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Welcome to the Office! PBIS Training 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Office! PBIS Training 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Office! PBIS Training

2 Cougar Code: What is it? Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
Be a Community

3 Be Respectful Always tell the office why you are there.
Are you here to get an admit slip? Are you going to pay lunch money? Do you need to see the nurse? Be sure to let us know what you need so that we can help you! Use your manners! Use appropriate language Be polite to others in the office (Staff and other students)

4 The WRONG WAY to act in the office.

5 What did you see wrong? Rude behavior Interrupt conversation
Did not wait her turn Inappropriate clothing T-shirt Hat

6 A GOOD example of how to act in the office.

7 What did you see? Student did not interrupt.
Student brought in her lunch money and followed the correct procedure to make payment. Followed instructions Was polite and courteous Used good manners!

8 Be Responsible/ Be Safe
Make sure that you sign the appropriate lists Return borrowed items Pay dues/fees on time Sit in chairs correctly Pick up after yourself Use equipment appropriately

9 The RIGHT way to be Responsible and Safe in the office:

10 What did you see? Student came to the office to return an item that was borrowed. Student made arrangement to pay dues. Asked for the correct sheet to sign out and gave an appropriate reason.

11 The WRONG way to be Responsible and safe in the office…

12 What did you see wrong here?
Sat in chair sideways Had a soda in the office/left it behind Was on the cell phone Was impolite Inappropriate clothing

13 The RIGHT way to be Responsible and Safe in the office.

14 What did you see? Student sitting appropriately in chair
Student picks up after herself Is quiet and polite while sitting in the office.

15 Be a Community

16 How did she show she was being a good member of the Community?
Quietly waiting her turn Being polite to others Being friendly and using good manners. Having appropriate paperwork.

17 Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions on office procedures, please ask us at this time!

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