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Published byMelanie Watkins Modified over 6 years ago
Goal: Plan: Explore space complexity Low space classes: L, NL
Savitch’s Theorem Immerman’s Theorem TQBF In particular, we'll look at low complexity classes, such as LOGSPACE and non-deterministic LOGSPACE. Among others, we prove three fundamental theorems regarding those classes.
ND Space Input Tape Read only! Work Tape Only tape counted Output tape
Witness Only tape counted Work Tape Write only! No going back! Output tape Read only! No going back!! Witness Tape An alternative formulation of non-deterministic space bounded machines is by introducing the witness tape. The machine can only read that tape and moreover must read it bit by bit and never go back. It is enough that there exists one possible assignment to the content of the tape that causes the machine to accept, for the input to be accepted. What complexity class do we get if we allow the machine to go back on the witness tape?
Log-space Reductions A is log-space reducible to B (denoted ALB)
SIP 250 A is log-space reducible to B (denoted ALB) If there exists a log-space-computable function f:** s.t. for every w wA f(w)B i.e., log-space TM that outputs f(w) on input w f is a log-space reduction of A to B We can now define LOGSPACE reductions: they're the same as Karp reductions, with the added restriction that the reduction-function must be computed using only logarithmic memory. L, NL, P, NP, PSPACE and EXPTIME are closed under log-space reductions. Theorem:
L Closed under L Why not simply apply f then solve A2 on the outcome?
WRONG!! Why not simply apply f then solve A2 on the outcome? f is a LOGSPACE reduction from A1 to A2 and A2 L A1 is in L Claim: on input x: Simulate M for A2; whenever M reads the ith symbol of its input, run f on x and wait for the ith bit to be outputted Proof: Let us now see that these reductions can indeed be applied appropriately. Think of the following scenario: you have a little chip that can play a DVD in a given format. You have a DVD encoded with a different format. You have another little chip that can convert the format the DVD is written in to the format the other chip can read. Is it possible to combine the two and build a machine that can play the DVD? The wrong solution would be to store the output of the first chip and apply the second chip to that -there is simply not enough memory for that solution to work. The correct solution is to run the second chip and give it the appropriate bits of the output of the first chip; if necessary, restart the first chip, and let it read the DVD from start.
Graph Connectivity (CONN)
Instance: a directed graph G=(V,E) and two vertices s,tV Decision Problem: Is there a path from s to t in G? Let us now formally define the connectivity problem: given a graph, a start vertex, and a target vertex, is there a path from start to target? Do you think the same problem on an undirected graph is easier?
CONNNL Let u=s Begin For i = 1, .., |V| 1
current position requires log|V| space Let u=s 1 Begin For i = 1, .., |V| 2 Let u= a (non-deterministic) neighbor of u 3 accept if u=t 4 End For 5 reject (did not reach t) 6 counting to |V| requires log|V| space Let us first see that connectivity is in non-deterministic LOGSPACE. A non-deterministic algorithm for connectivity maintains a pointer to a vertex of the graph. Initially it points to the start vertex. At every stage, the algorithm chooses an edge going out of the vertex it points to, and direct its pointer to the vertex the edge leads to. If it reaches the target, it accepts. If it went too many stages, it rejects.
CONN is NL-Complete Assume a TM has 1 accepting configuration L
Theorem: CONN is NL-hard Proof: Given M,x, construct in LOGSPACE a CONN instance Assume a TM has 1 accepting configuration L It turns out that connectivity is in non-deterministic LOGSPACE complete. We will show how to construct the connectivity instance given a machine M and input X, so that the machine accepts its input if and only if the instance is in connectivity.
