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Pregnancy and Maternity EHRC work programme September 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy and Maternity EHRC work programme September 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy and Maternity EHRC work programme September 2016
Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme Pregnancy and Maternity EHRC work programme September 2016

2 Presentation Research Recommendations
Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme Presentation Research Recommendations

3 Research Largest scale research of its kind - questionnaire and interviews

4 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme
The good news

5 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme
The bad news

6 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme

7 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme

8 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme

9 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme

10 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme

11 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme

12 Recommendations Leadership for change Improving employer practice
Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme Recommendations Leadership for change Improving employer practice Improving access to information and advice Improving health and safety Improving access to justice Monitoring progress

13 Scottish Government Commitments
Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme Scottish Government Commitments A new working group to create guidelines for employers to ensure best practice on recruitment, retention and development of pregnant workers Including best practice in managing pregnancy and maternity appropriately within the Scottish Business Pledge Strengthening employer advice to ensure that work environments are safe and healthy for pregnant women and new mothers, including providing employment rights information Improve public monitoring and reporting of pregnancy and maternity under the Scottish Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). Scottish Government have accepted the P&M recommendations and identified their own set of actions

14 Pregnancy and Maternity workplace programme
Contact details Rosie Wallbank Project Manager: Economy and Employment Phone:

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