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1st Quarter 2017 ISN Table of Contents

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1 1st Quarter 2017 ISN Table of Contents
Left Side Items Even Page # Right Side Items Odd Notebook Cover Table of Contents 1 ISN In/Output 2 Cornell Notes 3 Costa’s Levels of ? 4 Lang. Scripts 5 World Map 6 GRAPES of History 7 My GRAPES 8 G of GRAPES – Mr. Help 9 Diamante Poem 10 R of GRAPES – Religion 11 Ancient Achievements 12 A of GRAPES – Achievem’t 13 M, D, R Comics 14 P of GRAPES- Politics/Gov’t 15 T, D, A, O Comics 16 Politics/Government 17 Surplus Benefits 18 E of GRAPES- Economics 19 CMS Pyramid 20 S of GRAPES- Soc. Structure 21

2 R - RELIGION The purpose of religion is the worship of god, gods or spirits. There are two types of religion. Polytheistic religion believes in a bunch of gods. Usually in polytheistic religions certain gods are associated with specific things, like war or love. Poly means more than one. Theism is the belief in a god or gods. Monotheistic religion believes in one god. The one god controls the universe. Mono means one. Theism is the belief in one god.

3 DIAMANTE POEM What is it? A diamante poem is a 7-line poem using centered spacing. It does not have to rhyme but each line uses specific types of words like adjectives and action verbs. It will be about two opposite topics.   How Does It Work?            Line 1: one noun that is contrasting to line 7 POLYTHESTIC Line 2: two adjectives that describe line 1 Line 3: Three action verbs (–ing) that relate to line 1 Line 4: Four nouns first 2 nouns relate to line 1 last 2 nouns relate to line 7 Line 5: Three action verbs (-ing) that relate to line 7 Line 6: two adjectives that describe line 7 Line 7: one noun that is contrasting to line 1 MONOTHESTIC

4 Example of Diamante Poem

5 A – ACHIEVEMENTS Scientific
An achievement is a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill. Scientific Study human body Medicine Astronomy Technology (fire to complex machines), Math (counting systems to geometry),   Domestication of Animals (depend & usage) Agriculture- use of water (irrigation, baths, tools) Architecture- use of land (farmland, housing, protection, structure)  

Roles of Men vs. Women Ceremonial Rituals Language Social Classes/Structure Calendars Trade

Government is the form or system of rule by which a group of people are governed. Forms of Government: Monarchy – A government where supreme authority is bestowed in a single and usually hereditary (bloodline) figure, such as a king, queen, emperor, empress. Democracy – A government that is “ruled by the people.” The people elect representatives to govern themselves. Republic – A government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers.

For Monarchy, Democracy, and Republic illustrate 1) who is in power and 2) how did they achieve power on page 14. Select ONE of the following ways to illustrate- WHO? and HOW? Two frame comic strip for each government -WHO? and HOW? OR 2) Two symbols to represent each government

Forms of Government: Theocracy - a government where priests or officials who are regarded as being prominent in a particular religion. Dictatorship – a government where the power rests entirely on one person or a group of persons usually by inheritance or force Anarchy – A state of absence of law: disorder and confusion from a lack of government. Oligarchy – A government ruled by the few; power effectively rests with a fraction of people or families with common interests.

For Theocracy, Dictatorship, Anarchy and Oligarchy illustrate 1) who is in power and 2) how did they achieve power on page 16. Select ONE of the following ways to illustrate- WHO? and HOW? Two frame comic strip for each government -WHO? and HOW? OR 2) Two symbols to represent each government

11 E of GRAPES- ECONOMY Economy - the wealth and resources of a civilization, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. Surplus – more than what is needed Trade - the action of buying and selling goods and services. Specialized jobs - Someone or something that is specialized and is trained or developed for a particular purpose or area of knowledge Resources - a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. Products - an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale

Social structure refers to the way society is organized. Ways of Organizing Society (People): Status & power Family structures & roles girls boys men women Educational system Opportunities to move up in society Lifestyles

Create a social pyramid that represents the people of CMS. Rank those at the top, the middle, and the bottom. Think about the way you are organizing the CMS society.

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