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Third Grade– KTA/Sureño

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade– KTA/Sureño"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade– KTA/Sureño
Curriculum Night Please sign in (back table) Check out volunteer opportunities Find your child’s desk Write a love note to your child (on desk) Check out our posters on whiteboards Third Grade– KTA/Sureño

2 A little bit about me I have two sons, Matthew (29) and Tim (23) plus one adorable mutt, Lindybelle (4 ½) My sons are the product of the Kyrene School District As a Kyrene “parent” I served on the PTO and Site Councils I have officially worked for KSD since 1999 This is my 9th year in third grade (my favorite grade!)

3 Literary Appreciation
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:40-7:55 Announcements 8:00-8:45 Extended Learning Library Music 8:45-9:00 Recess 8:45-9:45 Math 9:00-10:30 Dev. Reading 9:45-11:00 10:30-11:00 Language Arts 11:00-11:40 LUNCH 11:40-12:00 Literary Appreciation 11:40-12:15 Classroom Meeting 12:00-12:45 Computer Lab 21 PE Art 12:45-1:15 Reading IFG 1:15-2:30 2:30-2:35 Pack and Stack Friday Fun

4 Kyrene and KTA curriculum
Developmental Reading Reading, spelling, writing Reading comprehension and reading skills Math Science, Social Studies, Health Technology

5 Development Reading Spalding Harcourt Brace Junior Great Books
Spelling, phonics, grammar, handwriting Harcourt Brace Reading comprehension, reading skills, vocabulary Junior Great Books Fiction and Non fiction literature, reading comprehension, Socratic Method KSD, Six Traits Writing skills

6 Developmental Reading- Spalding
Phonograms Mastery of 87 phonograms Spelling notebook 30 words per week Part of homework starting 8/15 Handwriting Spalding handwriting Transition into cursive in January

7 Math Engage New York Engaging higher level thinking units
Investigations (IDS/Georgia) Hands-on activities Mathematical concepts and thinking Fosnot Hands-on, student centered, math units Saxon Structured, daily skills practice CGI problems Mathematical thinking and problem solving Math Journal

8 Different Ability Level
Same Skill Different Ability Level


10 Other subjects Health, Science, Social Studies Technology
KSD curriculum and materials- HIV/AIDS instruction in Spring Permission slip required for all 3rd graders Technology Computer Lab and classroom laptops and tablets Computer skills Microsoft Word PowerPoint presentations

11 What is Move on When Reading?
Arizona State statute requires screening of the reading ability of all students in kindergarten through third grade. The law, (A.R.S ) passed in 2010, states that when a third grade student scores far below the third grade level on AzMerit, they will not be promoted to fourth grade. Requires additional instruction or retention for students who are not meeting minimum requirements by the end of third grade. Exempt students include: ELL or LEP students who have received less than two years of English Instruction. Students with an IEP in Reading or Language and the student’s parent or guardian agrees that promotion is appropriate.

12 What is the identification process and timeline?
All students are screened using DIBELS by the end of August. Parents of students identified for intervention are contacted by their child’s teacher prior to Fall Parent-Teacher conferences. A parent-teacher conference is requested by the school to create an intervention plan. Mid-year progress Students reading progress is closely monitored and check-in points are identified. Interventions are updated as needed. End of Year Notification of 3rd grade promotion or retention occurs upon receiving results of AzMerit.

13 Homework: How it works Homework folder and homework agenda
Every day, Monday -Thursday Help and check, but don’t do it Extra projects (next slide) Missing homework/Signature SPARC room at lunch TIME…..Let’s discuss

14 Homework: What’s in it Math – some sort of practice. No new skills. First discussion – Why didn’t you ask/listen? Spelling/phonics – Spalding practice Writing activities – Sentences and other writing foundational skills Recitations – 4 a year Reading minutes – 80 minutes a week Includes reading together with your child


16 3 Projects due this Year Story Skeletons Book Report and Diorama
assigned on 9/26 due on 10/17 Book Report and Diorama assigned on 12/5 due on 1/18 Wax Museum – Research and Poster assigned on 3/14 due on 4/28

17 Discipline plan Positive plan – 3 B Coupons Bee Bucks – Classroom Cash
Consequences - Warning - Flip card to a 2 - SPARC SPARC (Student Preparation and Refocus Classroom) Complete homework or schoolwork Other grade-appropriate work

18 Parent volunteers 5 hour commitment to KTA PALS Program
In the Classroom Mystery Reader or Scientist Parties Working at school Cutting, laminating, stapling Working at home

19 How to help your child succeed
Breakfast! Sleep 9-11 hours per night! Homework Dialogue about the school day Five questions you should ask your child everyday What was the best part of your day? What did you do today to make someone happy? Was there anything hard about your day? Who did you spend time with today? What do you think you could do better tomorrow? The backpack Library books Papers coming home

20 Safety first Absent? Let us know Helping in the classroom? Sign in!
Attendance line Helping in the classroom? Sign in! Somebody else picking up? Let us know IS BEST…BUT IF I DON’T RESPOND CALL THE OFFICE

21 x x Other stuff Snacks Birthdays and other celebrations
No sugary snacks PLEASE Fruit, crackers trail mix Birthdays and other celebrations Party invitations not allowed x x

22 How we communicate Website
Newsletter – by , paper copy, on website Panther Press – by , paper copy Mail folder Notes Phone


24 A Word about Wax Museum

25 Kyrene Educational Resources

26 Follow KTA On Social Media
Facebook: Pull out your phones and follow us!

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