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The Constitutional Compromises at the Constitutional Convention

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1 The Constitutional Compromises at the Constitutional Convention

2 1. Virginia Plan – The Large State Plan
Worked out by James Madison Created 3 Branches of Government Legislative Branch – makes the laws Executive Branch – enforce the laws Judicial Branch – interpret the laws Created a system of checks and balances so that one branch cannot get to powerful.

3 1. Virginia Plan – The Large State Plan
Divided the Legislature/Congress into 2 houses: members based on population; Lower House elected by the people; Upper House elected by the lower house. Power to levy taxes, regulate trade, and make all laws “in all cases where the separate states are unable.”

4 2. New Jersey Plan – The Small State plan
Each state would send the same number of delegates to a one house or unicameral Legislature/Congress Representatives will be chosen by state legislatures. Power to regulate trade and tax foreign goods

5 3. The Great Compromise – The Connecticut Compromise
Adopted the Virginia Plan with modifications. The Upper House (Senate) will have equal representation: 2 members per state elected by state legislatures. (changed to popular elections by the 17th Amendment in 1913). Lower House (House of Representatives) members will be based on population. Bills involving money would begin in the Lower House.

6 4. The 3/5th Compromise Every 5 slaves were counted as 3 people.
This count was used to determine representation and the state’s share of national taxes. Gave the South greater representation in Congress.

7 5. The Issue of Slavery/Slave Trade
Slavery was not mentioned in the Constitution but it was protected with this statement “The Constitution would not allow Congress to stop the ‘importation of such persons as any of the states should think proper to admit’ for twenty years/1808.” “Slave Trade Clause” - Issue of slavery would not be settled for 20 years 1808. Fugitive Workers Clause – ordered that runaway slaves must be returned to their masters.

8 6. The Issue of Commerce/Trade
Commerce Clause: Congress has the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states, and with Indian tribes. This Commerce Clause also showed the shadowy status that Native Americans had under the Constitution. They were neither foreign nations nor part of separate states. Congress was denied the right to tax exports.

9 7. The Presidency Chosen by electors from each state.
4 year term for president with possibility of reelection. President given the veto power but it could be overridden with a 2/3rds vote in Congress. President could be impeached for wrong doing.

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