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Memorandum of JICA training at Tokyo

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1 Memorandum of JICA training at Tokyo

2 Actual AWS situation PC/ UPS/ VSAT/ Sensors faults PC – 07 VSAT – 13
AWS Observations – 38 Stations 20 Principal Stations 18 Collaborative Stations At 4 stations instruments are not yet installed PC/ UPS/ VSAT/ Sensors faults PC – 07 VSAT – 13 Wind sensors – 09 Humidity sensors Data logger From a presentation(30th. Sep.) by D. A. JAYASINGHEARACHCHI

3 Ongoing improvements etc 1
About installation at 4 remained stations will be done with exchange of VSAT and anemometers. DOM has done 1 weekly cleaning and check at 20 Principal Stations, and DOM is going to implement overall check at 6 months interval (2 times at 1 year) Comparison of traditional observation data and AWS data is implemented and the data is sent also to Meisei co. Until full accomplishment of AWS-network, DOM considers the warranty period against defaults has been continuing. However, DOM implements basic maintenance to prevent AWS deterioration. From a presentation(30th. Sep.) by D. A. JAYASINGHEARACHCHI Plans for lightning (Sensors, PC, Logger) At now, each sensor has each grounding and it may increase risks for lightning. So Meisei changes the grounding wire of all sensors would be connected to the common grounding wire. And some observatories, Meisei will improve the ground earth to reduce grounding resistance. (Meisei?) To strengthen observatories against lightning, when lightning clouds approach to observatories, JMA changes their power supply to the power generator. It’s effective for lightning problems. (JMA) If frequently lightning damage the observatory, DOM may change the location of observatory. (JMA) Hearing at JMA, JMBSC, and phone calls.

4 Ongoing improvements etc 2
anemometer Through the gab between a bottom of sensor and a cable, moisture may slip into inside of the sensor. (Meisei) At southern islands of Japan, staffs have same kinds of troubles before. Such risk is higher at hot and humid cities compare to northern countries. To prevent such troubles, JMA staffs put grease or caulking materials several times. Such treat would be effective for anemometers’ error. (JMBSC) Hearing at JMA, JMBSC, and phone calls.

5 Inspection and standards 1
Pressure JMA has a standard and a traveling standard for RA II, and a (1) JMA staff visits DOM with carrying the traveling standard or (2) JMA ships the traveling standard to DOM and DOM implements comparison by themselves. Same kinds of inspection was done with Thailand NMS, and JMA RIC is willing to help such requirements. (JMA-RIC) Such calibration should be done under the pressure stable condition, and we have to compare 10 points in pressure ascending condition and another 10 points in pressure descending condition. Hearing at JMA, JMBSC, and phone calls.

6 Inspection and standards 2
Temperature and humidity JMA has a thermometer standard (Pt), a constant temperature reservoir (left), a mirror plate dew point meter (middle) and a constant humid reservoir. With using these facilities, JMA implements accurate comparison with standards. (JMA) If JMA staff has an opportunity to visit DOM, he or she can do an inspection at DOM. (JMA) Easy method About temperature, at first with shaved ice (right: thin plate ice in few millimeters) you calibrates your standard thermometer and then with plenty warmer water you calibrates another temperature. It would be rough but effective adjustment regarding thermometer inspection. At outside observatories, with using Athman dry-bulb temperature and wet-bulb hygrometer with a fan, you’d better check the temperature and humid. And when you find bigger errors compare to accepted range, you’d change instruments. Regular inspection and comparison is most important to keep observation accuracy. (JMBSC) Hearing at JMA, JMBSC, and phone calls.

7 Inspection and standards 3
Rain gage JMA check a rain-gage with 50mm water (1,571ml) at two intensity level 20mm/h and 80 mm/h. The rain gage can count from 97 to 103 with 50mm water, it could pass the inspection. At the inspection, JMA exchange a rain gage shaft and a shaft bearings and adjust shaft bearigs. (JMA) Easy method With using a siphon, you could inspection. Please refer to JMA guidebook. (JMA) Hearing at JMA, JMBSC, and phone calls.

8 If JICA or WMO supports your requests, we may be able to help your activities.
At first, AWS system normally has to start its observation. However, there may be another possibilities to help DOM. JICA project mainly targets to improve DOM forecast ability, however, it does not cover for using RADAR data, for constructing forecast system, for using GTS data, for using satellite data and for broadcasting meteorological data. If JICA or WMO can support such requirements, we can help your project.

9 Other Scopes Other scopes
(1) AWS/RADAR composite information system construction and technical skill transfer (2) training for Doppler RADAR data and NOWCAST forecast system construction and technical training (3) networking AWS, RADAR, forecast system (4) meteorological delivering system to TV companies and to other agencies.

10 ①② RADAR-AWS product RADAR AWS Re-calibrate RADAR data with AWS data
Contribute to flash flood and landslide information FT=60min JMA

11 ①② Doppler RADAR Forecast Rain Wind Wind shear Down burst Thunderstorm

12 ② Nowcast FT=0 Issued at 00,10,20, 30,40,50 min.
Beyond 1 hour later in 10 minutes interval Extrapolation method, geographical effect JMA FT=60min FT=30min

13 ⑥Short range forecast (6hours ahead)
Issued at 00, 30 min. Beyond 6 hours later in 1 hour interval Extrapolation method, geographical effect, Meso scale model FT=0 JMA FT=4hours FT=2hours

14 ⑦Soil Water Index for Landslides
JMA Rainfall and Runoff (1) Surface runoff (2) Surface layer runoff (3) Underground water runoff Index = summation of height of tank 1, 2, and 3

15 Tank Model JMA

16 ⑦Soil moisture forecast (6hours ahead)
Issued at 00, 30 min. Beyond 6 hours later in 1 hour interval Soil moisture and runoff are estimated with ‘Tank model’ Soil Moisture 1st. Tank 2nd. Tank JMBSC

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