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Pearl Harbor 12/7/41.

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1 Pearl Harbor 12/7/41

2 Timeline of events leading to Pearl Harbor

3 Isolationism After WWI most Americans favored a policy of Isolationism, fearing that they did not want to make another mistake

4 —Neutrality Acts Prohibit the sale of weapons to nations at war Encourage U.S. citizens not to travel abroad Required that countries at war trade with the US on a “cash-and-carry” basis … pay the US the amount owed up front in cash transport the goods on their own ships

5 Japan Joins the Axis Later in September 1940, Japan entered into a formal military alliance with Italy and Germany, the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

6 Actions in Support of the Allies despite America’s Neutrality
Destroyers for Bases September 1940 – FDR arranged the destroyers for bases deal … The US supplied Britain with 50 destroyers In exchange the US got 99-year, rent free leases of naval bases in various British possessions in the Carribbean

7 The Four Freedoms January 1941 – In his State of the Union Address, FDR pledged to secure for the world the “Four Freedoms”… freedom of expression freedom of religion freedom from want freedom from fear FDR Memorial Wall

8 January 1941--Lend Lease Bill
Gave the President the right to sell (lend lease) military supplies to any nation “Vital to the defense of the U.S. “ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY”

9 The Lend Lease Act March 1941 – Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act, permitting the US to lend arms and other supplies to “any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States”

10 Summer of ‘41 FDR orders U.S. ships to protect British shipping and destroy any subs threatening the passage

11 Sept 1941-Oct 1941 German sub fires on U.S. Destroyer “Greer” (Sept 1941) Germans torpedo “Kearny” sink Reuben James killing 100 U.S sailors (Oct 1941)

12 U.S. Policy towards Japan
1939-FDR places an Embargo on the sale of scrap metal to Japan Sept 1940-embargo now includes fuel, metals, chemicals, machine parts July 1941-Froze all of Japanese assets and ended trade with Japan November 1941-U.S. knew war with Japan would happen (just didn’t know where and when)

















29 US entry into WWII Japanese destroy Naval Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (YOU MUST KNOW THIS DATE!!!) Next day President Franklin Roosevelt asks for declaration of war Who was FDR obligated to ask? Is this how it is today? FDR’s famous “Day that will live in infamy speech” (December 8, 1941)

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