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Ciência 2010 Lisboa, 4-7 Julho, 2010

Introduction Forest fires are perceived by the population of many parts of the World as one of the major and most recurring natural risks. Forest fires have the potential to destroy natural and socio economic resources and to threaten human life as well. Changing climatic conditions indicate that this problem can become even worse in the future, especially in some regions. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

To cope with this complex and multidisciplinary problem a common and sustained effort of the society is required. The scientific community must be part of this effort in a concerted and organized form. In some other countries there are national research programs dedicated to forest fires. It is amazing that this is not the case of Portugal. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

There is already a significant tradition of research in the field of forest fires that is recognized internationally. Unfortunatelly this research community is not well organized and supported in order to cope with the dimension of the problem. The Consortium RISCOS aims to adress this challenge through its thematic area of Forest Fires that joins several members of the Consortium but it is open to the collaboration of other persons and institutions. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

Given the recent creation of the Consortium the activities of this Thematic Area are not still evident. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

6 Thematic Area of Forest Fires
Work Program for five years: WP 1 - Establishing the Context WP 2 - Risk Assessment WP 3 - Risk Treatment WP 4 - Monitoring and Review WP 5 - Communication and Consultation CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

Partnership Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, I. P. (LNEC) Instituto de Meteorologia, I.P. (IM) Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) Instituto Dom Luíz (IDL) INOV – INESC INOVAÇÃO (INOV) Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial (ADAI) Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial (INEGI) CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA) Centro de Geofísica de Évora (CGE) Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL) Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (UAvr-CESAM). Centro de Informática e Tecnologias de Informação (CITI) Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica – Polo de Coimbra (ISR-UC) CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

DEIMOS Engenharia SA (DEIMOS) Empresa de Serviços e Desenvolvimento de Software, SA (EDISOFT) TECMIC – Tecnologias de Microelectrónica, SA (TECMIC) CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

10 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires
Topics of Research There are many topics to deal with the problem of forest fires, associated to their various stages namely: Before the fire Land planning and fire management organization Forest management to prevent fires Risk assessment, management and reduction Fire detection and alarm Socio-economic constraints Training. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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During the fire Fire ignition and propagation Fire suppression Fire safety Urban Wildland Interface CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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After the fire: Assessment of damage to fauna, flora, soil, water and atmosphere Recovery of burned areas Recovery of socio-economic activities. Each one of these activities involve several topics, most of them of an inter-disciplinar nature. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

13 Examples of Research Activities
In order to illustrate the relevance of this reresearch area I will present some examples: Extreme fire behaviour in canyons The 2009 Fires in Victoria (Australia) Training of fire fighters. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

14 Extreme fire behaviour in canyons
One of the main problems in forest fires is when they spread in extreme conditions: fire behaviour models work poorly, fire suppression is inneficient and fire safety is in jeopardy. One of such cases is the eruptive fire behaviour in canyons that has been responsible for the large majority of fatal accidents in the World. My team studied this problem and proposed a solution that is now accepted and used by the international community. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

15 Forest Fire Research Laboratory (Lousã)
2004 CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

16 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires
Fire spread in canyons 3 m CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

17 Rate of spread change with time
Comparison between an analytical model and results of the rate of spread R’ as a function of time. Tests with pine needles. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

18 Extension of the model to other fuels
Eruptive behaviour of the fire for various fuels: Herbaceous Litter Shrubs CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Mortágua - Portugal 28 February 2005 CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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4 Fire Fighters of Coimbra killed CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Famalicão da Serra 6 9 July 2006 CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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The 2009 Fires in Victoria In the beginning of February 2009, following a period of drought and a heat wave without precedent, several fires started in Victoria, Southern Australia. On the 7th February, new fires started after mid day agravating the situation. With winds of the order of 60 to 90 km/h these fires quickly became catastrophic. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

23 The main fires of 7th January

24 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires
In less than 10 hours these fires destroyed more than hectares of forest and killed 178 persons, all of them civilians. This is one of the worst fire related disasters that occurred in modern times. Unfortunatelly it may not be a unique event. We have to learn from these disasters and be better prepared to face them. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

25 The main fires on the 7 de February
Name Hour Área (Ha) Victims Houses Bunyip (4 Fev.) Kilmore 11:49 90.000 121 1.244 Horsham 12:26 2.200 68 Coleraine 12:36 775 1 Pomborneit 13:17 1.300 Churchill 13:33 24.500 11 247 Murrindindi 15:00 39 590 Redesdale 15:11 9.500 Narre Warren 15:32 7 Bendigo 16:34 330 58 Beechworth 18:09 31.000 2 29 CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Most victims died inside or near their houses CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Pine Ridge Road CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Range of fire line intensities that can be produced by forest fires. Effective fire suppression can be achieved in the lower part of the spectrum. Range of intensities for wich fire behaviour is not feasible with present day tools CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Lessons learned CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

31 Training of Fire Fighters
In Portugal the results of the research community are being transferred to the operational institutions. Unfortunately this is not a very general and sustained process and more effort should be put to integrate science in operational decisions. One example that we give is the protocol that ADAI team has with the Fire Brigade School (Escola Nacional de Bombeiros) that uses our Laboratory for their training. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Training of fire fighters at the Fire Laboratory in cooperation with the National Fire Brigade School. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

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Conclusion In Portugal there is a build up research community in forest fires, with experience and international recognition. We need to coordinate our expertise and to work in collaboration with the national and local authorities to help to face this problem. The Consortium RISCOS is a good platform to join these efforts and the problem is too much important for the authorities to ignore them. CiÊNCIA 2010 RISKS CONSORTIUM – Forest Fires

34 Forest Fires - Partners

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