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Warmup le 2 août Read the article I gave you yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup le 2 août Read the article I gave you yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup le 2 août Read the article I gave you yesterday.
On your own paper, answer “Which two benefits most interest you?” & why. (In complete sentences- but can be short) Turn in to drawer. Turn in your syllabus form if you haven’t already.

2 L'alphabet français 2 aout 2017

3 ah asperge

4 beh beurre

5 seh citron

6 deh dattes

7 euh éléphant

8 ef fraises

9 jeh gâteau

10 ahsh haricots

11 ee iguane

12 jee

13 kah kangourou

14 el lait

15 em moules

16 en nature

17 oh ovale

18 peh pain

19 kew question

20 aiR racines

21 ess sable

22 teh table

23 ew usine

24 veh vacances

25 Doobluh-veh wifi

26 eeks xylophone

27 ee grek yaourt

28 zed zébra

29 Pronunciation


31 euh

32 Accent aigu ay

33 Accent grave eh

34 Accent circonflexe Eh (usually)

35 ee



38 Accent cedille S

39 Warmup le 3 août Write the sounds of the following letters: G Ç É È u Then go over the French alphabet on your own.

40 Coloring Key Red Orange Blue green Yellow black

41 Nasal sounds on in an un en
At the end of a word or surrounded by consonants

42 oi ou ai ui au eu eux

43 ch th -tion gn

44 Ay – same as é -er -et -ez

45 Anything else is silent!*
At the end of a word… pronounce C F L Anything else is silent!* *usually 

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