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Free Space Laser Communications

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Presentation on theme: "Free Space Laser Communications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Space Laser Communications
25 June 2001 Phillip Dykstra WareOnEarth Communications Inc.

2 Introduction Free space laser communications
a.k.a. Free Space Optics, Optical Wireless Basically a laser and a telescope Most are protocol independent Typical range < 4 km (.5, 1, 2, 4, 8km) Typical bandwidths: 10, 100, 1000 Mbps Lucent 10 Gbps DWDM (TeraBeam)

3 Example Systems LightPointe Flight series ICS Sky series LSA

4 Transmitters LED (single or multiple) Laser (single or multiple)
1 mW typical Laser (single or multiple) 10-20 mW typical, up to 100 mW Usually 785 or 850 nm, some 1310 nm Eye safety limit: 1.5 mW/cm^2 at 785 nm Multiple transmitters boost power, may also reduce scintillation fades

5 Detectors PIN Diodes Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD)
-43 dBm typical Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) -53 dBm typical (also greater dynamic range) Single or multiple detectors Larger aperture increases receive power, reduces scintillation fades Design goal: BER < 10^-9 typical

6 Laser Link Geometry Critical Design Parameters
Receive area = 200 cm2 Receiver sensitivity Beam Divergence = 3 mrad Distance = 1km Transmit Power Diameter = 3 m Beam area = cm2 Adapted from a LightPointe Technology slide

7 System Comparison (OC3 1km products)
OpticalAccess ICS LightPointe Transmit Power (mW) 10 (10 dBm) (20 dBm) (6 dBm) Beam Diverg (mrad) Receive Area (cm^2) Min Recv Power (nW) (-40 dBm) 32 (-45 dBm) (-43 dBm) Price $19.5k $25k $24k

8 Example Loss Budget Optical Access T1000X
Tx Power (dBm) = Distance = meters Beam Diameter = meters Beam Area = meters^2 Geometric loss = dB Rx Max (dBm) = Rx Min (dBm) = Margin (dBm) = -3 dB mispointing - 10 dB scintillation = 10 dB for atmospheric attenuation +10 dBm -17 dBm -20 dBm -30 dBm -40 dBm

9 Equipment Delivery

10 T1000X Interface Box

11 T1000X Full View

12 Platform Mount

13 Eastward View

14 Westward View

15 Concrete Pedestal Base

16 Front of T1000X


18 Fog Event (19 June 01)

19 Fog Event (cont)

20 Packet Loss

21 Availability Availability = Prob (Visibility > Vmin)
V > 1.5km V > 0.5km San Diego % % Las Vegas % % 99.999% is nearly impossible, except in the desert Some products add backup microwave (lower speed)

22 For More Info Served by the laser link
Laser and Weather stats Links to laser company web sites

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