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Mrs. Debbie Plenn Kyrene del Cielo

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Debbie Plenn Kyrene del Cielo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Debbie Plenn Kyrene del Cielo
Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Debbie Plenn Kyrene del Cielo

2 Mrs. Plenn 17 years of teaching experience
Background in grades 1-3 and Special Education Married and has 3 children Arizona native, attended NAU

3 Reading, Writing and Language
New Language Arts Resource this year. Core Knowledge Language Arts Program (CKLA) Balance of fiction and non-fiction Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text. Use evidence to support their understanding. Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Vocabulary development Phonics skills – prefixes, suffixes and multi-syllable words Compare and contrast texts Integration and Social Studies, Science and Health

4 Move on When Reading Info
Arizona State statute requires screening of the reading ability of all students in kindergarten through third grade. The law, (A.R.S ) passed in 2010, states that when a third grade student scores far below the third grade level on AzMerit, they will not be promoted to fourth grade. Requires additional instruction or retention for students who are not meeting minimum requirements by the end of third grade. Exempt students include: ELL or LEP students who have received less than two years of English Instruction. Students with an IEP in Reading or Language and the student’s parent or guardian agrees that promotion is appropriate.

5 Major Writing Goals Writing opinion pieces Informative writing
Narratives – real or imagined Writing Process Conventions and Sentence Fluency

6 Major Third Grade Math Multiplication Division Fractions Money
Time to the minute Fact fluency Add/ Subtract four digit numbers

7 More Third Grade Math Problem solving Data Analysis Geometry
Measurement Mathematical Practices

8 Multiplication facts? YES!
Please work with your child to help him/her learn multiplication facts! Knowing these facts fluently is CRITICAL to 3rd grade success!

9 Science Scientific Process Light & Sound Rocks & Minerals
Erosion & Weathering Plants & Living Things Ecology

10 Social Studies Units: * How communities change over time
* Ancient communities – Greece, Rome * Our country’s history, citizens, cultures * Early world explorers * Physical geography; mapping * Economics *Civil War & Wax Museum

11 Technology Develop essential technology skills ~
Perform basic computer operations Develop keyboarding skills –Typing Agent Create documents with software applications, including Word, PowerPoint, Google, Pixie, and more! Use technology to demonstrate learning in other content areas.

12 Grading Proficient – Consistently uses a skill, shows mastery of content. Developing – Use of a skill emerging, on the way to mastery. Area of concern – Experiencing significant difficulty in an area.

13 Homework Main purpose is to provide practice of skills and develop the responsibility of completing work at home and returning it on time. Homework checked for completion and effort. Parents are asked to check homework at home for accuracy, and to help correct errors immediately. Please let me know if your child is having difficulty with any of the work assigned as homework. Homework packet & Reading Log is passed out on Friday and due on Friday. Spelling test schedule will be announced at a later date. I am still getting to know our new CKLA program. Students should read for at least 80 minutes a week and write about what they read on their Reading Log.

14 Firebird Pride Do the Right Thing! Respect Responsibility Safety
Kindness Cooperation Integrity

15 Please review and sign Weekly Planner each weekend.
Classroom Management Positives  Class marble parties, table points, Firebird Pride Tickets, Firebird Café, class raffle tickets Firebird Pride school–wide incentives Consequences  Verbal warning, Loss of Recess or Fun Friday Please review and sign Weekly Planner each weekend.

16 Communication Please stay in contact through
Phone Please check your child’s binder each night for homework, fliers, returned work, etc. Students should bring their binder to school everyday.

17 Birthdays To preserve instruction time and avoid comparisons of treats brought in, parents are asked not to bring in birthday treats. Please do not bring invitations to be passed out at school. I will not allow students to pass these out at school.

18 Other Info If you haven’t already and would like to, please sign up for our CLASS DIRECTORY & School Directory. You will receive a copy. TRANSPORTATION- If there is ever a change in your normal transportation routine, please me. If the change comes during the school day, please call and have the secretary contact our classroom. GROWING UP - Third graders should be increasing their independence. (shoe tying, snack packing) DRESS CODE: Parents please be familiar with the dress code. No spaghetti straps.

19 Schedule Monday – Library (Mrs. Hensley) Tuesday – Art (Ms. Sousae
Wednesday – PE (wear tennis shoes) Mr. Bryant Thursday – Music (Mrs. Visser) Friday – Computer Lab

20 Healthy Kids Snack each day – Please make it healthy. (yogurt tube, fruit, veggies, crackers) We are NUT FREE! Please put the snack in the child’s backpack each day. It takes time to get the snack out of the lunchboxes. Water bottles to sip on during the day. (water only) We have quite a few food allergies in this class. If your child needs special food, please be a part of our party planning process or send in safe food for your child.

21 Volunteers I’m looking for some volunteers. Party planners/helpers
Book order coordinator Extra hand volunteers – making copies for 3rd grade team Art Masterpiece Discover Room volunteers

22 Cielo’s DISCOVERoom A place where kids can PLAY & EXPLORE during lunch recess. VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT! Our Class’s Discovery Room Day is Friday. If an adult visits a child at lunch, they are welcome into the DR during recess. The DR needs lunch recess Volunteers*** (11:15-12:45 any days except Wednesdays)

23 Thank You! Thank you for all of the wonderful supplies! I appreciate your generosity! Thank you for attending Curriculum Night. I look forward to great school year!

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