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Overcoming Perfectionism STANTON psychological SERVICES

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1 Overcoming Perfectionism STANTON psychological SERVICES
with Professor Roz Shafran “Clinical perfectionism” is the type of perfectionism that poses a clinical problem. At its core is an over evaluation of achievement and striving that causes significant adverse consequences. Clinical perfectionism has been implicated in the maintenance of a range of disorders including eating disorders, anxiety disorders and depression. This workshop will be interactive and include both experiential and didactic teaching and videos. Participants will have the opportunity to relate the content to their own cases. The workshop objectives are: To understand a cognitive-behavioural analysis of clinical perfectionism and the factors that contribute to its maintenance To be familiar with assessment and cognitive-behavioural strategies used to treat clinical perfectionism To be aware of the current evidence-base for the intervention Professor Roz Shafran is Chair in Translational Psychology at the Institute of Child Health, University College London. She is founder of the Charlie Waller Institute of Evidence Based Psychological Treatment and a former Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow at the University of Oxford. She has over 100 publications including the joint-authored books: ‘Overcoming Perfectionism’ and ‘Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Perfectionism’. She has received an award for Distinguished Contributions to Professional Psychology from the British Psychological Society and the Marsh Award for Mental Health work. This workshop is suitable for all health professionals including clinical and counselling psychologists, doctors, counsellors, social workers, general and mental health nurses, CBT practitioners and coaches. Prices including lunch & refreshments Until 10th September £ VAT From11th September £ VAT 10th October am–4.30pm British Psychological Society, London, EC2A 4UE For more information or to reserve a place visit: or A training workshop produced in partnership between grayrock and STANTON psychological SERVICES

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