Define Configurations Graph: GM,x
GM,x=(V, E) For a (N)TM M and input x V All configurations E (u,v)EM,x transition uv Why depend on x? ? Start configuration s Accepting configuration t For that purpose let us introduce the configurations' graph: vertexes correspond to configurations, edges to transitions, the start vertex correspond to the start configuration, and the target vertex corresponds to the accepting configuration. An accepting computation of the machine corresponds to a path from start to target, while such a path clearly corresponds to accepting computation. M,x: M accepts x st in GM,x Note:
CONN is NL-Complete Proof (end): GM,x can be constructed in Log-Space
NLP Corollary: CONN P Proof: EXP PSPACE NP P NL L Given a non-deterministic LOGSPACE machine, its configuration graph can be computed with logarithmic memory: the algorithm simply needs to compute, given two configurations, whether there is a transition from one to the other. As a corollary we get that non-deterministic LOGSPACE is contained in P.
Where do I belong? Find A problem in NL Not known to be in L matching
anbn ustcon stcon matching sat Where do I belong? EXP PSPACE NP P NL L Try to put the following computational problems in as small a class as you can. Try also to come up with a problem that is in non-deterministic LOGSPACE, however is not known to be in LOGSPACE. Find A problem in NL Not known to be in L
Now We can that we have a language –CONN– representing NL
better analyze the complexity of space-bounded computations The fact that connectivity is NL-complete is fundamental in analyzing space complexity classes: it is crucial in the proof of the following two fundamental theorems we prove.
Savitch’s Theorem Theorem: Proof (first item):
NL DSPACE[log2n] S(n) ≥ log(n): NSPACE[S(n)] SPACE[S(n)2] NPSPACE=PSPACE Theorem: Suffices to show CONN DSPACE[log2n] Proof (first item): The first is a theorem by Savitch concerning the overhead involved in converting a non-deterministic computation to a deterministic one. It turns out that the overhead in terms of space is not that large, it is in fact quadratic. To prove that theorem, we will start with the special case of NL, and proceed to show a general technique of how to extend such statements for smaller classes to larger classes.
CONNSPACE[log2n] G=(V,E): is there a k-length path uv?
boolean PATH(a,b,k) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (k=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, k/2) and PATH(v,b, k/2) then } return FALSE Savitch’s deterministic simulation algorithm for connectivity is recursive: to decide if there is a path of length d, it goes over all possible vertexes for the middle of the path, and call itself to decide whether the appropriate paths of half the lengths exist. Namely, one from the start vertex to the middle vertex, and another from the middle of vertex to the target vertex. The recursion depth is logarithmic in the length of the path, and at each level the algorithm maintains a pointer to one vertex.
Example of Savitch’s algorithm
boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE boolean PATH(a,b,d) { if there is an edge from a to b then return TRUE else { if (d=1) return FALSE for every vertex v (not a,b) { if PATH(a,v, d/2) and PATH(v,b, d/2) then } return FALSE 2 3 1 4 (a,b,c)=Is there a path from a to b, that takes no more than c steps. Here is a simulation of the algorithm on a simple example. (1,4,3)(1,3,2)(2,3,1)TRUE (1,4,3)(2,4,1)FALSE (1,4,3)(1,2,2) (1,4,3)(1,3,2)TRUE (1,4,3)(2,4,1) (1,4,3)(1,2,2)TRUE (1,4,3) TRUE (1,4,3) (1,4,3)(1,3,2)(1,2,1) (1,4,3)(3,4,1)TRUE (1,4,3)(1,3,2)(2,3,1) (1,4,3)(3,4,1) (1,4,3)(1,3,2) (1,4,3)(1,3,2)(1,2,1)TRUE 3Log2(d) Complexity ©D.Moshkovits
O(log2n)-Space DTM for NL
To solve CONN: call PATH(s,t,|V|) Proof (Lemma, end): To solve connectivity, one can simply apply the algorithm with a number of vertexes and the length of the path. Now that we have proven the Theorem for NL, we need to extend it to general classes. Namely, show that for every space bound, the cost of translating a non-deterministic algorithm to a deterministic one is quadratic.
Scaling up Have: NL SPACE(log2n) Want:
S(n) log n NSPACE(S(n)) SPACE(S2(n)) Want: To solve connectivity, one can simply apply the algorithm with a number of vertexes and the length of the path. Now that we have proven the Theorem for NL, we need to extend it to general classes. Namely, show that for every space bound, the cost of translating a non-deterministic algorithm to a deterministic one is quadratic.
