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Fill out your timeline as we take notes

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1 Fill out your timeline as we take notes
WWI summary Fill out your timeline as we take notes

2 June 28th 1914

3 The Spark Who? Gavrilo Princip (member of terrorist group Black Hand Society) kills Austrian Franz Ferdinand When? June 28, 1914

4 July 23, 1914: Ultimatium What does Austria do after their heir is killed? Austria blames the country of Serbia July 23rd 1914 Austria issues an ultimatum of demands that Serbia must do to avoid war. The harshest was allowing Austrian police to enter Serbia and look for the Black Hand. July 25th: Serbia accepts all but one of Austria’s demands

5 War!!! Austria rejects Serbia’s offer and declares war on Serbia. (July 28th) Russia mobilizes (get the troops ready for war) along Austrian and German borders. *Germany declares war on Russia (8/1/1914) and France (8/3/1914)

6 How is Germany stopped? September 3rd 1914
The 1st Battle of Marne: German forces: close to Paris French get a tip that Germans will attack French send soldiers to fight by taxi! French win German forces are within striking distance of Paris. The French find out about how and when the Germans will attack. To stop the Germans the French sent every available soldier by taxi to the front line. The French win this battle and stop the German advance.


8 Race to the Sea Trenches are dug but no fighting is happening.
What is it called when neither army is able to gain ground? Both sides dig extensive trenches 466 miles long from Switzerland to the English Canal.


10 Atlantic Ocean Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (1915-1917)
Did not follow rules of war Germans used U-Boats (subs) to starve out the British. Sunk neutral ships as well and angered the US.

11 Where was the US during the beginning?
America was neutral during the first 3 years of the war. Many Americas believed that the War was a European affair and that the US should stay out of it.

12 ---Why did the US join the war?---
American Entry ---Why did the US join the war?--- Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 2) Lusitania (May 7, 1915) a British passenger ship (carrying weapons) was sunk 1,198 civilians lost their lives (128 were Americans) 3) Zimmerman note encoded message sent by German Ambassador asking Mexico and Japan to attack the United States. This was the last straw and America declared war Germany on April 2, 1917. President Woodrow Wilson

13 Russian Withdrawal March 1917 Czar Nicholas II abdicated due to domestic unrest. The government and the people are in chaos By 1917 the Russian Army lost 5.5 million soldiers. 1917: Russian Revolution and Vladimir Lenin takes over Russia

14 Costly Peace for Russia
Lenin signs a peace treaty in March 1918 and signs the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty. Russia signs over control of Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. ¼ its pop. 1/5 of land With Russia out of the war the Germans can move all troops to the Western Front.

15 Germany’s Last Chance 2nd Battle of Marne
July-August 1918 Germany attacks France Germany brings 6,000 artillery pieces and veteran troops from the Eastern Front German pushed through the line and was only 40 miles from Paris. Allies used 350 tanks and over 140,000 American soldiers to stop the attack.

16 The End America transports 2 million new troops
Central Powers realized defeat and started to surrender: Bulgaria, Turkey, and Austria Germany finally surrenders Armistice is signed on Nov. 11, 1918 at 11am.

17 June 28th 1919 5 years (to the day) after the death of Franz Ferdinand, the Treaty of Versailles is signed… ending WWI Watch:

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