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Modeling Animal Adaptations

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1 Modeling Animal Adaptations
7th Grade FCAT 2.0 Review Modeling Animal Adaptations

2 Essential Question: What can lead to an organism’s survival or extinction in an environment?


4 Explore: Record how many birds of each beak type are still alive after each feeding season. In order to survive, a bird must consume at least 5 “insects”.

5 Explain: What was an inherited adaptation that some birds had?
Adaptation: an inherited trait or learned behavior that helps an organism to survive. What was an inherited adaptation that some birds had? What happened to individuals who did not have this adaptation? What happened to the population of Magnabills as the magnetic insects were quickly eaten up? Which beak type is most likely to be passed on to future generations? Why? What happens to species that do not have adaptations? The spoon shaped beak was a trait that allowed most to survive, so this is an adaptation. Birds that did not have a spoon shaped beak could not get enough food and died. As the populations of magnetic insects were eaten up, the magnabills no longer had food that they could eat and so they died. The spoon shaped beak is most likely to be passed on because they were able to survive and could therefore reproduce and pass on their traits to offspring. Species that are not adapted to their environment die.

6 Elaborate: Earth is home to about 5 million different species of organisms. But the organisms that share Earth today, may not have shared it thousands of years ago. This is because the __________ of life on Earth is always changing. diversity

7 Elaborate: The ______________ describes the slow change in organisms that occurs over many generations. A scientist by the name of Charles Darwin defined ______________ as the process by which organisms change over time; those best suited to their environment survive to pass their traits to the next generation. Theory of Evolution Natural selection

8 Elaborate: Adaptation plays a major role in natural selection.
An __________________ is a characteristic or trait that helps an organism _____________ in its environment and therefore making it more likely to pass on its ___________ to the next generation. adaptation survive traits

9 Elaborate: An example of an adaptation is the color of a polar bear’s coat. The white fur allows them to blend in with the snow and sneak up on prey more successfully.

10 Elaborate: Organisms which are not adapted to the environment will _____________. When all the organisms of a species die, the species goes ___________. die extinct

11 Elaborate: One important way scientists know that living things have changed over time is through evidence provided by _________________. Fossils are the remains of organisms that lived in the past. Bones, seeds, leaves, flowers, shells and even animal tracks can be become fossils over time. fossils

12 Elaborate Biologists look at the fossils and compare the physical structures of the fossils to those or organisms that are still alive today. Similarities suggest that organisms have a _______________ Common ancestor

13 Elaborate: Scientists have a system for keeping track of the millions of different organisms that live on earth. They classify the organisms into groups based on similar characteristics. There are three _____________ into which all organisms can be grouped; bacteria, archaea and eukarya. domains

14 Elaborate: Domain Bacteria single celled organisms
Do not have a __________ Found in many different environments like soil, water and other living things. Most feed off of other organisms Few make own food through photosynthesis. nucleus

15 Elaborate Domain Archaea __________ include archaebacteria
Single celled organisms Live in extreme environments like hot springs, very salty water, black mud Most die in presence of oxygen Archaea

16 Elaborate: Domain Eukarya
______________ includes all plants, animals, fungi and protists. ________ make their own food through photosynthesis _________ get energy by eating other organisms Eukarya plants animals

17 Elaborate: Domain Eukarya
_______________ can be single cell or multi cellar and get energy by feeding on dead organisms _________________ are single or multi cellular organisms that either feed on others or make their food through photosynthesis. fungi protists

18 Evaluate: Re-answer the assessment probe and include evidence from this activity in your answer.
The divas would die. My evidence is that an adaptation is a trait that organisms already have. The diva could not get an adaptation all of a sudden. For example, the knifebill birds were born with a knifebill and could not change the shape of their beak just because they could not eat the marbles. The knifebills died because they did not get any food. Animals that are not adapted to survive their environment will die.

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