Crash Analysis MSC.SuperForm (implicit) General Purpose Bulk Forming MSC.SuperForge (explicit) 3D Forging MSC.Adams Rigid Body Kinematics
Company Overview 40 Years of MSC Milestones
Company founded by Dr. Richard MacNeal and Mr. Robert Schwendler. Developed first program called SADSAM (for Structural Analysis by Digital Simulation of Analog Methods) - the forerunner to MSC.Nastran MSC participates in NASA-sponsored project to develop a unified approach to computerized structural analysis. The program became known as NASTRAN (NASA Structural Analysis Program) A team of researchers at Brown University initiated the development of the technology leading to the MARC program The MARC Analysis Research Corporation was founded MSC releases proprietary version of NASTRAN, called MSC.Nastran MARC Corp releases the first proprietary version of MARC, the first commercial Nonlinear finite element analysis program MSC merged with PDA Engineering (Developer of PATRAN) to become the largest single provider of finite element analysis (FEA) software to the CAE market MSC.Software merged with MARC Analysis Research to lead both the linear and the nonlinear analysis worldwide CAE market … Continuous development of the Marc product with v2000, v2001, v2003…
What is MSC.Patran? MSC.Patran is a finite element pre- and post-processor, which has been integrated with several nonlinear analysis solvers including MSC.Marc and MSC.Nastran for implicit solutions; MSC.Dytran and LS-Dyna3D for explicit solutions Together, MSC.PATRAN and MSC.MARC are particularly useful for modeling complex non-linear problems
What is MSC.Patran? Common look and feel for many analysis codes, strong CAD geometry integration, and powerful meshing and model manipulation through MSC.Patran
MSC.Patran Drives MSC.Marc
MSC.Patran on-line help facility includes documentation for all GUI forms and topics. In many cases, all model definition, analysis submittal and results evaluation can be done through MSC.Patran
MSC.Mentat Drives MSC.Marc
In all cases, model definition, analysis submittal and results evaluation can be done via MSC.Mentat MSC.Mentat on-line help facility includes documentation for all GUI forms and topics.
Analysed and influenced final design decisions on:
Automotive parts Nuclear reactor housings Biomedical equipment Offshore platform components Fiberglass fabric roof structures Rocket motor casings Ship hulls Elastomeric mounts Space vehicles Electronic components Steam-piping systems Engine pistons Tires Jet engine rotors Welding, casting, quenching Large strain metal extrusions About MSC.Marc… TOYOTA
MSC.Marc Documentation
Volume A: User Information and Theory Volume B: Element Library Volume C: Program Input Volume D: User Subroutines Volume E: Demonstration Problems User’s Guide: Step by step example problems (Mentat-based) MSC.Patran User’s Manual MSC.Patran Marc Preference Guide – brief description of the commands available in the preference PDF files
Patran/Mentat Model1.mud/db MSC.Marc Files
Summary Of MSC.Marc Structural Solution Procedures
Linear and Nonlinear solutions Static and Transient Analysis Buckling and Post-Buckling Time and Frequency based (Classical) Dynamics Frequency (and Modal) Extraction Euler Buckling Direct (Transient) Modal (Transient) Frequency Response (Steady State) Spectrum Response Design Sensitivity and Optimization Fracture Mechanics Not Currently Supported in MSC.Patran
Summary Of MSC.Marc Non-Structural Solution Procedures
Patran Currently Supports: Heat Transfer Steady State Analysis Transient Analysis Fully Coupled Thermal/Structural Analysis Steady State Transient Creep Patran Does Not Currently Support: Hydrodynamic Bearing Coupled Thermal-Electrical-Structural Electrostatic Analysis Magnetostatic Analysis Electromagnetic Analysis Acoustic Analysis Fluid Mechanics
MSC.Marc Advanced Solution Features
Fully implemented large deformation and large strain Robust Newton-Raphson and Arc-length methods Manual/automatic load incrementation procedures Industry-leading parallel processing Global and local remeshing Highly regarded contact capability Highly customisable via User Subroutines
MSC.Marc Advanced Solution Features: Large Element Library
Sophisticated formulations to account for large strain and its associated numerical difficulties All elements support large deformations Most elements support large strains Many large rotation- increment shells/beams All elements may be combined User control over integration methods 0D (Point) Elements 1D (Bar) Elements 2D Solid (Continuum) Elements 2D Shell Elements 3D Solid (Continuum) Elements Example: Mode 1 for encastre beam with combined element types
MSC.Marc Advanced Solution Features: Materials
Large library of built-in material models. Including: Elastic (isotropic, orthotropic, anisotropic) Ductile Failure (isotropic, orthotropic, anisotropic) Progressive composite failure (shell and solid) Brittle damage (post-yield softening) Micro-void damage Plastics Hyperelastic (rubber, elastomer) Creep Viscoelastic/viscoplastic Large library of built-in material properties Temperature dependent Strain rate dependent
MSC.Marc Advanced Solution Features: Contact
Deformable and/or rigid bodies Analytic or discrete contact surfaces Velocity, force or displacement control Stick-slip or continuous friction models Self contact Complete control over permissible contact if required
MSC.Marc Advanced Solution Features: Contact
Marc tracks the motion of all contact bodies with respect to each at all times When two bodies come into contact, Marc automatically determines the area of contact and calculates the contact normal and friction stresses The user may also request the calculation of Normal and Friction (nodal) Forces. Contact area Rigid body Deformable Structure Contact stress (including friction) Calculated
MSC.Marc Solution Features: Local Adaptive Remeshing
Automatic MPC
Marc Advanced Solution Features: Global Adaptive Remeshing
Available in 2D and 3D for continuum elements
MARC Advanced Solution Features: Global Adaptive Remeshing
For problems exhibiting very large strains and mesh distortion – preventing the analysis from stopping Example: Two rubber pieces coming into contact The piece on the left undergoes self contact as the hole closes up
MARC Advanced Solution Features: Distributed Domain Decomposition
Parallel Processing Automatic Subdivision based on Metis Manual Decomposition based on MSC.Patran Groups Generally linear scaling for 2 to 8 processors Use up to 64 processors The Domain Decomposition Method (DDM) is supported in v The model is broken into domains and each domain is submitted to a separate CPU to parallel process the analysis. The domains can be created manually by assigning a Patran group to each domain. Or you can use Metis to automatically create the domains for you. Verification tools exists to visualize each domain and ensure that there are no duplicate entities or missing entities in any of the domains. Multiple Marc input files are created and submitted to the master host. The master host then distributes the other input files for each domain to the proper machine. A results file from each is returned. When MSC.Marc supports DDM within the solver, Patran will submit the job without breaking the model into domains. Rather you will just tell Marc how many domains you want and a single input file will be transferred. Marc will then use an automatic DDM (probably Metis) and submit the job transparent to the user.
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