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Compare/Contrast Essay

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1 Compare/Contrast Essay
Writing Body Paragraphs

2 What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic.

3 The Topic Sentence A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with. It comes at the beginning of the paragraph.

4 The Topic Sentence… Needs to be: Clear Specific Well focused

5 Topic Sentence Formula
A topic sentence = a limited topic + a specific feeling or thought or assertion about that topic Example: The fear that Americans feel (limited topic) comes partly from the uncertainty related to this attack (a specific thought about the topic)

6 Outline Your Topic Sentences
Take the time to make a list of your paragraphs Helps with organization and to identify any gaps

7 Paragraph Development

8 Maintaining Your Own Voice
Make sure all the topic sentences are your own words and your own thoughts Do NOT quote your sources to make your points Use your sources ONLY to support your points (not to make them) Make sure all paragraphs begin with your own words, thoughts and feelings

9 Reminders Put only one main idea per paragraph.
Aim for six to eight sentences per paragraph. Make sure each paragraph starts with the point you want to make in that paragraph (the topic sentence) Develop each topic thoroughly, with transitional elements and a sentence that “rounds off” the paragraph. Include on each page about two-three paragraphs. Look at your paper to check for “balanced” paragraphs

10 Both characters have nurturing personalities.
Narrowing your ideas Decide which similarities/differences you will use. Both characters have nurturing personalities. Similarity Both characters learn to let their loved ones make their own decisions. Similarity Difference The characters live in very different settings and under different circumstances. Notice that these statements are GENERAL but still specific to the characters.

11 Sample 1st Body Paragraph
Both Miss Kinnian and Mrs. Frank have motherly personalities. Miss Kinnian watches out of Charlie and wants the best for him. She advises him to understand that his co-workers may turn out differently than he expects. She warns that “you shouldn’t feel bad if you find out that everybody isn’t nice like you think” (Keyes 42). Her advice shows that she wants what is best for Charlie and proves that she is not satisfying her own selfish desires. She seems to realize that Charlie’s friends are not loyal and seeks to warn him ahead of time. She wants Charlie to have his deepest desire. Likewise, Mrs. Frank shows her kind personality because she wants the best for Anne. When Anne begins having nightmares while in hiding, Mrs. Frank runs to comfort her daughter. She insists, “It’s nothing my darling. It’s just a dream” (Goodrich and Hackett 397). Her words show that she wants to keep her daughter safe from all that could harm her. She comforts her using an affectionate name and tries to calm her nerves. Despite their constant conflicts, she still continues to care and look after Anne, even when it jeopardizes her safety. Miss Kinnian and Mrs. Frank both put aside their own needs and show their nurturing personalities toward the people they love.

12 Sample 2nd Body Paragraph
Just as Miss Kinnian and Mrs. Frank have loving personalities, they learn to let their loved ones make their own decisions. Miss Kinnian must give Charlie the space he needs to cope with the results of the operation. She tries to help Charlie by paying his rent, but her assistance ultimately ends up driving Charlie away from her and the community. Charlie expresses, “She cried and I cried too but I wouldn’t let her in…” (Keyes 60). Charlie’s emotional rejection of Miss Kinnian shows that she has no choice but to let him make his own choices despite how she feels. Because of the negative impact of the experiment, she must trust that Charlie is doing what is right for himself, regardless of what she thinks or feels. In the same way, Miss Frank must allow Anne to make her own decisions her relationship with Peter, even though she feels a different way. Mrs. Frank tries to save Anne from the remarks she will get from being around Peter. Although she tries to help Anne, she only drives Anne to spend more time with Peter. After their discussion, Miss Frank concedes and “goes out, closing the door after her” (Goodrich and Hackett 420). Miss Frank’s actions suggest that she will let Anne decide about her relationship with Peter instead of making the decision for her. She has told Anne her opinion, and now Anne must choose her own actions. In this way, Miss Kinnian and Mrs. Frank both learn to let the people closest to them make their own decisions.

13 Sample 3rd Body Paragraph
Although they have motherly personalities and learn to let their loved ones make their own decisions, they differ in the circumstances that surround them. Miss Kinnian lives in New York and teaches at a school for adults that are mentally challenged. Charlie remarks, “I like Miss Kinnan because she is a very smart teacher” (Keyes 36). Charlie’s comment suggests that he enjoys being in Miss Kinnian’s class, and he thinks very highly of her. On the other hand, Mrs. Frank lives in Holland. She is a Jewish refugee from Germany. When Hitler came to power in Germany, she and family immigrated to Holland. Throughout most of the play, Miss Frank and her family live in hiding. They live in constant fear that they will be discovered by the Getaspo. They also have many conflicts. Mrs. Frank explains, “We’re all living under terrible tension” (Goodrich and Hackett 380). This tension continues to escalate throughout the entire play. Although the members of the annex make the best of their living arrangement, they cannot escape the fact that at any day that could be discovered. Therefore, both Miss Kinnian and Mrs. Frank live in very different time periods and situations.

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