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The Myths of Living Longer

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1 The Myths of Living Longer
Stephanie & Ish

2 Lewis Terman Stanford University psychologist
Uncovered certain myth that say they “ensure” a longer lifespan Studied two children Patricia and John, for eight decades to discover why some people live to be longer then others.

3 Myth #1: Get married and live longer
Being married and staying married relates to a long and happier life, but that’s not entirely true. Oftentimes it’s not married people who live longer but married men if they stay married, but if a divorce takes place it may reduce their lifespan because it can trigger unhealthy behaviors like drinking and smoking. Those who do stay marry however live to be at least 70.

4 Myth #2: Relax and take it easy
Early retirement and relaxation does not ensure long-lasting health. In fact the more successful you are the more you are to live an average of 5 more years. Increasing responsibility, bringing more challenges and a heavier workload to your life relates to a long and healthy life.

5 Myth #3: you can worry yourself to death
Many people believe that if we worry too much our lifespan shortens, but worrying about things that are important in life can increase your lifespan. People that worry about personal health tend to take care of themselves and are conscious on pursuing activities that shortens their lifespan; like drinking, smoking, abusing drugs and so on. 

6 Myth #4: must be overly athletic
Yes it’s true that exercise is good for your heart and brain but trying to push yourself over the limit is not healthy. You don’t have to be overly athletic to live longer. If you’re athletic when young, then gradually become sedentary in your middle years, you lose any longevity benefit.The important thing is to find activities that suit you and stick with them over the long run.

7 http://endeavor-online. com/myths-about-living-longer/ http://parade

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