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Chapter 12 Concept and vocabulary words:

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1 Chapter 12 Concept and vocabulary words:
Selective breeding, inbreeding, hybridization, recombinant DNA Genetic engineering, plasmids Transgenic bacteria, plants, or animals Restriction enzymes Dna fingerprinting-gel electrophoresis Genetically modified foods Clone Stem cells-gene therapy PCR-polymerase chain reaction

2 Chapter 12 Genetic engineering- the process of changing, or affecting the DNA of an organism. Scientists use techniques to directly engineer change into the genetic material of an organism. Design organisms by manipulating their DNA Add or delete genes in the dna


4 Restriction Enzymes Special proteins that are manufactured by bacteria as a kind of defense mechanism against foreign DNA. For example: fight invading Viruses or Fungus. These proteins will cut up the DNA of other organisms into pieces. Plasmid dna-small circular piece of dna in a bacterial cell

5 Bacterial plasmid dna



8 Interestingly, these restriction enzymes will work on any organisms DNA. Even human DNA.
All living things share the same genetic code!!! A=T C=G This allows scientists to cut the DNA and insert foreign genes into organisms DNA It also allows scientist to use Processes to analyze DNA in crime scenes.

9 Gel Electrophoresis The process of separating a DNA sample into banding patterns. Restriction enzymes cut the dna into fragments. The DNA is recovered from a crime scene as blood, tissue, hair etc The DNA is run through a gel and the pieces are separated by size No two individuals have the same patterns in their dna.

10 Gel electrophoresis


12 Solving crimes with dna analysis
Who is the criminal?


14 Polymerase chain reaction PCR

15 Polymerase Chain Reaction
Makes copies of the small fragment of DNA that was recovered at the crime scene

16 Transgenic foods and bacteria Genetically modified foods
When a foreign gene is inserted into an existing life form. It is altered forever. Once that cell accepts the dna and starts to replicate(clone ) itself. It is now a mutant, or hybrid. This how we change plants and animals to create new jobs for them. Ex._add frog genes to tomatoes to make them resistant to the cold. Add pest resistant genes to made a plant resist insect infestation.

17 Transgenic foods Frankenfoods-
We can add these foreign genes into our crops, for example our corn plants to make them produce extra vitamins, yield more plants, grow in versatile climates etc. What problems can this potentially cause as they grow side by side with nontransgeneic plants? Is it dangerous to the consumers to eat foreign genes?

18 cloning If an egg cell (donor #1)is manipulated so that the nucleus from a normal body(somatic)(donor #2) cell is added to it, then implanted in a donor mother(donor #3), it can potentially grow into a new adult. Thousands of copies of the same animal or plant can be made this way. Dolly


20 Cloning using three donor animals;clone comes from white pig

21 GMO’s Genetically modified foods are restricted for use is European countries They are encouraged and accepted in the united states for use Most of the food we consume is genetically altered This means there are genes in the food that do not occur naturally

22 Add fluorescent genes from seaweed to other organisms

23 Reasons to use GMO’s provide pest resistance
Promote growth in adverse farming areas(combat drought or high pH or salt in soil) Develop plants with more vitamins in them Longer growing season by adding temperature resistant genes


25 Stem cell therapy Stem cells arise from embryos or bone marrow. We can potentially use these cells to create new uses. Treat diseases Insert new cells into a sick or dying organ Inject cells into a bone marrow to initiate new growth of cells. How do you feel about the use of stem cells?


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