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At Downton CE Primary School we believe children learn best when they are happy, supported and their work is valued. This agreement is to support those.

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Presentation on theme: "At Downton CE Primary School we believe children learn best when they are happy, supported and their work is valued. This agreement is to support those."— Presentation transcript:

1 At Downton CE Primary School we believe children learn best when they are happy, supported and their work is valued. This agreement is to support those aims by sharing an outline of roles and responsibilities between the school, parents and children. The child: I will always try my best. I will respect others. I will be a responsible member of the school community. I will look after books and equipment needed for lessons including my PE and games kit. I will try to join in with the lessons at school and I will share my learning with my parents. If I am worried I will talk to my teacher or to another adult in school. I will take pride in my appearance and will wear my school uniform correctly. Signed:…………………………………………………… The Family. I/We will endeavour to: Support our child’s learning, including ensuring the completion of any homework set. Encourage our child to read and to hear him/her read on a regular basis. Support the school in promoting Equality (racial, ethnicity, religious, gender, disability and SEN). Respond to any reasonable request by the school to discuss our child’s education. Ensure regular attendance and inform the school promptly of the reason for any absence. Demonstrate a high standard of punctuality and ensure that children are in class ready to start lessons on time each day. Ensure our child has what he/she needs to take a full part in all activities. Provide our child with a healthy lunch if they don’t have a school dinner. Comply with the school’s Uniform Code. Ensure that the school has a reliable point of contact - a member of the family or a designated responsible adult and let the school knows if this changes. Inform the school of any concerns, both at home and at school, which may affect our child. Support school initiatives that have been agreed after consultation. Parent: Signed:……………………………………… Name:……………………………………………. Dated:……………. The School. We will endeavour to: Provide a safe, caring environment, which supports children in their learning. Have clear aims and learning objectives for all pupils. Respond to different children’s learning styles. Demonstrate that each and every child is valued as an individual. Inform you at an early stage of any concerns we may have so that you can discuss and become involved in any matter relating to your child. Ensure we are available, by prior arrangement, to discuss your child’s well-being and progress. Provide opportunities for you to express your views on school issues and have those views listened to. Treat all members of the school community fairly, and encourage children to do likewise. Have a Single Equality Policy, report all racial incidents and challenge racial stereotyping. Educate the children so that they can make a healthy lifestyle choice. Provide a range of opportunities so that the children learn to enjoy regular exercise. Make every effort to ensure that school policies are understood and followed by staff, children and parents.  For the school: Signed: ………………………. Date: …………………… Parents should be aware that any defamatory remarks made on any social media site, where a member of staff is named, may result in the police being informed. Please note that all staff should be treated with respect at all times. The Governors will not tolerate any verbal abuse towards staff by parents/carers. This could include aggressive behaviour such as swearing, shouting, standing in personal space, intimidating and/or gesticulating at a teacher. In the rare event of this occurring, Governors will write to the parents concerned. In the event of any physical assault, the police will be informed.

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