Scale up For any two space constructible functions s1(n), s2(n) logn, e(n) n: Claim: NSPACE[s1(n)] SPACE[s2(n)] If NSPACE[s1(e(n))] SPACE[s2(e(n))] Then We show a more general principle, that any such relation between models and bounds can be scaled up with a super linear extension function. The extension function scales up both bounds. This technique is simple yet tricky and is referred to as the padding argument.
Padding argument Proof:
For L NSPACE[s1(e(n))], let Le = {X #e(|x|)-|x| | XL}; Proof: Le NSPACE[s1(n)] DSPACE[s2(n)] Claim 1: M’ of s2(n)-DSPACE for Le Hence M of s2(e(n))-DSPACE for L Claim 2: Premise M’ counts |X| and #’s to ensure proper form, then treat # as _ The padding argument goes as follows: given a language L, accepted by a non-deterministic TM, define the language Le that comprises all strings in L padded with the appropriate number of #. That padding makes the language Le in the appropriate non-deterministic class. Now, one can apply the containment of the premise and obtain a determined TM for Le. This deterministic TM verifies that the number of #’s is appropriate with respect to the size of the “real" input. One can in turn, given only the real input, simulate this machine maintaining a counter of the number of #’s, and letting the TM work as if the appropriate number of #’s is appended to the real input. M simulates M’ and “cheats” it to “see” e(|X|)-|X| extra #’s
Corollary Next padding argument
Simulation of Non-deterministic space-bounded computation does not incur very large overhead Next A basic problem complete for PSPACE padding argument
Instance: a fully quantified Boolean formula Decision Problem: Is true? EG xyz[(xyz)(xy)] TQBFPSPACE Theorem: A poly-space algorithm A that evaluates : if is quantifier-free return its value if =x.(x,..) return A((0,..))A((1,..)) if =x.(x,..) return A((0,..))A((1,..)) Proof: Variables` range is {0,1}
Algorithm for TQBF 1 1 1 1 1 xy[(xy)(xy)] y[(0y)(0y)]
(00)(00) (01)(01) (10)(10) (11)(11) 1 1 Complexity ©D.Moshkovits
TQBF is PSPACE-Complete
TQBF is PSAPCE-hard Theorem: On board Proof: LM x1x2x3…[…]
So far Simulation of Non-deterministic space-bounded computation does not incur very large overhead, complete problems Next What about complementation? NL vs. coNL We have just seen that enhancing space-bounded computation with non determinism does not make it so much stronger. Next, we look at another aspect by which non determinism for space bounded computations has a limited effect.
NON-CONN As CONN is NL-Complete NON-CONN Instance:
A directed graph G and two vertices s,tV Decision Problem: Is there no path from s to t? NON-CONN is coNL-Complete. Observation: As CONN is NL-Complete Let us first define the non-connectivity problem, which is simply the complement of the connectivity problem. Non-connectivity is clearly coNL-complete, therefore, it represents the entire coNL class. It follows, that if we show non-connectivity is in NL, we’ve proven NL=coNL. What if we prove non-CONN is in NL?
