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Immigration (Ellis Island)

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1 Immigration (Ellis Island)
Ebony Faulk Class 8-802

2 What is Immigration? Immigration is when someone from one country moves to another to live there. Some may or may not have their proper documentation. They might be illegally in the country. In this presentation I will talk about the two waves of immigration, reasons for immigration, reactions of immigration. Also the history of Ellis Island, and the process that immigrants had to go through in Ellis Island and last the closing of immigration.

3 The Two Waves of Immigration
Immigrants entered the United States in two waves. Before 1890 Most immigrants in the first wave were Protestant Had education and were living under a representative government Second wave : New Immigrants Around 1890 Italians, Greeks, Poles, Hungarians, Russians, Americans, and other immigrants from southern and eastern Europe were outnumbered. most immigrants came from Northern and western Europe They included large numbers from such countries in Europe. These countries were Ireland, Germany, and Scandavinian countries.

4 Reasons for Immigration
In the 1800s Overpopulation in their home countries Growth in industry Competition in finding the right paying of jobs They were unemployed Hungry Tried their luck in finding a better life to live in the United States. Some European immigrants left their country because of religious or political persecution. Immigrants came to the United States for different reasons.

5 Reasons For Immigration
Russia They were very prejudice. Discrimination Unfair statements were made based on their race, religion or nationality. Russian government organized harm against Jews. Because of this fear nearly 1/3 of the Jews left Russia hoping they would live a better life in the United States.

6 What is Ellis Island? Ellis Island is located on a small island in New York Harbor. About ¾ of immigrants who entered the United States between 1892 and 1924 went through the Ellis Island Immigration Station. The experience of passing through Ellis Island left a deep impression that did no go away. About12 million people went through Ellis Island.

7 The Screening of Immigrants
Medical Check The Immigration station staff applied various tests to screen the immigrants For sickness Convicts political dissidents Those who were likely to need public assistance. The authorities believed the screening process should rest on the application of impartial judgment based on facts, even if immigration authorities shared prejudice remarks.

8 The Island The Main building Exiting the boat…into The Interior of Ellis Of Ellis Island Ellis Island Island.

9 Going to Ellis Island On the way to Going on the boat to …on the way.
Ellis Island Ellis Island

10 The Process of Ellis Island
Medical Check Baggage Check Room Assistance

11 The Closing of Ellis Island
Ellis Island opened in 1892 as a federal immigration station, a purpose it served for more than 60 years. Ellis Island closed in 1954 In that time millions of newly arrived immigrants passed through the station It has been estimated that close to 40 percent of all current U.S. citizens can trace at least one of their ancestors to Ellis Island. Ellis Island opened to the public in Today, visitors can tour the Ellis Island Immigration Museum in the restored Main Arrivals Hall and trace their ancestors through millions of immigrant arrival records made available to the public in In this way, Ellis Island remains a central destination for millions of Americans look into the history of their country, and in many cases, into their own family's story.

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