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Thailand’s Country Report

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1 Thailand’s Country Report
Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond Deputy Secretary – General Commission on Higher Education Ministry of Education, Thailand Commission on Higher Education

2 Commission on Higher Education
Presentation Outline Higher Education Profile Recent Developments Drivers for Change Future Directions May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

3 Higher Education Institutions
May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

4 Distribution of Higher Education Institutions
Bangkok North Central Northeast South East No. of HEIs. 48 (29%) 24 (15%) 31 (19%) 32 22 (13%) 8 (5%) May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

5 Commission on Higher Education
Numerology May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

6 Commission on Higher Education
Numerology Level of Education Number Percentage Lower than Bachelor 57,254 2.79% Bachelor 1,774,315 86.59% Diploma 18,215 0.90% Masters’ 182,210 8.89% Post Graduate Diploma 764 0.04% Doctoral 16,246 0.79% Total 2,048,997 100% Source: Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Thailand May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

7 Numerology

8 Recent Developments: Reform of HE System
National Education Act 1999 Operation of HEIs by Government agencies, local administrative bodies, and private organizations Lower than Bachelor Higher Education Level Bachelor Level Academic and advanced professional development Research undertaking Bureaucratic administration HE administration system Autonomous administration Ministry of University Affairs Commission on Higher Education May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

9 University Governance: Public HEIs
University as a governmental unit Subsidized by the government Personnel, financing and general administration complied with bureaucratic system Autonomous HEIs University defining own administrative system Enjoying full autonomy through the approval of university’s council Funded by government and self- generated income Traditional HEIs May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

10 University Governance: Private HEIs
Having authority to provide HE equivalent to public HEIs Operation cost from their own revenue Monitored and evaluated by CHE Private Higher Education Act 2003

11 Access, Equity and Lifelong Learning
CHE Student Loan Fund TCU Community Colleges May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

12 Commission on Higher Education
Quality: Policy Develop QA System and Mechanisms Encourage HEIs to develop Internal QA Formulate Guiding Principles & Directions Provide Mechanisms for Quality Audit & Assessment May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

13 National Higher Education Standards
Suitable characteristics of Thai graduates as Thai and global citizens Standard 2: Education delivery mode Standard 3: Guidelines for the establishment of learning organization and knowledge society May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

14 QA System: the Connection between the Internal and External Education Quality Assurance
Internal Quality Assurance External Quality Assurance Institution’s Performance Institution’s Internal Assessment Visits Annual Report Report on the result of assessment Follow-up Feedback Feedback May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

15 QA System: Accreditation and Standards
Ed. Standards Public HEIs Private HEIs Pre - Accreditation by CHE Post - Accreditation by CHE’s Subject Committees University Council May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

16 National Qualifications Framework
Ethical and moral development Knowledge NQF domains of learning outcomes Cognitive skills Analytical and communication skills Inter-personal and responsibility skills May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

17 Enhancement of Research and Innovation
Strategic Scholarships Fellowship Frontier Research Networks Centers of Excellence Research and Innovation for Tech. Transfer to the Rural Communities Project UBI TLOs May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

18 Internationalization
Int’l Environment in Teaching and Learning Process Quality International Programs Foreign Students Student and Staff Mobility UMAP GMS DUO - Thailand ASEAN Integration Preparation for the ASEAN Community Strengthen closer collaboration with ASEAN member countries May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

19 Commission on Higher Education
Drivers for Change Global/Regional Context Liberalization of Trade in Services ASEAN Community by 2015 National Context Demographic Change Future Employment May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

20 Commission on Higher Education
Future Directions: shaped by the 2nd 15-year Long Range Plan on Higher Education ( ) Roadmap of the Plan Articulation of University System with Basic and Vocational Education Reform of university education system Good Governance University Role in enhancing Country’s Competitiveness HE Financing University Staff Development Networking of Universities HE Plan for Southern Thailand Learning Infrastructure for University Education May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

21 Commission on Higher Education
ขอบคุณ Thank you Terima Kasih Salamat Cám ơn Merci Danke Commission on Higher Education Ministry of Education 328 Si Ayutthaya Road, Bangkok Thailand Tel: Fax: May 28, 2018 Commission on Higher Education

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