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Сабақтың тақырыбы: Going to Britain.

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Presentation on theme: "Сабақтың тақырыбы: Going to Britain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Сабақтың тақырыбы: Going to Britain

2 Сабақтың мақсаты Білімділік: Оқушыларға жаңа сабақты түсіндіру. Ұлыбритания туралы мағлұмат беру, әр елдің тарихынан хабардар ету. Дамытушылық:Ойлау қабілеттерін жетілдіру, тілдік мәдениетін қалыптастыру, пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру. Тәрбиелілік: Әрбір оқушыны ұлтжандылыққа, ұлтаралық қатынаста болуға тәрбиелеу.

3 Сабақтың көрнекілігі: Слайдтар
Сабақтың түрі: Жаңа тақырыпты меңгерту Сабақты жүргізу әдіс-тәсілдері: сәйкестендіру, сұрақ-жауап, миға шабуыл әдісі

4 Brainstorming Which languages are spoken in these countries?

5 Australia Turkish Austria Greek Canada Japanese Egypt German Greece Welsh, English Holland English Japan Arabic Turkey Dutch Wales English

6 Do you know different countries money
Do you know different countries money? france, peseta, dollar, som, rupee, yen, rouble, tenge The British The French The Indian The Japanese The Spanish The American The Kirghiz pound france rupee yen peseta dollar som


8 Complete the sentences
London is the capital of…

9 Complete the sentences
Belfast is the capital of …

10 Complete the sentences
Cardiff is the capital of …

11 Complete the sentences
Edinburgh is the capital of …

12 Complete the sentences
The United Kingdom includes …

13 Choose one card, read and translate Working with cards

14 1. Westminster Abbey 2. St. Paul’s Cathedral 3. Big Ben 4. Trafalgar Square 5. Thames

15 Westminster Abbey

16 The St. Paul’s Cathedral

17 The Big Ben

18 Trafalgar Square

19 Thames

20 Read the text. Find the modal verbs
Working with text Read the text. Find the modal verbs

21 Going to Britain Money: There are one hundred pence(100 p) in a pound(₤). You can say “p” for pence, for example “eighty p”. Where to stay: Hotels are expensive in Britain “a bed and breakfast” in someone’s house is cheaper. You can also stay at youth hostels. Getting around: There are, of course double — decker buses and you can get a good view from the top. There are also coaches between some towns. They are cheaper than trains. There is also an underground ( or tube) with more then 500 station Eating out: Restaurants are expensive and you cannot be sure the food is good. Pubs do good expensive food. Fast food shops, hamburger shops are cheap.

22 Answer the questions? What money can you use in Britain?
Where can you stay when you are in Britain? How can you get around in Britain? Where can you get a cheap meal in Britain?

23 Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!

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