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University of PAVIA, Italy

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1 University of PAVIA, Italy
Tuning the quantum critical point by Mn impurities and chemical pressure in LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 Samuele Sanna Physics Department University of PAVIA, Italy Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

2 Coworkers R. Kappenberger P. Carretta Univ. Pavia R. De Renzi
P. Carretta, M. Moroni University of PAVIA, Italy R. De Renzi, P.Bonfà, S. Bordignon, G. Allodi Univ. of PARMA, Italy T. Shiroka, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland Y. Kobayashi, M. Sato, Nagoya University, Japan F. Hammerath, B. Büchner, G. Prando, R. Kappenberger, S. J. Singh, S. Wurmehl IFW Dresden, Germany G. Lamura, M. Putti CNR-SPIN and Univ. of GENOVA, Italy R. Kappenberger IFW Dresden P. Carretta Univ. Pavia R. De Renzi Univ. Parma F. Hammerath IFW Dresden M. Moroni Univ. Pavia Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

3 Tuning magnetism and superconductivity in 1111
REFeAsO (RE1111) RE Charge doping, e.g. F  O Hydrostatic pressure Chemical pressure Substitution Mn  Fe Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

4 REFeAsO: F  O  e- charge doping
RE = La RE = Sm Luetkens et al, Nature Materials (2009) Sanna et al, PRB 80, (2009) LaFeAsO1-xFx SmFeAsO1-xFx SDW Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

5 Fe/Mn substitution in optimally F-doped RE1111
SmFeAsO1-zFz Hammerat PRB 92, (R) (2015) Sanna PRB (2009) Sm La0.8Y0.2 La Mn is a poison for SC in RE=La ! Mn content Less than 0.2%of Mn is enough to kill SC Process heavily affected by chemical pressure Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

6 Fe/Mn substitution in optimally F-doped RE1111
LaFe1-xMnxAsO0.89F0.11 x=  ≈ isoelectronic conditions Mn Magnetic SC Sato et al., JPSJ 79, (2010) Resistivity is rapidly increased Charge localization by Mn Hammerath et al. PRB 89, (2014) Mn quickly restores static magnetism Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

7 Magnetic correlation length 2D AFM spin fluctuations @ QCP
Evidence for a QCP LaFe1-xMnxAsO0.89F0.11 x=  ≈ isoelectronic conditions Magnetic correlation length Magnetic SC Hammerath et al. PRB 89, (2014) 2D AFM spin QCP LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 very close to a QCP! Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

8 Chemical pressure and Mn impurity effects
unpublished Mn drives the system through a QCP Chemical pressure moves the QCP away Magnetic correlations depressed by a smaller ion Why ? Q=(p/a, 0) For stripe collinear order magnetism enhanced for smaller RE Giovannetti Nat. Commun. 2, 398 (2011) NOT HERE Orthomagnetic order induced by Mn ? Q=(p/a, p/a) Gastiasoro & Andersen, PRL 113, (2014) Nanoscopic coexistence Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

9 Chemical pressure and Mn impurity effects
unpublished Mn drives the system through a QCP Chemical pressure moves the QCP away Superconductivity suppressed by Mn Why ? 1) Mn suppresses (p/a, 0) fluctuations which sustain superconductivity 2) Mn induces charge localization 3) Mn pins the stripes Hammerat PRB 92, (R) (2015) Nanoscopic coexistence Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

Main conclusions (and questions) REFe1-xMnxAsO0.89F0.11 optimally F-doped Mn is a poison for SC in La1111 (xc=0.002 !) possible orthomagnetic order? Chemical pressure moves away the QCP why ?? MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION !! PRB 89, (2014) PRB 92, (R) (2015) Sanna, SIF2015, 24th September 2015

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