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Unified Butterfly Recorder 4: iOS

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1 Unified Butterfly Recorder 4: iOS
May 16-14: Mason Berhenke - Blake Burns - Yujin Kok Kyle Long - Matt McKillip - Eric Soland - DJ Todd Client: Reiman Gardens, Nathan Brockman – Anita Westphal Advisor: Dr. Diane Rover Introduction Using the App Butterflies are an indicator species, meaning they can help gauge the effect of environmental changes, whether that be negative, positive, natural, or manmade. An Android application was created in 2013 by a senior design group, and an iOS application was started, but never finished in Through the demand for an iOS app growing and newer technologies arising came the creation of our team. Problem Solution iOS users are unable to utilize UBR unless they had an extra Android device. Currently, the system requires old-fashion pen and paper which is slow, tedious, and prone to more errors. An iOS app was previously attempted and was not completed. Create an iOS application for UBR. The application will mimic the functionality of the Android application including custom lists, different survey types, and more. If ready, the application would also integrate with the planned UBR Server to allow easy importing/exporting. Home Page Survey Creation View completed / running surveys Add survey details Architecture iOS Diagram Apple encourages developers to follow Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern User storage handled through Realms database Importing and exporting data through Google Drive API Apple device sensors provide location and camera API's Butterfly List Records Map View Select butterflies from list View recorded sightings View sightings on map Design Requirements Functional Non-Functional Implement Android functionality Support multiple survey types Allow user to input custom lists Export surveys to Google Drive Sign in through Google OAuth UI will be simple to learn and use Survey process will be faster than paper Incidental sightings will take less than 15 seconds to input The app will support different languages Tools and Frameworks iOS Development with Xcode 7 Using Realms to store butterfly survey data Crashalytics and Fabric for Beta testing OpenWeatherMap API for weather data Development Testing Automated UI testing through Xcode Beta testing through Fabric Team Management Agile Development User-story tracking through Trello Code reviews and verification through GitHub Trello Story-based development Short (2 week) sprints Beginning/End of sprint meetings Communication Slack Google Hangouts Push builds and receive crash reports Over 20 users with testing access Bi-Weekly meetings with client to discuss feedback

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