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The Other America: 19.4 Topic/Objective: Why did millions of Americans live in poverty in the 1950’s? Essential Question: How does poverty continue to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Other America: 19.4 Topic/Objective: Why did millions of Americans live in poverty in the 1950’s? Essential Question: How does poverty continue to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Other America: 19.4 Topic/Objective: Why did millions of Americans live in poverty in the 1950’s? Essential Question: How does poverty continue to wreak havoc on America?

2 The Urban Poor American dream is… a dream!
¼ of Americans live below poverty level by 1962 Who are the poor? Elderly Single women and their children Minority groups (African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans)

3 White Flight Millions of middle-class whites leave cities for the suburbs Take precious economic resources and capabilities Isolate themselves from other races/social classes Rural poor migrate to inner cities in search of work Great Migration ( ): 5 million African Americans move from South to urban areas

4 The Inner Cities Suburban Americans largely unaware of poverty problem in cities Deny that U.S. could even have poverty! Turning point: Michael Harrington publishes The Other America: Poverty in the United States (1962) Poverty is widespread and brutal Inner cities have become dirty, crowded slums


6 Urban Renewal (or Decay)
National Housing Act of 1949 promises “a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family.” Rundown neighborhoods are torn down and low-income housing is built In a lot of cases, poor people are simply removed to allow building of shopping malls, parking lots, and sports stadiums


8 The Line In your notes, construct a Venn diagram that compares/contrasts poverty today vs. poverty in the 1950’s. How does America continue to experience a huge gap between affluent and nonaffluent people? What are the similarities/differences between the situation now and the situation of the 1950’s.

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