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Y3 Multiplication Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Y3 Multiplication Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Y3 Multiplication Workshop
First and foremost I would like to say thank you for coming along. Your interest in your child’s learning really does make a difference.

2 Multiplication vocabulary
Key vocabulary: groups of, lots of, times, array, altogether, multiply, count, multiplied by, repeated addition, commutative, equal groups, times, partition, grid method, multiple, product.

3 On tables: counters, straws, whiteboards, pens, numicon, cuisinaire , pyramids, multiplication grids.

4 Key skills for multiplication:
When arriving Y3 children should already recall and use multiplication facts for the 2 ,5, and 10 multiplication tables. On leaving Y3 children should also recall and use multiplication facts for the 3,4 and 8 multiplication tables. * Multiply whole numbers by 10 and 100.

5 Using repeated addition
4x6=24 6x4=24 9x4= x9=36 Understand that multiplication is commutative.

6 Bead strings numicon cuisinaire Straws numberlines counters

7 Use a chosen method to calculate Challenge 1 8x4= Challenge 2 6x8= Challenge 3 14x4

8 9x4= x9=36 36÷4= ÷9=4 Can you draw an array and write 2 corresponding multiplications and divisions: Challenge 1 – 4x3= Challenge 2 4x8= Challenge 3- We need 32 chairs set out in the hall; how many ways can they be set out. You must PROVE your answers.

9 Solve missing number equations using the inverse operation
 x 5 = x  =  x  = 32 Solve missing number equations using the inverse operation What equipment might you use? Solve the above.

10 20 4 5 32 4 8 18 3 6 32 8 4 32 2 16 Answers 32 16 2 32 4 8

11 10x3= 30 3x3=9 30+9=39

12 Bead strings numicon cuisinaire
Straws numberlines counters Equipment

13 Written multiplication
Introduce the grid method X 10 3 30 9 Introduce the grid method with children physically making an array to represent the calculation (e.g. make 8 lots of 23 with 10s and 1s place value counters), then translate this to grid method format

14 Can you calculate: Challenge 1 – 4x12= using arrays, equipment and multiplication grid. Challenge x24= arrays and multiplication grid -may need some support. Challenge Max was building a model go- kart. The instructions said he needed 8 lengths of string. Each length was 24cm. What total length of string did Max need. Prove and explain your answer.

15 Challenge 1 – 4x12= 48 Challenge 2 4x24= 96 Challenge 3 8x 24= 192 X
10 2 4 40 8 40+8=48 X 20 4 80 16 80+16=96 X 20 4 8 160 32 160+32=192

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