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Jeopardy 20 Squares Start.

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1 Jeopardy 20 Squares Start

2 Final Jeopardy Question
Policies People War U.S. Issues During WWI Hodge Podge 10 20 30 40 Click and highlight the Category, then type in your own topic. Final Jeopardy Question

3 This Policy secured trade opportunities in China.
“Open Door Policy” This Policy secured trade opportunities in China. Back to the Game Board 10 Point Question

4 20 Point Question Dollar Diplomacy
President Taft’s policy intended to encourage U.S. investment in Latin American businesses. Back to the Game Board 20 Point Question

5 Military Base The policy of Imperialism enabled the U.S. to control the islands of Hawaii for this strategic purpose. Back to the Game Board 30 Point Question

6 40 Point Question Latin America
President Roosevelt’s foreign policy served to increase U.S. involvement in this region and helped create the Panama Canal. Back to the Game Board 40 Point Question

7 Alvin York He was the most decorated soldier in WWI, Medal of Honor recipient, fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Back to the Game Board 10 Point Question

8 20 Point Question John J. Pershing
He was a graduate of West Point, fought in the Spanish-American War, pursued Pancho Villa, and led the American Expeditionary Forces in WWI. Back to the Game Board 20 Point Question

9 30 Point Question Sanford B. Dole
He is accredited for the expansion of U.S. power by working for the annexation of Hawaii as a state. Back to the Game Board 30 Point Question

10 40 Point Question Alfred Thayer Mahan
He wrote a book that helped identify the need to protect U.S. foreign territories with a strong Navy. Back to the Game Board 40 Point Question

11 10 Point Question Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
These new territories are the result of U.S. victory in the Spanish-American War. Back to the Game Board 10 Point Question

12 20 Point Question Spanish-American War
Sinking of the USS Maine, the Rough Riders, Cuba’s liberation, and the acquisition of Guam and Puerto Rico are results of this war. Back to the Game Board 20 Point Question

13 U.S. Military Superiority
The Spanish-American War helps the U.S. emerge into a position of world power by exhibiting this over European colonial power. Back to the Game Board 30 Point Question

14 The historical significance of the year 1898.
Spanish-American War began The historical significance of the year 1898. Back to the Game Board 40 Point Question

15 10 Point Question Zimmerman Telegram
This intercepted encrypted telegram encouraging an alliance between Germany and Mexico. Back to the Game Board 10 Point Question

16 Censoring U.S. mail After declaring war on Germany, the U.S. government started this at home to prevent treason. Back to the Game Board 20 Point Question

17 Entangling Alliances, namely the League of Nations
U.S. Senate declined ratification (signing) of the Treaty of Versailles because of this reason. Back to the Game Board 30 Point Question

18 40 Point Question Industrial and Agricultural
These two U.S. economic industries were stimulated in both the Spanish-American War and WWI. Back to the Game Board 40 Point Question

19 10 Point Question Warfare Aircraft Carriers Hydrophones
Pilotless Drones Mobile X-rays Depth Charges Stainless Steel The listed inventions were all created in order to address specifics needs brought out by this. Back to the Game Board 10 Point Question

20 Airplane This invention was used for spying behind enemy lines, changed for aerial support and eventually aerial fighting. Back to the Game Board 20 Point Question

21 30 Point Question Machine Guns
Trench warfare was developed to help protect troops against this WWI weapon. Back to the Game Board 30 Point Question

22 40 Point Question U.S. Entering WWI
The Espionage Act, Selective Service Act, Taxes, sale of Bonds, and new government agencies were all in response to this. Back to the Game Board 40 Point Question

23 Final Jeopardy Question
The territorial changes identified on the map is a direct result of this. The Treaty of Versailles

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