Immerman/Szelepcsényi: coNL = NL
Non-CONN NL Theorem: Proof: Describe an NL-verifiable witness W that there is no st reachable(G) { v | sv } Def let G–t (V, E - V{t} ) #reachable(G) = #reachable(G–t) Witness: #reachable(G) = r Suffice: reachablel { v | sv of length l } rl=#reachablel Base: r0=1 Induction: To show that non-connectivity is in NL, we can use the witness formulation of NL, where the TM can read a witness of membership, from left to write, and verify it indeed prove the input is in a given language. We define the set of reachable vertexes, namely those that can be reached by a directed path from the start vertex. To show there is no path from start to target, we can show that the size of the reachable set is the same for the graph and for the same graph only where all edges going into the target are removed. Hence, it is enough to verify a proof showing what is the number of reachable vertexes of a given graph (first have a proof for the graph, store that number, then verify a proof for the altered graph, and compare the two numbers). To verify that indeed the number of reachable vertexes is as claimed, the witness can be constructed inductively, over the length of the path. There is obviously exactly one vertex reachable within 0 steps. We’ll next see how to extend a witness, proving the number of reachable vertexes after l steps is Rl, into a witness for l+1, and so that if the prefix can be verified by a LOGSPACE TM then so is the entire witness. W#rl#
coNL = NL Induction step:
Extend an NL-verifiable witness W to “rl=#reachablel” to a witness to “rl+1=#reachablel+1”: Induction step: W#rl# /reachablel+1 $W1$ 1 … /reachablel+1 $W|V|$ |V| si of length l+1 Wi for ireachablel+1: Verify #{jreachablel} = rl W is the witness, proving that the number of reachable vertexes after l steps is Rl. Let us append to it an array of sub-witnesses, one for each vertex of the graph: the ith segment would first specify whether the ith vertex is or is not reachable within l+1 steps. Next, depending on that bit (and separated by $ signs) are the corresponding witnesses --- Assuming all sub-witnesses true, the verifier can count to see how many vertexes are reachable within l+1 steps. In case vertex i is reachable within l+1 steps, the witness would simply be a path from start to vertex i of length at most l+1. In case vertex i is not reachable within l+1 steps, the sub-witness dedicated for that ith vertex would itself be an array with every segment corresponding to a vertex of the graph. The bit for each vertex j corresponds to whether vertex j is reachable within l steps. Clearly, no vertex j reachable within l steps can have an edge to vertex i; the witness for vertex j reachable within l steps, would be simply a path from start to j of length at most l. If vertex j is not reachable within l steps the jth sub-witness is left empty. All sub-witnesses are clearly proving what they claim, and exist --- except for the witness that vertex j is not reachable within l steps. How then can the verifier be sure that’s true? The answer is the crux of the entire argument and is as follows: the NL TM verifies that the number of vertexes listed as reachable within l steps is exactly Rl, the number proven in W to be the number of reachable vertexes within l steps! Wi for ireachablel+1: /reachablel *Z1* 1 … /reachablel *Z|V|* |V| sj of length l Zj for jreachablel only if jiE: Zj for jreachablel: empty
N.D. Algorithm for reachs(v, l)
reachs(v, l) 1. length = l; u = s 2. while (length > 0) { 3. if u = v return ‘YES’ 4. else, for all (u’ V) { 5. if (u, u’) E nondeterministic switch: 5.1 u = u’; --length; break 5.2 continue } } 6. return ‘NO’ Takes up logarithmic space This N.D. algorithm might never stop Complexity ©D.Moshkovits
N.D. Algorithm for CRs CRs ( d ) 1. count = 0 2. for all uV {
3. countd-1 = 0 4. for all vV { 5. nondeterministic switch: 5.1 if reach(v, d - 1) then ++countd-1 else fail if (v,u) E then ++count; break 5.2 continue } 6. if countd-1 < CRs (d-1) fail 7.return count Assume (v,v) E Recursive call! Complexity ©D.Moshkovits
N.D. Algorithm for CRs parameter , C) CRs ( d 1. count = 0
2. for all uV { 3. countd-1 = 0 4. for all vV { 5. nondeterministic switch: 5.1 if reach(v, d - 1) then ++countd-1 else fail if (v,u) E then ++count; break 5.2 continue } 6. if countd-1 < fail 7.return count Main Algorithm: CRs C = 1 for d = 1..|V| C = CR(d, C) return C C parameter Complexity ©D.Moshkovits
Summary Defined space-complexity, in particular, the complexity classes: L, NL, coNP, PSPACE. Proved: Completeness: CONN for NL; TQBF for PSPACE Savitch’s theorem (NLSPACE(log2)) The padding argument (scaling up) Immerman’s theorem (NL=coNL)
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