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The Roaring 20s & Great Depression

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring 20s & Great Depression"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roaring 20s & Great Depression
Chapters 13 & 14

2 Life in the 1920s Rural way of life vs. Urban way of life Prohibition
18th Amendment Volstead Act Illegal Activity Organized Crime

3 Science vs. Religion Fundamentalism The Scopes Trial Why?
Clarence Darrow William J. Bryan Result?

4 Women 19th Amendment Double Standard The Work Force Family Life
Flappers The Work Force Family Life

5 Education & Entertainment
School Enrollment News and Radio Heroes Music, Movies, Sports, and Literature Charles Lindbergh

6 Harlem Renaissance Great Migration NAACP & UNIA
Life in the North NAACP & UNIA Marcus Garvey Upper West Side of Manhattan, NYC Langston Hughes Jazz

7 Getting Depressed Industries in trouble Farmers
Price-supports Consumers and their Credit What happens now? Difference between Poor and Rich

8 Herbert Hoover Election of 1928
Alfred Smith “Chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” What he doesn’t realize is, …?

9 The Stock Market Dow Jones Industrial Average Black Tuesday
Speculation and Buying on Margin Black Tuesday Banks and Businesses Effects around the World Smoot-Hawley Tariff What was the cause of this?

10 In the Cities and on the Farm
Shantytowns The Dust Bowl Direct Relief Psychological Effects

11 Handling the Situation
Hoover’s Philosophy Hoover’s Plan(s) Boulder Dam Change of Plans Direct Intervention 1930 Congressional Elections

12 The Patman Bill What is it? The “Bonus Army”
Hoover’s response The election of 1932 will be one of the easiest ever

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